Board Regular
- Joined
- Dec 13, 2011
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Hi All,
I have some code which is trying to do the following:
I have an excel workbook with a list of the end part of a hyperlink in column A. I want the code for each cell selected to
go to the webpage of the complete hyperlink using the currently instance of IE running
Copy the webpage
Add a worksheet to the workbook (dont require renaming of the worksheet)
copy the page to the new worksheet and repeat until all of the selected cells have had their respective webpage opened and copied (each webpage on a different worksheet).
The code I have nearly works but i am getting an error 438 object doesn't support this property or method at the 'Activeworksheet.select' line
Does anyone have any ideas to help me out?
I have some code which is trying to do the following:
I have an excel workbook with a list of the end part of a hyperlink in column A. I want the code for each cell selected to
go to the webpage of the complete hyperlink using the currently instance of IE running
Copy the webpage
Add a worksheet to the workbook (dont require renaming of the worksheet)
copy the page to the new worksheet and repeat until all of the selected cells have had their respective webpage opened and copied (each webpage on a different worksheet).
The code I have nearly works but i am getting an error 438 object doesn't support this property or method at the 'Activeworksheet.select' line
Does anyone have any ideas to help me out?
Public Sub Test()
Dim objWindow As Object
Dim objIEApp As Object
Dim objShell As Object
Dim objItem As Object
Dim y As Range
Dim IE As Object
Dim pageText As String
Dim page As Variant
For Each y In Selection
On Error GoTo Fin
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objWindow = objShell.Windows()
For Each objItem In objWindow
If LCase(objItem.FullName Like "*iexplore*") Then
Set objIEApp = objItem
End If
Next objItem
If objIEApp Is Nothing Then
Set objIEApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIEApp.Visible = True
End If
With objIEApp
.Visible = True
.Navigate "[URL="http://www.icbf.com/taurus/ahi_lab/ahi_lab_search.php?action=search&tag=&herd"]http://www.[/URL]google.com" & y
While Not .ReadyState = 4
.Document.all.q.Value = strTMP
End With
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error: " & _
Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Set objWindow = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
pageText = objIEApp.Document.body.innertext
page = Split(pageText, vbCr)
Range("A1").Resize(UBound(page)).Value = Application.Transpose(page)
Next y
End Sub