Copy Unhidden Cells as Table to Created New Word document XML format


Banned User
Mar 9, 2009
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Good Day All
I add Space After < to be posted as code
So please Ctrl + H and replace "< " with "<" to remove Space
My Problem is if Cells Merged or after Hidden Cells lost some side border color
Last edited:

Excel Facts

Workdays for a market open Mon, Wed, Friday?
Yes! Use "0101011" for the weekend argument in NETWORKDAYS.INTL or WORKDAY.INTL. The 7 digits start on Monday. 1 means it is a weekend.
Good Day All
I add Space After < to be posted as code
So please Ctrl + H and replace All "< " with "<" to remove Space ' reach 1252 replacements
My Problem is if Cells Merged or after Hidden Cells lost some side border color
Option Explicit
Sub createTableFromXmlCodes()

Call creatDocx(ActiveSheet, Range("C1:F5"))

End Sub
Sub createTableFromHTMCodes()

Call creatDoc(ActiveSheet, Range("C1:F5"))

End Sub
Public Function GetTable(WS As Worksheet, TblRng As Range)

Dim T As String
Dim StrHtm As String
Dim WB As Workbook: Set WB = ThisWorkbook
Dim Rng As Range, R As Range, Cell As Range, TblVisRng As Range
Dim TRA As String, TFP As String, TLP As String
Dim TBS(1 To 4) As String, BrdFC As String, BrdMFC As String
Dim TVRS(1 To 4) As Range, HorRng As Range, VarRng As Range
Dim TVRA As String, TVFP As String, TVLP As String
Dim TVRSE  As String, TVRSELP As String
Dim TVRSER(1 To 2) As Range
Dim Brd(7 To 12) As Border
Dim tblGrid As String, tblBorders As String, XMsoLnStl As String
Dim I As Long, TBClr As Long, TBwt As Long, TBstl As Long, EdgClr As Long, Rngwt As Long, Rngstl As Long, Count As Long
Dim IsTblBrdrSmlr(7 To 12) As Boolean, IsMrgSdSmlr(7 To 12) As Boolean
Dim HtmTbl As String, XmlTbl As String, TblClr As String, RngClr As String, TblLnStl As String, VerMerge As String, Mrg As String, gridSpan As String, XmlBorder As String
Dim MVRA As String, MVFP As String, MVLP As String, MBS(1 To 4) As String, MPBS As String, RWCt As Variant, ClCt As Variant, rowspan  As String, colspan  As String, FLRw As String, outside As String, insideh As String, insidev As String
Dim Hght As Long, Wdth As Long, Ort As Long
Dim XNm As String, XB As String, XI As String, Estrk As String, XFClr As String, XSize As String, XSup As String, XSubs  As String, Nm  As String, FClr As String, Xu As String, Xu2 As String, XF As String, P As String, Size As Long
Dim IsMrgBrdrSmlr(7 To 10) As Boolean
Dim TextDirection As String
Dim Edg As Variant, Proper As String, E As Long, Cnt As Long, StrNum As Long, LngthNum As Long
Dim IsRngBrdrSmlr As Boolean
Dim RwNum As Long, ClNum As Long, RC As Long, CC As Long, Wt As Long, TblWt As Long
Dim Path As String, TD As String, tc As String, RwClPan As String, Brdrs As String, msoBrdrs As String, Clr As String, XClr As String, BClr As String, Strclr As String, XStrclr As String, LnStl As String, XLnStl As String, MsoLnStl As String, BckGrnd As String, XBckGrnd As String, Ornt As String
Dim prgrph As String, XMLprgrph As String, valign As String, Align As String
Dim BrdEdg As Variant
Dim HA As Long, VA As Long, LnWt As Variant
Path = WB.Path & "\"

With WS

Set TblVisRng = TblRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
TRA = TblRng.Address     ' Tabl Rang Address
TFP = Split(TRA, ":")(0) ' Tabl Address First Part
TLP = Split(TRA, ":")(1) ' Tabl Address Last Part

    TVRA = TblVisRng.Address(False)     ' Tabl Visible Rang Address                 $X#
    TVFP = .Range(Split(Split(TVRA, ":")(0), ",")(0)).Address ' Tabl Visible Address First Part
    TVLP = .Range(Split(TVRA, "$")(UBound(Split(TVRA, "$")))).Address ' Tabl Visible Address Last Part

    TVRA = .Range(TVFP & ":" & TVLP).Address 'Rest Tabl Visible Rang Address with    $X$#
    TBS(1) = Replace(TVRA, Split(TVLP, "$")(1), Split(TVFP, "$")(1)) ' Table Border Left Side
    TBS(2) = Replace(TVRA, Split(TVLP, "$")(2), Split(TVFP, "$")(2)) ' Table Border Top Side
    TBS(3) = Replace(TVRA, Split(TVFP, "$")(2), Split(TVLP, "$")(2)) ' Table Border Bottom Side
    TBS(4) = Replace(TVRA, Split(TVFP, "$")(1), Split(TVLP, "$")(1)) ' Table Border Right Side
 Set TblVisRng = .Range(TVRA)
        For I = 1 To 4
             Set TVRS(I) = .Range(TBS(I)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        ' check out out Borders is similar
        For I = 1 To 4
            For Each R In TVRS(I)
            BrdFC = Split(Split(TBS(I), ":")(0), ",")(0)
                With R
                Set Brd(I + 6) = .Borders(I + 6)
                If .Address = BrdFC Or (Brd(I + 6).LineStyle <> xlNone And Brd(I + 6).Color = TBClr And Brd(I + 6).Weight = TBwt And Brd(I + 6).LineStyle = TBstl) Then
                IsTblBrdrSmlr(I + 6) = True
                IsTblBrdrSmlr(I + 6) = False: Exit For
                End If
                TBClr = Brd(I + 6).Color: TBwt = Brd(I + 6).Weight: TBstl = Brd(I + 6).LineStyle
                End With
       ' check out Hor Borders is similar
       Count = 0
        IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = True
        For Each R In TVRS(1)
        Set HorRng = .Range(Replace(TVRS(2).Address, Split(Split(Split(TBS(2), ":")(0), ",")(0), "$")(2), Split(R.Address, "$")(2)))
           For Each Cell In HorRng
           Count = Count + 1
            With Cell
            If .Row > Range(TFP).Row Then
            Set Brd(8) = .Borders(xlEdgeTop)
                If Count = 1 Or (Brd(8).LineStyle <> xlNone And Brd(8).Color = TBClr And Brd(8).Weight = TBwt And Brd(8).LineStyle = TBstl) Then
                IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = True
                IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = False: Exit For
                End If
                TBClr = Brd(8).Color: TBwt = Brd(8).Weight: TBstl = Brd(8).LineStyle
            End If
            End With
           If IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = False Then Exit For
' check out Var Borders is similar
        IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = True
        Count = 0
        For Each R In TVRS(2)
        Set VarRng = .Range(Replace(TVRS(1).Address, Split(Split(Split(TBS(1), ":")(0), ",")(0), "$")(1), Split(R.Address, "$")(1)))
           For Each Cell In VarRng
            With Cell
            If .Column > Range(TFP).Column Then
                Set Brd(7) = .Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
                Count = Count + 1
                    If Count = 1 Or (Brd(7).LineStyle <> xlNone And Brd(7).Color = TBClr And Brd(7).Weight = TBwt And Brd(7).LineStyle = TBstl) Then
                    IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = True
                    IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = False: Exit For
                    End If
                    TBClr = Brd(7).Color: TBwt = Brd(7).Weight: TBstl = Brd(7).LineStyle
            End If
            End With
           If IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = False Then Exit For
        If IsTblBrdrSmlr(7) = True And IsTblBrdrSmlr(8) = True And IsTblBrdrSmlr(9) = True And IsTblBrdrSmlr(10) = True Then
            With .Range(TVRA).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
                Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                TblClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                TblLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "Dot", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))

                outside = ";border:none;mso-border-alt:" & TblLnStl & " #" & TblClr & " " & Brd(7).Weight & "pt"
            End With
        End If
        If IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = True Then
            With TVRS(1).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
                Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                TblClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                TblLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "Dot", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
            End With
        insidev = ";mso-border-insidev:" & Brd(10).Weight & "pt " & TblLnStl & " #" & TblClr
        End If
        If IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = True Then
            With TVRS(2).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
                Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                TblClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                TblLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "Dot", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
            End With
        insideh = ";mso-border-insideh:" & Brd(9).Weight & "pt " & TblLnStl & " #" & TblClr
        End If
For I = 7 To 12
 IsTblBrdrSmlr(I) = True
    'just now start make Table
    BrdEdg = Split("left,top,bottom,right,insideV,insideH", ",")
    StrHtm = "< html xmlns:v=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml""" & vbNewLine & _
             " xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office""" & vbNewLine & _
             " xmlns:w=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word""" & vbNewLine & _
             " xmlns:m=""""" & vbNewLine & _
             " xmlns="""">" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & "< head>" & vbNewLine & _
             " < meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=windows-1252"">" & vbNewLine & _
             " < meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document>" & vbNewLine & _
             " < meta name=Generator content=""Microsoft Word 15"">" & vbNewLine & _
             " < meta name=Originator content=""Microsoft Word 15"">" & vbNewLine & _
             " < link rel=File-List href=""Doc1.files/filelist.xml"">" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & "< link rel=themeData href=""Doc1.files/themedata.thmx"">" & vbNewLine & _
                      "< link rel=colorSchemeMapping href=""Doc1.files/colorschememapping.xml"">" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & "< style>" & vbNewLine & "< !--" & vbNewLine & " /* Font Definitions */" & vbNewLine & " @font-face" & vbNewLine & "    {font-family:""Cambria Math"";" & vbNewLine & " panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;" & vbNewLine & "  mso-font-charset:0;" & vbNewLine & "    mso-generic-font-family:roman;" & vbNewLine & " mso-font-pitch:variable;" & vbNewLine & "   mso-font-signature:3 0 0 0 1 0;}" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & " /* Style Definitions */" & vbNewLine & " p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal" & vbNewLine & "  {mso-style-unhide:no;" & vbNewLine & "  mso-style-qformat:yes;" & vbNewLine & " mso-style-parent:"""";" & vbNewLine & " margin:0in;" & vbNewLine & "    margin-bottom:.0001pt;" & vbNewLine & " mso-pagination:widow-orphan;" & vbNewLine & "   font-size:12.0pt;" & vbNewLine & "  font-family:""Times New Roman"",serif;" & vbNewLine & " mso-fareast-font-family:""Times New Roman"";" & vbNewLine & "   mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast;}" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & "p.msonormal0, li.msonormal0, div.msonormal0" & vbNewLine & " {mso-style-name:msonormal;" & vbNewLine & " mso-style-unhide:no;" & vbNewLine & "   mso-margin-top-alt:auto;" & vbNewLine & "   margin-right:0in;" & vbNewLine & "  mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;" & vbNewLine & "    margin-left:0in;" & vbNewLine & "   mso-pagination:widow-orphan;" & vbNewLine & "   font-size:12.0pt;" & vbNewLine & "  font-family:""Times New Roman"",serif;" & vbNewLine & " mso-fareast-font-family:""Times New Roman"";" & vbNewLine & "   mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast;}" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & ".MsoChpDefault" & vbNewLine & "  {mso-style-type:export-only;" & vbNewLine & "   mso-default-props:yes;" & vbNewLine & " font-size:10.0pt;" & vbNewLine & "  mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt;" & vbNewLine & " mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;}" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & "@page WordSection1" & vbNewLine & "  {size:8.5in 11.0in;" & vbNewLine & "    margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;" & vbNewLine & "    mso-header-margin:.5in;" & vbNewLine & "    mso-footer-margin:.5in;" & vbNewLine & "    mso-paper-source:0;}" & vbNewLine
    StrHtm = StrHtm & "div.WordSection1" & vbNewLine & "    {page:WordSection1;}" & vbNewLine & "-->" & vbNewLine & "< /style>" & vbNewLine & "< /head>" & vbNewLine
    HtmTbl = StrHtm & HtmTbl & "< body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'>" & vbNewLine & "< div class=WordSection1 dir=RTL>" & vbNewLine & "< div align=left dir=ltr>" & vbNewLine & _
             "< table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='border-collapse:collapse" & outside & "; mso-yfti-tbllook:1184;mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" & insideh & insidev & "'>" & vbNewLine
    XmlTbl = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine
    XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< w:document xmlns:wpc="""" xmlns:cx=""""" & _
             " xmlns:cx1="""" xmlns:cx2=""""" & _
             " xmlns:cx3="""" xmlns:cx4=""""" & _
             " xmlns:cx5="""" xmlns:cx6=""""" & _
             " xmlns:cx7="""" xmlns:cx8=""""" & _
             " xmlns:mc="""" xmlns:aink=""""" & _
             " xmlns:am3d="""" xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office""" & _
             " xmlns:r="""" xmlns:m="""" xmlns:v=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml""" & _
             " xmlns:wp14="""" xmlns:wp=""""" & _
             " xmlns:w10=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"" xmlns:w=""""" & _
             " xmlns:w14="""" xmlns:w15=""""" & _
             " xmlns:w16cid="""" xmlns:w16se=""""" & _
             " xmlns:wpg="""" xmlns:wpi=""""" & _
             " xmlns:wne="""" xmlns:wps="""" mc:Ignorable=""w14 w15 w16se w16cid wp14"">" & vbNewLine
    XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< w:body>" & vbNewLine
     tblBorders = "< w:tblBorders>" & vbNewLine
     For I = 7 To 12
         With TblVisRng
             With .Borders(I)
              Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                     Clr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                     LnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "dashed", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                     XMsoLnStl = Replace(Trim(Replace(LnStl, "solid", "single")), "-", "")
                     Wt = IIf(.Weight > 0, .Weight, .Weight + 4141)
             tblBorders = tblBorders & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 7) & " w:val=""" & XMsoLnStl & """ w:color=""" & Clr & """ w:space=""0"" w:sz=""" & Wt * 6 & """/>" & vbNewLine
             End With
         End With
     tblBorders = tblBorders & "< /w:tblBorders>"
    tblGrid = "< w:tblGrid>" & vbNewLine 'compute Columns Width
            For Each Rng In TVRS(2)
                tblGrid = tblGrid & "< w:gridCol w:w=""" & Rng.Width * 20 & """/>" & vbNewLine
    tblGrid = tblGrid & "< /w:tblGrid>" & vbNewLine
        XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< w:tbl>" & vbNewLine & "< w:tblPr>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< w:tblStyle w:val=""a3""/>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< w:tblW w:w=""0"" w:type=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< w:tblCellMar>" & vbNewLine & _
                "< w:left w:w=""29"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                "< w:right w:w=""29"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< /w:tblCellMar>" & vbNewLine & _
            tblBorders & _
            "< w:shd w:val=""clear"" w:color=""auto"" w:fill=""FFFF00""/>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< w:tblLayout w:type=""fixed""/>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< w:tblLook w:val=""04A0"" w:noVBand=""1"" w:noHBand=""0"" w:lastColumn=""0"" w:firstColumn=""1"" w:lastRow=""0"" w:firstRow=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< /w:tblPr>" & vbNewLine & _

    For Each Rng In .Range(TVRA)
       Brdrs = "": msoBrdrs = ""
       LnStl = "": Clr = ""
    Wt = 0
        With Rng
            If .EntireColumn.Hidden = False And .EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
        RwNum = .Row - Range(TVFP).Row
        ClNum = .Column - Range(TVFP).Column
        Hght = .Height
            If .Row = Range(TVFP).Row Then
             FLRw = ";mso-yfti-firstrow:yes"    'First Row
            ElseIf .Row = Range(TVLP).Row Then
             FLRw = ";mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"     'Last Row
            FLRw = ""
            End If
                If .Column = Range(TVFP).Column Then ' start row HTML & Xml
                    HtmTbl = HtmTbl & "< tr style='mso-yfti-irow:" & .Row - Range(TVFP).Row & FLRw & ";height:" & Hght & "pt" & "'>" & vbNewLine
                    XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< w:tr w:rsidTr=""00226D8D"" w:rsidRPr=""00FB0C23"" w:rsidR=""00FB0C23"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:trPr>" & vbNewLine & "< w:trHeight w:val=""" & Hght * 20 & """/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:trPr>" & vbNewLine
                End If
                    T = ""
                    gridSpan = ""
'               Merge      Cells
                    If .MergeCells = True Then
                            Wdth = .MergeArea.Width

                        MVRA = .MergeArea.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address(False)        ' Merge Visible Rang Address    $X#
                        MVFP = Range(Split(Split(MVRA, ":")(0), ",")(0)).Address                ' Merge Visible Address First Part
                        MVLP = Range(Split(MVRA, "$")(UBound(Split(MVRA, "$")))).Address        ' Merge Visible Address Last Part
                        MVRA = WS.Range(MVFP & ":" & MVLP).Address 'Rest Tabl Visible Rang Address with    $X$#
                        MBS(1) = Replace(MVRA, Split(MVLP, "$")(1), Split(MVFP, "$")(1)) ' Table Border Left Side
                        MBS(2) = Replace(MVRA, Split(MVLP, "$")(2), Split(MVFP, "$")(2)) ' Table Border Top Side
                        MBS(3) = Replace(MVRA, Split(MVFP, "$")(2), Split(MVLP, "$")(2)) ' Table Border Bottom Side
                        MBS(4) = Replace(MVRA, Split(MVFP, "$")(1), Split(MVLP, "$")(1)) ' Table Border Right Side
                        MPBS = Replace(MBS(2), Split(Split(MBS(2), ":")(0), "$")(2), Split(.Address, "$")(2))
                        For I = 1 To 4
                            For Each R In WS.Range(MBS(I)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
                            BrdMFC = Split(Split(MBS(I), ":")(0), ",")(0)
                                With R
                                Set Brd(I + 6) = .Borders(I + 6)
                                If .Address = BrdMFC Or (Brd(I + 6).LineStyle <> xlNone And Brd(I + 6).Color = TBClr And Brd(I + 6).Weight = TBwt And Brd(I + 6).LineStyle = TBstl) Then
                                IsMrgBrdrSmlr(I + 6) = True
                                IsMrgBrdrSmlr(I + 6) = False: Exit For
                                End If
                                TBClr = Brd(I + 6).Color: TBwt = Brd(I + 6).Weight: TBstl = Brd(I + 6).LineStyle
                                End With
                         'Count Merge Cells Rows & Column
                        If .Parent.Range(MBS(1)).Address <> MVFP Then
                            RWCt = Split(.Parent.Range(MBS(1)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address, ",")
                            RWCt = Split(MVFP, ",")
                        End If
                        If .Parent.Range(MBS(2)).Address <> MVFP Then
                            ClCt = Split(.Parent.Range(MBS(2)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Address, ",")
                            ClCt = Split(MVLP, ",")
                        End If
                        RC = 0
                         For I = 0 To UBound(RWCt)
                             RC = RC + WS.Range(RWCt(I)).Rows.Count
                        CC = 0
                         For I = 0 To UBound(ClCt)
                             CC = CC + WS.Range(ClCt(I)).Columns.Count
'        Start from Here       Merge      Cells         First Cell of Merge
                        If .Address = MVFP Then 'First Cell of Merge
                            rowspan = "": colspan = ""
                            If RC > 1 Then rowspan = " rowspan=" & RC
                            If CC > 1 Then colspan = " colspan=" & CC
                            RwClPan = rowspan & colspan
                            Mrg = ""
                            If RC > 1 Then Mrg = " w:val=""restart"""
                           If RC > 1 Then VerMerge = "< w:vMerge" & Mrg & "/>"
                           gridSpan = "< w:gridSpan w:val=""" & CC & """/>" & VerMerge
                            XmlBorder = "< w:tcBorders>" & vbNewLine
                            For I = 1 To 4
                                 With .MergeArea.Borders(I + 6)
                                    Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                                    Clr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                                    LnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "dashed", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                                    MsoLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                                    Wt = IIf(.Weight = -4138, 3, .Weight) / 1.5
                                    'Wt = Wt * (Wt * 0.25)                                                                                                              dashDotStroked
                                  End With
                                 With .Parent.Range(MPBS).Borders(I + 6)
                                    XStrclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                                    XClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                                    XLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "dashed", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                                    XMsoLnStl = Replace(Trim(Replace(XLnStl, "solid", "single")), "-", "")
                                  End With
                            If InStr(1, LnStl, "Dash", vbTextCompare) Then LnStl = Replace(LnStl, LnStl, "dashed")
                            Count = 0
            For Each R In .Parent.Range(MBS(I))
                With R
                Set Brd(I + 6) = .Borders(I + 6)
                If .Address = MVFP Or (Brd(I + 6).LineStyle <> xlNone And Brd(I + 6).Color = TBClr And Brd(I + 6).Weight = TBwt And Brd(I + 6).LineStyle = TBstl) Then
                IsMrgSdSmlr(I + 6) = True
                IsMrgSdSmlr(I + 6) = False: Exit For
                End If
                TBClr = Brd(I + 6).Color: TBwt = Brd(I + 6).Weight: TBstl = Brd(I + 6).LineStyle
                End With
                            Proper = LnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                            If IsMrgSdSmlr(I + 6) = True And Brd(I + 6).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
                               If (RwNum <> 0 And I = 2) Or (ClNum <> 0 And I = 1) Then
                                    Brdrs = Brdrs & ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":none"
                                    msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                         If LnStl = "solid" Or LnStl = "dotted" Then
                                             msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                             msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                         End If
                                     XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""nil""/>" & vbNewLine
                                            If Brdrs <> "" And InStr(Brdrs, Proper) <> 0 And (InStr(Brdrs, "border:") = 0 Or InStr(Brdrs, "border:" & Proper) <> 0) Then
                                            Edg = Split(Brdrs, ";")
                                                For E = LBound(Edg) To UBound(Edg)
                                                Cnt = Cnt + LBound(Edg)
                                                    If Edg(E) <> "" And InStr(Edg(E), Proper) <> 0 Then
                                                    StrNum = InStr(Edg(E), "border") + Len("border") + Cnt
                                                    LngthNum = (Cnt + Len(Edg(E))) - (Len(Proper) + StrNum)
                                                    Brdrs = Replace(Brdrs, Mid(Edg(E), StrNum, LngthNum), "")
                                                    End If
                                            Brdrs = ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":" & Proper & Brdrs
                                            End If
                                            msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                    XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""" & XMsoLnStl & """ w:color=""" & XClr & """ w:space=""" & 0 & """ w:sz=""" & Wt * 6 & """/>" & vbNewLine
                               End If
                               Brdrs = Brdrs & ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":none"
                               XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""nil""/>" & vbNewLine
                               End If
                            XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< /w:tcBorders>" '''
                            Brdrs = Brdrs & msoBrdrs
                        Brdrs = Brdrs & msoBrdrs
                        Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Interior.Color), 6)
                        BClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                        BckGrnd = IIf(.Interior.Pattern <> xlNone, ";background:#" & BClr, "")
                        XBckGrnd = ""
                        XBckGrnd = IIf(.Interior.Pattern <> xlNone, " w:fill=""" & BClr & """", "")
                        Ort = IIf(.Orientation = -4128, 0, IIf(.Orientation = -4171, 90, -90)) 'Orientation 0=-4128, 90=-4171, -90=-4170
                        Ornt = IIf(Ort = 0, "", IIf(Ort = 90, ";mso-rotate:" & 90, ";mso-rotate:" & -90))
                        HA = .HorizontalAlignment 'xlleft=-4131, xlcenter=-4108, xlright=-4152
                        VA = .VerticalAlignment 'xltop=-4160, xlcenter=-4108, xlbottom=-4107
                        valign = IIf(VA = xlTop, "top", IIf(VA = xlCenter, "center", "bottom"))
                        valign = IIf(Ort = 0, valign, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(HA = xlLeft, "top", IIf(HA = xlRight, "bottom", "center")), IIf(HA = xlLeft, "bottom", IIf(HA = xlRight, "top", "center"))))
                        Align = IIf(HA = -4131, "left", IIf(HA = -4108, "center", "right"))
                        Align = IIf(Ort = 0, Align, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(VA = xlTop, "right", IIf(VA = xlBottom, "left", "center")), IIf(VA = xlTop, "left", IIf(VA = xlBottom, "right", "center"))))
                        prgrph = Split(TextFormat(.MergeArea.Cells(1, 1)), "|")(0)
                        XMLprgrph = Split(TextFormat(.MergeArea.Cells(1, 1)), "|")(1)
                            TD = "width=" & Wdth & RwClPan & " valign=" & valign & " style='width:" & Wdth * 1 & "pt" & Brdrs & BckGrnd & ";padding:0in 0in 0in 0in" & Ornt & ";height:" & Hght & "pt'"
                    With .MergeArea.Font
                          XNm = "": XB = "": XI = "": Estrk = "": XFClr = "": XSize = "": XSup = "": XSubs = ""
                          Nm = .Name: Size = .Size
                            XNm = "< w:rFonts w:ascii=""" & Nm & """ w:hAnsi=""" & Nm & """ w:cs=""" & Nm & """/>"
                            XSize = "< w:sz w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>< w:szCs w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>"
                            Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                            FClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                            XFClr = "< w:color w:val=""" & FClr & """/>"
                            If .Bold = True Then XB = "< w:b/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:bCs/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Italic = True Then XI = "< w:i/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:iCs/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Underline = 2 Then Xu = "< w:u w:val=""single""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Underline = -4119 Then Xu2 = "< w:u w:val=""double""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Strikethrough = True Then Estrk = "< /strike>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Superscript = True Then XSup = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""superscript""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Subscript = True Then XSubs = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""Subscript""/>" & vbNewLine
                        XF = XNm & XB & XI & Estrk & XFClr & XSize & XSup & XSubs
                     End With
                     P = "< w:p w:rsidR=""00B527A5"" w:rsidRDefault=""00B527A5"">" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:bidi w:val=""0""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:spacing w:after=""0""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:jc w:val=""" & Align & """/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                "< w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                XF & vbNewLine & _
                                "< /w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< /w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            XMLprgrph & vbNewLine & _
                         "< /w:p>"
                           TextDirection = IIf(Ort = 90, "< w:textDirection w:val=""btLr""/>", IIf(Ort = -90, "< w:textDirection w:val=""tbRl""/>", ""))
                            tc = ""
                            tc = "< w:tc>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:tcPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                "< w:tcW w:w=""" & Wdth * 20 & """ w:type=""dxa""/>" & _
                                                gridSpan & vbNewLine & _
                                                XmlBorder & _
                                                "< w:shd w:val=""" & "Clear" & """ w:color=""auto""" & XBckGrnd & "/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                TextDirection & _
                                            "< w:vAlign w:val=""" & LCase(valign) & """/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:hideMark/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< /w:tcPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            P & _
                                      "< /w:tc>"
                                HtmTbl = HtmTbl & "     < td " & TD & ">" & prgrph & "< /td>" & vbNewLine
                                XmlTbl = XmlTbl & tc
                        ElseIf .Column = WS.Range(MVFP).Column Then 'First Cell of first column of Merge
'      only For XML     Merge      Cells         First Column of Merge next First Cell of Merg
                            rowspan = "": colspan = ""
                            If RC > 1 Then rowspan = " rowspan=" & RC
                            If CC > 1 Then colspan = " colspan=" & CC
                            RwClPan = rowspan & colspan
                            gridSpan = "< w:gridSpan w:val=""" & CC & """/>" & "< w:vMerge" & "/>"
                            XmlBorder = "< w:tcBorders>" & vbNewLine
                            For I = 1 To 4
                                 With .Parent.Range(MPBS).Borders(I + 6)
                                    Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                                    Clr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                                    LnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "dashed", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                                    MsoLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                                    XMsoLnStl = Replace(Trim(Replace(LnStl, "solid", "single")), "-", "")
                                    Wt = IIf(.Weight = -4138, 3, .Weight) / 1.5
                                    'Wt = Wt * (Wt * 0.25)
                               If (RwNum <> 0 And I = 2) Or (ClNum <> 0 And I = 1) Then
                                     XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""nil""/>" & vbNewLine
                               If .LineStyle <> xlNone Then
                                    XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""" & XMsoLnStl & """ w:color=""" & Clr & """ w:space=""" & 0 & """ w:sz=""" & Wt * 6 & """/>" & vbNewLine
                                    XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""nil""/>" & vbNewLine
                                End If
                               End If
                                 End With
                            XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< /w:tcBorders>" '''
                        Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Interior.Color), 6)
                        BClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                        XBckGrnd = ""
                        XBckGrnd = IIf(.Interior.Pattern <> xlNone, " w:fill=""" & BClr & """", "")
                        Ort = IIf(.Orientation = -4128, 0, IIf(.Orientation = -4171, 90, -90)) 'Orientation 0=-4128, 90=-4171, -90=-4170
                        Ornt = IIf(Ort = 0, "", IIf(Ort = 90, ";mso-rotate:" & 90, ";mso-rotate:" & -90))
                        HA = .HorizontalAlignment 'xlleft=-4131, xlcenter=-4108, xlright=-4152
                        VA = .VerticalAlignment 'xltop=-4160, xlcenter=-4108, xlbottom=-4107
                        valign = IIf(VA = xlTop, "top", IIf(VA = xlCenter, "center", "bottom"))
                        valign = IIf(Ort = 0, valign, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(HA = xlLeft, "top", IIf(HA = xlRight, "bottom", "center")), IIf(HA = xlLeft, "bottom", IIf(HA = xlRight, "top", "center"))))
                        Align = IIf(HA = -4131, "left", IIf(HA = -4108, "center", "right"))
                        Align = IIf(Ort = 0, Align, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(VA = xlTop, "right", IIf(VA = xlBottom, "left", "center")), IIf(VA = xlTop, "left", IIf(VA = xlBottom, "right", "center"))))
                        XMLprgrph = Split(TextFormat(.Cells(1, 1)), "|")(1)
                    With .Cells(1, 1).Font
                          XNm = "": XB = "": XI = "": Estrk = "": XFClr = "": XSize = "": XSup = "": XSubs = ""
                          Nm = .Name: Size = .Size
                            XNm = "< w:rFonts w:ascii=""" & Nm & """ w:hAnsi=""" & Nm & """ w:cs=""" & Nm & """/>"
                            XSize = "< w:sz w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>< w:szCs w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>"
                            Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                            FClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                            XFClr = "< w:color w:val=""" & FClr & """/>"
                            If .Bold = True Then XB = "< w:b/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:bCs/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Italic = True Then XI = "< w:i/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:iCs/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Underline = 2 Then Xu = "< w:u w:val=""single""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Underline = -4119 Then Xu2 = "< w:u w:val=""double""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Strikethrough = True Then Estrk = "< /strike>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Superscript = True Then XSup = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""superscript""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Subscript = True Then XSubs = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""Subscript""/>" & vbNewLine
                        XF = XNm & XB & XI & Estrk & XFClr & XSize & XSup & XSubs
                     End With
                     P = "< w:p w:rsidR=""00B527A5"" w:rsidRDefault=""00B527A5"">" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:bidi w:val=""0""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:spacing w:after=""0""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:jc w:val=""" & Align & """/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                "< w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                XF & vbNewLine & _
                                "< /w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< /w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            XMLprgrph & vbNewLine & _
                         "< /w:p>"
                        TextDirection = IIf(Ort = 90, "< w:textDirection w:val=""btLr""/>", IIf(Ort = -90, "< w:textDirection w:val=""tbRl""/>", ""))

                            tc = ""
                            tc = "< w:tc>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:tcPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                "< w:tcW w:w=""" & Wdth * 20 & """ w:type=""dxa""/>" & _
                                                gridSpan & vbNewLine & _
                                                XmlBorder & _
                                                "< w:shd w:val=""" & "Clear" & """ w:color=""auto""" & XBckGrnd & "/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                TextDirection & _
                                            "< w:vAlign w:val=""" & LCase(valign) & """/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:hideMark/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< /w:tcPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            P & _
                                      "< /w:tc>"
                                XmlTbl = XmlTbl & tc
                        End If
                    Else 'If .MergeCells < > True Then
'        Un Merge Cells
                    Hght = .Height
                    Wdth = .Width

                        gridSpan = ""
                        'If IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = False And IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = False Then
                            For I = 1 To 4
                                    Set Brd(I + 6) = .Borders(I + 6)
                                        If I = 1 Or (Brd(I + 6).LineStyle <> xlNone And Brd(I + 6).Color = EdgClr And Brd(I + 6).Weight = Rngwt And Brd(I + 6).LineStyle = Rngstl) Then
                                            IsRngBrdrSmlr = True
                                            IsRngBrdrSmlr = False: Exit For
                                        End If
                                    EdgClr = Brd(I + 6).Color: Rngwt = Brd(I + 6).Weight: Rngstl = Brd(I + 6).LineStyle
                        'End If
                        TblWt = IIf(TBwt = -4138, 3, TBwt) / 1.5
                     If Rng.Column = Range(TVFP).Column Then
                         If Rng.Address = TVFP Then
                         End If
                         If RwNum = 0 Then
                         End If
                     End If
                        Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(EdgClr), 6)
                        Clr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                       ' If IsTblBrdrSmlr(7) = False Or IsTblBrdrSmlr(8) = False Or IsTblBrdrSmlr(9) = False Or IsTblBrdrSmlr(10) = False Then
                        XmlBorder = "< w:tcBorders>" & vbNewLine
                        For I = 1 To 4
                        With .Borders(I + 6)
                        Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                        Clr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                        LnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "dashed", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                        MsoLnStl = IIf(.LineStyle = 1, "solid", IIf(.LineStyle = 4, "dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 5, "dot-Dot-Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = 13, "dash-Dot-Stroked", IIf(.LineStyle = -4115, "Dash", IIf(.LineStyle = -4118, "dotted", IIf(.LineStyle = -4119, "Double", "")))))))
                        XMsoLnStl = Replace(Trim(Replace(LnStl, "solid", "single")), "-", "")
                        Wt = IIf(.Weight = -4138, 3, .Weight) / 1.5
                       ' Wt = Wt * (Wt * 0.25)
                        If InStr(1, LnStl, "Dash", vbTextCompare) Then LnStl = Replace(LnStl, LnStl, "dashed")
                        Proper = LnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                        If .LineStyle <> xlNone Then
                            'If (IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = True And IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = True) Or ((IsTblBrdrSmlr(11) = False Or IsTblBrdrSmlr(12) = False) And IsRngBrdrSmlr = True) Then
                                'msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                               If (RwNum <> 0 And I = 2) Or (ClNum <> 0 And I = 1) Then
                                    On Error Resume Next
                                    If ((.Parent.Offset(-1, 0).MergeCells = True Or .Parent.Offset(-1, 0).EntireRow.Hidden = True) And I = 2) Or ((.Parent.Offset(0, -1).MergeCells = True Or .Parent.Offset(0, -1).EntireColumn.Hidden = True) And I = 1) Then
                                    msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                    XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""" & XMsoLnStl & """ w:color=""" & Clr & """ w:space=""" & 0 & """ w:sz=""" & Wt * 6 & """/>" & vbNewLine
                                    Brdrs = Brdrs & ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":none"
                                    XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""nil""/>" & vbNewLine
                                    End If
                                    On Error GoTo 0
                                         If LnStl = "solid" Or LnStl = "dotted" Then
                                             'If I = 1 Then
                                           '  Brdrs = Brdrs & ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":" & Proper
                                            ' msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                            ' End If
                                            ' If I = 1 Then
                                             'border-top:dashed [URL=]#C00000[/URL] 
                                             'Brdrs = Brdrs & ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":" & LnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                            ' msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                             'End If
                                         End If
                                        If InStr(1, LnStl, "Dash", vbTextCompare) Then LnStl = Replace(LnStl, LnStl, "dashed")
                                            If Brdrs <> "" And InStr(Brdrs, Proper) <> 0 And (InStr(Brdrs, "border:") = 0 Or InStr(Brdrs, "border:" & Proper) <> 0) Then
                                            Edg = Split(Brdrs, ";")
                                                For E = LBound(Edg) To UBound(Edg)
                                                Cnt = Cnt + LBound(Edg)
                                                    If Edg(E) <> "" And InStr(Edg(E), Proper) <> 0 Then
                                                    StrNum = InStr(Edg(E), "border") + Len("border") + Cnt
                                                    LngthNum = (Cnt + Len(Edg(E))) - (Len(Proper) + StrNum)
                                                    Brdrs = Replace(Brdrs, Mid(Edg(E), StrNum, LngthNum), "")
                                                    End If
                                            Brdrs = ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":" & Proper & Brdrs
                                            End If
                                    msoBrdrs = msoBrdrs & ";mso-border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & "-alt:" & MsoLnStl & " #" & Clr & " " & Wt & "pt"
                                    XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""" & XMsoLnStl & """ w:color=""" & Clr & """ w:space=""" & 0 & """ w:sz=""" & Wt * 6 & """/>" & vbNewLine
                               End If
                        Brdrs = Brdrs & ";border-" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & ":none"
                        XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< w:" & BrdEdg(I - 1) & " w:val=""nil""/>" & vbNewLine
                        End If
                        End With
                        XmlBorder = XmlBorder & "< /w:tcBorders>" '''
                      '  End If
                        Brdrs = Brdrs & msoBrdrs
                        Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Interior.Color), 6)
                        BClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                        BckGrnd = IIf(.Interior.Pattern <> xlNone, ";background:#" & BClr, "")
                        XBckGrnd = ""
                        XBckGrnd = IIf(.Interior.Pattern <> xlNone, " w:fill=""" & BClr & """", "")
                        Ort = IIf(.Orientation = -4128, 0, IIf(.Orientation = -4171, 90, -90)) 'Orientation 0=-4128, 90=-4171, -90=-4170
                        Ornt = IIf(Ort = 0, "", IIf(Ort = 90, ";mso-rotate:" & 90, ";mso-rotate:" & -90))
                        HA = .HorizontalAlignment 'xlleft=-4131, xlcenter=-4108, xlright=-4152
                        VA = .VerticalAlignment 'xltop=-4160, xlcenter=-4108, xlbottom=-4107
                        valign = IIf(VA = xlTop, "top", IIf(VA = xlCenter, "center", "bottom"))
                        valign = IIf(Ort = 0, valign, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(HA = xlLeft, "top", IIf(HA = xlRight, "bottom", "center")), IIf(HA = xlLeft, "bottom", IIf(HA = xlRight, "top", "center"))))
                        Align = IIf(HA = xlLeft, "left", IIf(HA = -4108, "center", "right"))
                        Align = IIf(Ort = 0, Align, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(VA = xlTop, "right", IIf(VA = xlBottom, "left", "center")), IIf(VA = xlTop, "left", IIf(VA = xlBottom, "right", "center"))))
                        prgrph = Split(TextFormat(.Cells(1, 1)), "|")(0)
                        XMLprgrph = Split(TextFormat(.Cells(1, 1)), "|")(1)
                    With .Font
                          XNm = "": XB = "": XI = "": Estrk = "": XFClr = "": XSize = "": XSup = "": XSubs = ""
                          Nm = .Name: Size = .Size
                            XNm = "< w:rFonts w:ascii=""" & Nm & """ w:hAnsi=""" & Nm & """ w:cs=""" & Nm & """/>"
                            XSize = "< w:sz w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>< w:szCs w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>"
                            Strclr = Right("000000" & Hex(.Color), 6)
                            FClr = Right(Strclr, 2) & Mid(Strclr, 3, 2) & Left(Strclr, 2)
                            XFClr = "< w:color w:val=""" & FClr & """/>"
                            If .Bold = True Then XB = "< w:b/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:bCs/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Italic = True Then XI = "< w:i/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:iCs/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Underline = 2 Then Xu = "< w:u w:val=""single""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Underline = -4119 Then Xu2 = "< w:u w:val=""double""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Strikethrough = True Then Estrk = "< /strike>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Superscript = True Then XSup = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""superscript""/>" & vbNewLine
                            If .Subscript = True Then XSubs = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""Subscript""/>" & vbNewLine
                        XF = XNm & XB & XI & Estrk & XFClr & XSize & XSup & XSubs
                     End With
                     P = "< w:p w:rsidR=""00B527A5"" w:rsidRDefault=""00B527A5"">" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:bidi w:val=""0""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:spacing w:after=""0""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< w:jc w:val=""" & Align & """/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                "< w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                XF & vbNewLine & _
                                "< /w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            "< /w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                            XMLprgrph & vbNewLine & _
                         "< /w:p>"
                        TD = "width=" & Wdth & " valign=" & valign & " style='width:" & Wdth * 1 & "pt" & Brdrs & BckGrnd & ";padding:0in 0in 0in 0in" & Ornt & ";height:" & Hght & "pt"
                            TextDirection = IIf(Ort = 90, "< w:textDirection w:val=""btLr""/>", IIf(Ort = -90, "< w:textDirection w:val=""tbRl""/>", ""))

                            tc = ""
                            tc = "< w:tc>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:tcPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                "< w:tcW w:w=""" & Wdth * 20 & """ w:type=""dxa""/>" & _
                                                gridSpan & vbNewLine & _
                                                XmlBorder & _
                                                "< w:shd w:val=""" & "Clear" & """ w:color=""auto""" & XBckGrnd & "/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                TextDirection & _
                                            "< w:vAlign w:val=""" & LCase(valign) & """/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:hideMark/>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< /w:tcPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            P & _
                                      "< /w:tc>"
                        HtmTbl = HtmTbl & "     < td " & TD & "'>" & prgrph & "< /td>" & vbNewLine
                        XmlTbl = XmlTbl & tc
                       '''''''If .Address = "$C$2" Then Cells(.Row + 10, .Column) = tc
                    End If 'MergeCells
                If .Column = Range(TVLP).Column Then
                HtmTbl = HtmTbl & "< /tr>" & vbNewLine
                XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< /w:tr>" & vbNewLine
                End If
                End If 'row.Column.Hidden  < w:jc w:val="right"/>
        End With 'Rng
    Next ' Rng In .Range(TVRA)

    HtmTbl = HtmTbl & "< /table>" & vbNewLine & "< /div>" & vbNewLine & "< /div>" & vbNewLine & "< /body>" & vbNewLine & "< /html>"
    XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< /w:tbl>"
    XmlTbl = XmlTbl & "< /w:body>< /w:document>"

End With ' WS
GetTable = HtmTbl & "|" & XmlTbl
End Function
Public Function TextFormat(Rng As Range)

Dim Nm As String, Size As Long, Clr As Long, Bold As Boolean, Italic As Boolean, Underline As Long, Strikethrough   As Boolean, Superscript As Boolean, Subscript  As Boolean
Dim b  As String, EB As String, I    As String, EI   As String, u   As String, EU   As String, strk   As String, Estrk   As String, Sup  As String, ESup As String, Subs    As String, ESubs  As String
Dim Align As String, TXT As String, T As String, FClr As String, XFClr As String, XB  As String, XI As String, Xu As String, Xu2 As String, M As String
Dim N As Long
Dim FC As String, C  As String, span As String, Espan  As String, XNm  As String, XSize As String, XSup As String, XSubs As String, XF As String, HrAlgn As String
Dim XM  As String, Hm As String, HTextFormat As String, XTextFormat As String, Ornt As String
Dim Ort As Long, HA As Long, VA As Long
            With Rng
            TXT = .Text
             Ort = IIf(.Orientation = -4128, 0, IIf(.Orientation = -4171, 90, -90)) 'Orientation 0=-4128, 90=-4171, -90=-4170
             Ornt = IIf(Ort = 0, "", IIf(Ort = 90, ";mso-rotate:" & 90, ";mso-rotate:" & -90))
             HA = .HorizontalAlignment 'xlleft=-4131, xlcenter=-4108, xlright=-4152
             VA = .VerticalAlignment 'xltop=-4160, xlcenter=-4108, xlbottom=-4107
             Align = IIf(HA = xlLeft, ";text-align:left", IIf(HA = xlCenter, ";text-align:center", ";text-align:right"))
             Align = IIf(Ort = 0, Align, IIf(Ort = 90, IIf(VA = xlTop, ";text-align:right", IIf(VA = xlBottom, ";text-align:left", ";text-align:center")), IIf(VA = xlTop, ";text-align:left", IIf(VA = xlBottom, ";text-align:right", ";text-align:center"))))
                For N = 1 To Len(TXT) + 1 '< < < < <
               ' If Trim(TXT) = "" Then Exit For
                    With .Characters(Start:=N, Length:=1)
                    T = Mid(TXT, N, 1)
                        With .Font 'Characters Font
                        FClr = "": XFClr = "": b = "": EB = "": I = "": EI = "": u = "": EU = "": strk = "": Estrk = "": Sup = "": ESup = "": Subs = "": ESubs = "": XB = "": XI = "": Xu = "": Xu2 = ""
                        If N = 1 Or (Nm = .Name And Size = .Size And Clr = .Color And Bold = .Bold And Italic = .Italic And Underline = .Underline And Superscript = .Superscript And Subscript = .Subscript And N <= Len(TXT)) Then
                            M = M & T
                            Nm = .Name: Size = .Size: Clr = .Color: Bold = .Bold: Italic = .Italic: Underline = .Underline: Strikethrough = .Strikethrough: Superscript = .Superscript: Subscript = .Subscript ' Rest
                        Else 'Here foramt
                            FC = Right("000000" & Hex(Clr), 6)
                            C = Right(FC, 2) & Mid(FC, 3, 2) & Left(FC, 2)
                            FClr = IIf(Clr <> 0, "color:" & "#" & C & ";", "")
                            If Clr <> 0 Then FClr = "color:" & "#" & Right(FC, 2) & Mid(FC, 3, 2) & Left(FC, 2) & ";": XFClr = "< w:color w:val=""" & C & """/>"
                            span = "< span dir=LTR style='font-size:" & Size & "pt;font-family:" & Nm & ",serif;" & FClr & "'>": Espan = "< /span>"
                            XNm = "< w:rFonts w:ascii=""" & Nm & """ w:hAnsi=""" & Nm & """ w:cs=""" & Nm & """/>"
                            XSize = "< w:sz w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>< w:szCs w:val=""" & Size * 2 & """/>"
                            If Bold = True Then b = "< b>": EB = "< /b>": b = "< b>": EB = "< /b>": XB = "< w:b/>< w:bCs/>"
                            If Italic = True Then I = "< i>": EI = "< /i>": XI = "< w:i/>< w:iCs/>"
                            If Underline = 2 Then u = "< u>": EU = "< /u>": Xu = "< w:u w:val=""single""/>"
                            If Underline = -4119 Then u = "< u>": EI = "< /u>": Xu2 = "< w:u w:val=""double""/>"
                            If Strikethrough = True Then strk = "< strike>": Estrk = "< /strike>"
                            If Superscript = True Then Sup = "< Sup>": ESup = "< /Sup>": XSup = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""superscript""/>"
                            If Subscript = True Then Subs = "< Sub>": ESubs = "< /Sub>": XSubs = "< w:vertAlign w:val=""Subscript""/>"
                            XF = XNm & XB & XI & Estrk & XFClr & XSize & XSup & XSubs
                             XM = "< w:r>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                                   XF & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< /w:rPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                                            "< w:t>" & M & "< /w:t>" & vbNewLine & _
                                        "< /w:r>" & vbNewLine

                            Hm = b & I & u & strk & Subs & Sup & span & M & Espan & ESup & ESubs & Estrk & EU & EI & EB

                           Hm = vbNewLine & "< p class=MsoNormal dir=LTR style='margin-top:-0.01in;margin-right:0.01in;margin-bottom:-0.01in;margin-left:0.01in" & Align & ";line-height:normal;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed'>" & Hm & "< /p>"
                            Nm = .Name: Size = .Size: Clr = .Color: Bold = .Bold: Italic = .Italic: Underline = .Underline: Strikethrough = .Strikethrough: Superscript = .Superscript: Subscript = .Subscript ' Rest
                            HTextFormat = HTextFormat & Hm: XTextFormat = XTextFormat & XM & vbNewLine 'Format similarities
                            M = "": M = T '< < < < <  Clear old and gather new Changes
                        End If
                        End With 'Characters Font
                    End With
                Next N
            End With
          TextFormat = HTextFormat & "|" & XTextFormat
End Function
Public Sub creatDocx(WS As Worksheet, TblRng As Range)

'Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim wrdApp As Object
Dim wrdDoc As Object
Dim TmpPath  As String, DefultPath As String, DocxPath As String, DocxFile As String, ZipPath As Variant, ZipFile As String, FolderPath As Variant
Dim relsFolderPath As String, docPropsFolderPath As String, WordFolderPath As String, relsWordFolderPath As String, themeWordFolderPath As String
Dim rels As String, appxml As String, corexml As String, theme1xml As String, fontTablexml As String, settingsxml As String, stylesxml As String, webSettingsxml As String, customxml As String, documentxmlrels As String, documentxml As String, Content_Typesxml As String, Content_TypeFolder As String
Dim ShellApp As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim queue As Collection
Dim FF As Object
Dim SubF As Object
Dim file As Object
Dim N As Long
DefultPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & ""
TmpPath = Environ("temp") & ""

    DocxFile = "Doc1.docx"
    DocxPath = DefultPath & DocxFile

'Close exist and deleted File
    On Error Resume Next
        Set wrdDoc = GetObject(DocxPath)
            If wrdDoc Is Nothing Then
            Kill DocxPath
            Kill DocxPath
            End If
    On Error GoTo 0
'Create an empty zip file
    ZipFile = Split(DocxFile, ".")(0) & ".Zip": ZipPath = TmpPath & ZipFile
    If Len(Dir(ZipPath)) <> 0 Then Kill ZipPath
    Open ZipPath For Output As [URL=]#1[/URL] : Print [URL=]#1[/URL] , Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0): Close [URL=]#1[/URL] 
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

FolderPath = TmpPath & "root"
If Len(Dir(FolderPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
   MkDir FolderPath
    On Error Resume Next
         fso.deletefolder FolderPath
        MkDir FolderPath
    On Error GoTo 0
    On Error Resume Next
    Do Until Len(Dir(FolderPath, vbDirectory)) > 0
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
    On Error GoTo 0
'Call subRefreshDesktop
End If
    relsFolderPath = FolderPath & "" & "_rels"
    docPropsFolderPath = FolderPath & "" & "docProps"
    WordFolderPath = FolderPath & "" & "word"
    relsWordFolderPath = WordFolderPath & "" & "" & "_rels"
    themeWordFolderPath = WordFolderPath & "" & "" & "theme"
    Content_TypeFolder = FolderPath
    'Create Folders
    'On Error GoTo CreatrFolder:
    MkDir relsFolderPath
    MkDir docPropsFolderPath
    MkDir WordFolderPath
    MkDir relsWordFolderPath
    MkDir themeWordFolderPath
    'Create XML Filess
    appxml = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine & _
             "< Properties xmlns="""" xmlns:vt="""">< Template>Normal.dotm< /Template>< TotalTime>1< /TotalTime>< Pages>1< /Pages>< Words>12< /Words>< Characters>74< /Characters>< Application>Microsoft Office Word< /Application>< DocSecurity>0< /DocSecurity>< Lines>1< /Lines>< Paragraphs>1< /Paragraphs>< ScaleCrop>false< /ScaleCrop>< HeadingPairs>< vt:vector size=""2"" baseType=""variant"">< vt:variant>< vt:lpstr>Title< /vt:lpstr>< /vt:variant>< vt:variant>< vt:i4>1< /vt:i4>< /vt:variant>< /vt:vector>< /HeadingPairs>< TitlesOfParts>< vt:vector size=""1"" baseType=""lpstr"">< vt:lpstr>< /vt:lpstr>< /vt:vector>< /TitlesOfParts>< Company>< /Company>< LinksUpToDate>false< /LinksUpToDate>< CharactersWithSpaces>85< /CharactersWithSpaces>< SharedDoc>false< /SharedDoc>< HyperlinksChanged>false< /HyperlinksChanged>< AppVersion>16.0000< /AppVersion>< /Properties>"
    Call ToFile(appxml, docPropsFolderPath, "app", "xml")

    corexml = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine & _
              "< cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp="""" xmlns:dc="""" xmlns:dcterms="""" xmlns:dcmitype="""" xmlns:xsi="""">< dc:title>< /dc:title>< dc:subject>< /dc:subject>< dc:creator>< /dc:creator>< cp:keywords>< /cp:keywords>< dc:description>< /dc:description>< cp:lastModifiedBy>< /cp:lastModifiedBy>< cp:revision>2< /cp:revision>< dcterms:created xsi:type=""dcterms:W3CDTF"">2018-03-14T02:12:00Z< /dcterms:created>< dcterms:modified xsi:type=""dcterms:W3CDTF"">2018-03-14T02:12:00Z< /dcterms:modified>< /cp:coreProperties>"
    Call ToFile(corexml, docPropsFolderPath, "core", "xml")
'Add theme1
theme1xml = ""
theme1xml = theme1xml & "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:theme xmlns:a="""" name=""??? Office"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:themeElements>" & vbNewLine & "< a:clrScheme name=""Office"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:dk1>" & vbNewLine & "< a:sysClr val=""windowText"" lastClr=""000000""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:dk1>" & vbNewLine & "< a:lt1>" & vbNewLine & "< a:sysClr val=""window"" lastClr=""FFFFFF""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:lt1>" & vbNewLine & "< a:dk2>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""44546A""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:dk2>" & vbNewLine & "< a:lt2>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""E7E6E6""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:lt2>" & vbNewLine & "< a:accent1>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""4472C4""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:accent1>" & vbNewLine & "< a:accent2>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""ED7D31""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< /a:accent2>" & vbNewLine & "< a:accent3>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""A5A5A5""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:accent3>" & vbNewLine & "< a:accent4>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""FFC000""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:accent4>" & vbNewLine & "< a:accent5>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""5B9BD5""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:accent5>" & vbNewLine & "< a:accent6>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""70AD47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:accent6>" & vbNewLine & "< a:hlink>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""0563C1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:hlink>" & vbNewLine & "< a:folHlink>" & vbNewLine & "< a:srgbClr val=""954F72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:folHlink>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:clrScheme>" & vbNewLine & "< a:fontScheme name=""Office"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:majorFont>" & vbNewLine & "< a:latin typeface=""Calibri Light"" panose=""020F0302020204030204""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:ea typeface=""""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:cs typeface=""""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Jpan"" typeface=""????? Light""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hang"" typeface=""?? ??""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hans"" typeface=""?? Light""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hant"" typeface=""????""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Arab"" typeface=""Times New Roman""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hebr"" typeface=""Times New Roman""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Thai"" typeface=""Angsana New""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Ethi"" typeface=""Nyala""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Beng"" typeface=""Vrinda""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Gujr"" typeface=""Shruti""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Khmr"" typeface=""MoolBoran""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Knda"" typeface=""Tunga""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Guru"" typeface=""Raavi""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Cans"" typeface=""Euphemia""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Cher"" typeface=""Plantagenet Cherokee""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Yiii"" typeface=""Microsoft Yi Baiti""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Tibt"" typeface=""Microsoft Himalaya""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Thaa"" typeface=""MV Boli""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Deva"" typeface=""Mangal""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Telu"" typeface=""Gautami""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Taml"" typeface=""Latha""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syrc"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Orya"" typeface=""Kalinga""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Mlym"" typeface=""Kartika""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Laoo"" typeface=""DokChampa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Sinh"" typeface=""Iskoola Pota""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Mong"" typeface=""Mongolian Baiti""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Viet"" typeface=""Times New Roman""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Uigh"" typeface=""Microsoft Uighur""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Geor"" typeface=""Sylfaen""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Armn"" typeface=""Arial""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Bugi"" typeface=""Leelawadee UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Bopo"" typeface=""Microsoft JhengHei""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Java"" typeface=""Javanese Text""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Lisu"" typeface=""Segoe UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Mymr"" typeface=""Myanmar Text""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Nkoo"" typeface=""Ebrima""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Olck"" typeface=""Nirmala UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Osma"" typeface=""Ebrima""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Phag"" typeface=""Phagspa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syrn"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syrj"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syre"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Sora"" typeface=""Nirmala UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Tale"" typeface=""Microsoft Tai Le""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Talu"" typeface=""Microsoft New Tai Lue""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Tfng"" typeface=""Ebrima""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:majorFont>" & vbNewLine & "< a:minorFont>" & vbNewLine & "< a:latin typeface=""Calibri"" panose=""020F0502020204030204""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:ea typeface=""""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:cs typeface=""""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Jpan"" typeface=""???""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hang"" typeface=""?? ??""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Hans"" typeface=""??""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hant"" typeface=""????""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Arab"" typeface=""Arial""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Hebr"" typeface=""Arial""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Thai"" typeface=""Cordia New""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Ethi"" typeface=""Nyala""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Beng"" typeface=""Vrinda""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Gujr"" typeface=""Shruti""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Khmr"" typeface=""DaunPenh""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Knda"" typeface=""Tunga""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Guru"" typeface=""Raavi""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Cans"" typeface=""Euphemia""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Cher"" typeface=""Plantagenet Cherokee""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Yiii"" typeface=""Microsoft Yi Baiti""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Tibt"" typeface=""Microsoft Himalaya""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Thaa"" typeface=""MV Boli""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Deva"" typeface=""Mangal""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Telu"" typeface=""Gautami""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Taml"" typeface=""Latha""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syrc"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Orya"" typeface=""Kalinga""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Mlym"" typeface=""Kartika""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Laoo"" typeface=""DokChampa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Sinh"" typeface=""Iskoola Pota""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Mong"" typeface=""Mongolian Baiti""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Viet"" typeface=""Arial""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Uigh"" typeface=""Microsoft Uighur""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Geor"" typeface=""Sylfaen""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Armn"" typeface=""Arial""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Bugi"" typeface=""Leelawadee UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Bopo"" typeface=""Microsoft JhengHei""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Java"" typeface=""Javanese Text""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Lisu"" typeface=""Segoe UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Mymr"" typeface=""Myanmar Text""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Nkoo"" typeface=""Ebrima""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Olck"" typeface=""Nirmala UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Osma"" typeface=""Ebrima""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Phag"" typeface=""Phagspa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syrn"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Syrj"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< a:font script=""Syre"" typeface=""Estrangelo Edessa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Sora"" typeface=""Nirmala UI""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Tale"" typeface=""Microsoft Tai Le""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Talu"" typeface=""Microsoft New Tai Lue""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:font script=""Tfng"" typeface=""Ebrima""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:minorFont>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:fontScheme>" & vbNewLine & "< a:fmtScheme name=""Office"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:fillStyleLst>" & vbNewLine & "< a:solidFill>" & vbNewLine & "< a:schemeClr val=""phClr""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /a:solidFill>" & vbNewLine & "< a:gradFill rotWithShape=""1"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:gsLst>" & vbNewLine & "< a:gs pos=""0"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:schemeClr val=""phClr"">" & vbNewLine & "< a:lumMod val=""110000""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:satMod val=""105000""/>" & vbNewLine & "< a:tint val=""67000""/>" & vbNewLine & _
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'Add settings
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                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""envelope address"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""envelope return"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""footnote reference"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""annotation reference"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""line number"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""page number"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""endnote reference"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""endnote text"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""table of authorities"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""macro"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""toa heading"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Bullet"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Number"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Bullet 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Bullet 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Bullet 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Bullet 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Number 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Number 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Number 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Number 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Title"" w:uiPriority=""10"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Closing"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Signature"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Default Paragraph Font"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:uiPriority=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text Indent"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Continue"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Continue 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Continue 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Continue 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Continue 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Message Header"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Subtitle"" w:uiPriority=""11"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Salutation"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Date"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text First Indent"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text First Indent 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Note Heading"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text Indent 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Body Text Indent 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Block Text"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Hyperlink"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""FollowedHyperlink"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Strong"" w:uiPriority=""22"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Emphasis"" w:uiPriority=""20"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Document Map"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Plain Text"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""E-mail Signature"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Top of Form"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Bottom of Form"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Normal (Web)"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Acronym"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Address"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Cite"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Code"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Definition"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Keyboard"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Preformatted"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Sample"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Typewriter"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""HTML Variable"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Normal Table"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""annotation subject"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""No List"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine

stylesxml = stylesxml & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Outline List 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Outline List 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Outline List 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Simple 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Simple 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Simple 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Classic 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Classic 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Classic 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Classic 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Colorful 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Colorful 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Colorful 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Columns 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Columns 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Columns 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Columns 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Columns 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 6"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 7"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid 8"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 4"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 5"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 6"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 7"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table List 8"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table 3D effects 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table 3D effects 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table 3D effects 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Contemporary"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Elegant"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Professional"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Subtle 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Subtle 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Web 1"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Web 2"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Web 3"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Balloon Text"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Grid"" w:uiPriority=""39""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Table Theme"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Placeholder Text"" w:semiHidden=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""No Spacing"" w:uiPriority=""1"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Revision"" w:semiHidden=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Paragraph"" w:uiPriority=""34"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Quote"" w:uiPriority=""29"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Intense Quote"" w:uiPriority=""30"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Shading Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""60""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light List Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""61""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Light Grid Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""62""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""63""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""64""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 1 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""65""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium List 2 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""66""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""67""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""68""/>" & vbNewLine

stylesxml = stylesxml & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""69""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Dark List Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""70""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Shading Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""71""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful List Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""72""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Colorful Grid Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""73""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Subtle Emphasis"" w:uiPriority=""19"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Intense Emphasis"" w:uiPriority=""21"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Subtle Reference"" w:uiPriority=""31"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Intense Reference"" w:uiPriority=""32"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Book Title"" w:uiPriority=""33"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Bibliography"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:uiPriority=""37"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""TOC Heading"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:uiPriority=""39"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1"" w:qFormat=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Plain Table 1"" w:uiPriority=""41""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Plain Table 2"" w:uiPriority=""42""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Plain Table 3"" w:uiPriority=""43""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Plain Table 4"" w:uiPriority=""44""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Plain Table 5"" w:uiPriority=""45""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table Light"" w:uiPriority=""40""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 2 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 3 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 4 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4 Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4 Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4 Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4 Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4 Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 1 Light Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""46""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 2 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""47""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 3 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""48""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 4 Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""49""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 5 Dark Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""50""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""51""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"" w:uiPriority=""52""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Mention"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Smart Hyperlink"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Hashtag"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:lsdException w:name=""Unresolved Mention"" w:semiHidden=""1"" w:unhideWhenUsed=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< /w:latentStyles>" & vbNewLine & "< w:style w:type=""paragraph"" w:default=""1"" w:styleId=""a"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:name w:val=""Normal""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:qFormat/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & "< w:bidi/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:style>" & vbNewLine & "< w:style w:type=""character"" w:default=""1"" w:styleId=""a0"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:name w:val=""Default Paragraph Font""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:uiPriority w:val=""1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:semiHidden/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:unhideWhenUsed/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:style>" & vbNewLine & "< w:style w:type=""table"" w:default=""1"" w:styleId=""a1"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:name w:val=""Normal Table""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:uiPriority w:val=""99""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:semiHidden/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:unhideWhenUsed/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:tblPr>" & vbNewLine & "< w:tblInd w:w=""0"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:tblCellMar>" & vbNewLine & "< w:top w:w=""0"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:left w:w=""108"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:bottom w:w=""0"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:right w:w=""108"" w:type=""dxa""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:tblCellMar>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:tblPr>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:style>" & vbNewLine & "< w:style w:type=""numbering"" w:default=""1"" w:styleId=""a2"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:name w:val=""No List""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:uiPriority w:val=""99""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:semiHidden/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:unhideWhenUsed/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:style>" & vbNewLine & "< w:style w:type=""table"" w:styleId=""a3"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:name w:val=""Table Grid""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:basedOn w:val=""a1""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:uiPriority w:val=""39""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:rsid w:val=""00301648""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< w:spacing w:after=""0"" w:line=""240"" w:lineRule=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & "< w:tblPr>" & vbNewLine & "< w:tblBorders>" & vbNewLine & "< w:top w:val=""single"" w:sz=""4"" w:space=""0"" w:color=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:left w:val=""single"" w:sz=""4"" w:space=""0"" w:color=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:bottom w:val=""single"" w:sz=""4"" w:space=""0"" w:color=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:right w:val=""single"" w:sz=""4"" w:space=""0"" w:color=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:insideH w:val=""single"" w:sz=""4"" w:space=""0"" w:color=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:insideV w:val=""single"" w:sz=""4"" w:space=""0"" w:color=""auto""/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:tblBorders>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:tblPr>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:style>" & vbNewLine & "< w:style w:type=""paragraph"" w:styleId=""a4"">" & vbNewLine & "< w:name w:val=""List Paragraph""/>" & vbNewLine

stylesxml = stylesxml & "< w:basedOn w:val=""a""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:uiPriority w:val=""34""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:qFormat/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:rsid w:val=""00301648""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & "< w:ind w:left=""720""/>" & vbNewLine & "< w:contextualSpacing/>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:pPr>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:style>" & vbNewLine & "< /w:styles>"

    Call ToFile(stylesxml, WordFolderPath, "styles", "xml")
stylesxml = ""
    '''''''''''''   Here  Get XML code to Create docx  File    ''''''''''''''''
    documentxml = Split(GetTable(WS, TblRng), "|")(1)
    Call ToFile(documentxml, WordFolderPath, "document", "xml")
        documentxmlrels = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine
        documentxmlrels = documentxmlrels & "< Relationships xmlns="""">" & vbNewLine
        Set FF = fso.GetFolder(WordFolderPath)
         N = 1
        For Each SubF In FF.SubFolders
            If InStr(1, SubF.Name, "WordFolderPath") <> 0 Then
            For Each file In SubF.Files
            If InStr(1, file.Name, "document.xml") <> 0 Then
            N = N + 1
            documentxmlrels = documentxmlrels & "< Relationship Id=""rId""" & N & """ Type=""" & Split(file.Name, ".")(0) & """ Target=""" & file.Name & """/>" & vbNewLine
            End If
            End If
        For Each file In FF.SubFolders
            If InStr(1, file.Name, "document.xml") <> 0 Then
            N = N + 1
            documentxmlrels = documentxmlrels & "< Relationship Id=""rId""" & N & """ Type=""" & Split(file.Name, ".")(0) & """ Target=""" & file.Name & """/>" & vbNewLine
            End If
    documentxmlrels = documentxmlrels & "< /Relationships>"
Set FF = Nothing

    documentxmlrels = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine & _
                      "< Relationships xmlns="""">< Relationship Id=""rId3"" Type="""" Target=""webSettings.xml""/>< Relationship Id=""rId2"" Type="""" Target=""settings.xml""/>< Relationship Id=""rId1"" Type="""" Target=""styles.xml""/>< Relationship Id=""rId5"" Type="""" Target=""theme/theme1.xml""/>< Relationship Id=""rId4"" Type="""" Target=""fontTable.xml""/>< /Relationships>"
    Call ToFile(documentxmlrels, relsWordFolderPath, "", "document.xml.rels")
        rels = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine
        rels = rels & "< Relationships xmlns="""">"
        Set FF = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
         N = 1
        For Each SubF In FF.SubFolders
            For Each file In SubF.Files
            If SubF.Name = "word" And InStr(1, file.Name, "document.xml") <> 0 Then
             N = 1
            rels = rels & "< Relationship Id=""rId" & N & """ Type="""" Target=""" & SubF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """/>"
            ElseIf SubF.Name = "docProps" Then
            N = N + 1
                If InStr(1, file.Name, "core.xml") <> 0 Then
                rels = rels & "< Relationship Id=""rId" & N & """ Type=""" & Split(file.Name, ".")(0) & "-properties"" Target=""" & SubF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """/>"
                ElseIf InStr(1, file.Name, "custom.xml") <> 0 Then
                rels = rels & "< Relationship Id=""rId" & N & """ Type=""" & Split(file.Name, ".")(0) & "-properties"" Target=""" & SubF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """/>"
               ' rels = rels & "< Relationship Id=""rId4"" Type="""" Target=""docProps/custom.xml""/>"
                rels = rels & "< Relationship Id=""rId" & N & """ Type="""" Target=""" & SubF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """/>"
                End If
            End If
Set FF = Nothing
rels = rels & "< /Relationships>"

    'rels = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine & _
            "< Relationships xmlns="""">< Relationship Id=""rId3"" Type="""" Target=""docProps/app.xml""/>< Relationship Id=""rId2"" Type="""" Target=""docProps/core.xml""/>< Relationship Id=""rId1"" Type="""" Target=""word/document.xml""/>< /Relationships>"

    Call ToFile(rels, relsFolderPath, "", "rels")
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set queue = New Collection
    queue.Add fso.GetFolder(FolderPath) 'obviously replace
    Content_Typesxml = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine
    Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< Types xmlns="""">" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< Default Extension=""rels"" ContentType=""application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml""/>" & vbNewLine & _
                        "< Default Extension=""xml"" ContentType=""application/xml""/>" & vbNewLine
    Do While queue.Count > 0
        Set FF = queue(1)
        queue.Remove 1 'dequeue
        '...insert any folder processing code here...
        For Each SubF In FF.SubFolders
            queue.Add SubF 'enqueue
        Next SubF
        For Each file In FF.Files
            If InStr(1, file.Name, "rels") = 0 Then

                If InStr(1, file.Name, "core") <> 0 Then
                Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< Override PartName=""/" & FF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """ ContentType=""application/vnd.openxmlformats-package." & Replace(file.Name, ".", "-properties+") & """/>" & vbNewLine
                    If InStr(1, FF.Name, "word") <> 0 Then
                        If InStr(1, file.Name, "document") <> 0 Then
                        Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< Override PartName=""/" & FF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """ ContentType=""application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml." & Replace(file.Name, ".", ".main+") & """/>" & vbNewLine
                        Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< Override PartName=""/" & FF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """ ContentType=""application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml." & Replace(file.Name, ".", "+") & """/>" & vbNewLine
                        End If
                        If InStr(1, file.Name, "app") <> 0 Then
                        Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< Override PartName=""/" & FF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """ ContentType=""application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml""/>" & vbNewLine
                        Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< Override PartName=""/" & FF.Name & "/" & file.Name & """ ContentType=""application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." & Replace(file.Name, ".", "-properties+") & """/>" & vbNewLine
                        End If
                    End If

                End If
            End If
        Next file
    Content_Typesxml = Content_Typesxml & "< /Types>" & vbNewLine
    Call ToFile(Content_Typesxml, Content_TypeFolder, "[Content_Types]", "xml")

'Because widows cannot zipped Empty Folder delete Empty Sub Folders
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set FF = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
For Each SubF In FF.SubFolders
    With SubF
        If SubF.SubFolders.Count = 0 And .Files.Count = 0 Then fso.deletefolder SubF
    End With
Next SubF
Set FF = Nothing
'Copy the files & folders into the zip file
    Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
     On Error Resume Next
    ShellApp.Namespace(ZipPath).CopyHere ShellApp.Namespace(FolderPath).items
    On Error GoTo 0
'Zipping the files may take a while, create loop to pause the macro until zipping has finished.
    On Error Resume Next
    Do Until ShellApp.Namespace(ZipPath).items.Count = ShellApp.Namespace(FolderPath).items.Count
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    On Error GoTo 0
    If ShellApp.Namespace(ZipPath).items.Count = ShellApp.Namespace(FolderPath).items.Count Then Name ZipPath As DocxPath
    On Error Resume Next
        fso.deletefolder FolderPath
         Set wrdApp = Nothing
        Set wrdApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
        wrdApp.Visible = True
     Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.documents.Open(DocxPath)
    On Error GoTo 0
Set wrdApp = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set ShellApp = Nothing

'Call subRefreshDesktop

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Public Sub creatDoc(WS As Worksheet, TblRng As Range)

Dim wrdApp As Object
Dim wrdDoc As Object
Dim fso As Object
Dim FF As Object
Dim file As Object
Dim SubF As Object
Dim HTMDoc As String
Dim wdFormatXMLDocument '?????????????
Dim DefultPath As String, DocPath As String, DocFile As String, HtmPath As String, HtmFile As String, FolderPath As String, DocName As String
Dim colorschememapping As String, filelist As String

Dim StartTime As Double
Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
 StartTime = Timer
    ''''''''''''''     Here to Get HTML code  to Create Doc or Docx File  just change File Neme Extension    ''''''''''''''''
    HTMDoc = Split(GetTable(WS, TblRng), "|")(0)
    DefultPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & ""
    DocFile = "Doc1.doc" ' or "Doc1.docx"
    DocPath = DefultPath & DocFile
    HtmFile = "Doc1.htm"
    HtmPath = DefultPath & HtmFile
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'Close exist and deleted File
    On Error Resume Next
        Set wrdDoc = GetObject(DocPath)
            If wrdDoc Is Nothing Then
            Kill DocPath
            Kill DocPath
            End If
    On Error GoTo 0
FolderPath = DefultPath & Split(DocFile, ".")(0) & ".files"
If Len(Dir(FolderPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
   MkDir FolderPath
    On Error Resume Next
         fso.deletefolder FolderPath
        MkDir FolderPath
    On Error GoTo 0
    On Error Resume Next
    Do Until Len(Dir(FolderPath, vbDirectory)) > 0
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    On Error GoTo 0
End If
'MkDir FolderPath & "" & "Root"
    colorschememapping = "< ?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>" & vbNewLine & _
                         "< a:clrMap xmlns:a="""" bg1=""lt1"" tx1=""dk1"" bg2=""lt2"" tx2=""dk2"" accent1=""accent1"" accent2=""accent2"" accent3=""accent3"" accent4=""accent4"" accent5=""accent5"" accent6=""accent6"" hlink=""hlink"" folHlink=""folHlink""/>"
    Call ToFile(colorschememapping, FolderPath, "colorschememapping", "xml")
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    Set FF = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
    filelist = "< xml xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"">" & vbNewLine & _
               " < o:MainFile HRef=""../" & DocFile & """/>" & vbNewLine
    For Each file In FF.Files
        With file
        filelist = filelist & " < o:File HRef=""" & .Name & """/>" & vbNewLine
        End With
    For Each SubF In FF.SubFolders
        With SubF
        filelist = filelist & " < o:File HRef=""" & .Name & """/>" & vbNewLine
        For Each file In SubF.Files
        filelist = filelist & " < o:File HRef=""" & .Name & """/>" & vbNewLine
        End With

    filelist = filelist & " < o:File HRef=""filelist.xml""/>" & vbNewLine & _
               "< /xml>"
    Call ToFile(filelist, FolderPath, "filelist", "xml")
    DocName = Split(HtmFile, ".")(0)
    Call ToFile(HTMDoc, DefultPath, DocName, "htm")
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    On Error Resume Next
        Set wrdApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
        wrdApp.Visible = True
        Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.documents.Open(HtmPath)
        'convert Html to Word Doc.
         wrdDoc.SaveAs DocPath, wdFormatXMLDocument
       ' Kill HtmPath
        fso.deletefolder FolderPath
    On Error GoTo 0

    Set wrdApp = Nothing
    Set wrdDoc = Nothing
  SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
  'MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds", vbInformation
End Sub
Public Function ToFile(TXT As String, Path As String, FileName As String, Ext As String)
Dim fsT As Object
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    With fsT
      .Type = 2 'Specify stream type - we want To save text/string data.
      .Charset = "UTF-8" 'Specify charset For the source text data.
      .Open 'Open the stream And write binary data To the object
      .WriteText TXT
      .SaveToFile Path & "" & FileName & "." & Ext, 2 'Save binary data To disk
    End With
End Function
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