I thought this: =IF(COLUMN(C$4:C14)<($J$2+2),C$4:C14 ,"") would work, but it doesn't seem to. Let me explain what I am trying to do: $J$2 is the number of participants and is a number the user will enter. Table Column C is data for participant 1 with all the drop down lists and everything set up exactly the way I want it.
If the user enters a value of 2 for participants, then I will need Column c with all formulas copied to column D (participant 2) and so on. If there are 20 participants, there should be a column for participant 20 as part of the table. Do I need to use a macro for this? I've never done that before.
If the user enters a value of 2 for participants, then I will need Column c with all formulas copied to column D (participant 2) and so on. If there are 20 participants, there should be a column for participant 20 as part of the table. Do I need to use a macro for this? I've never done that before.