Hello, i want to extract specific cells from specific worksheets in multiple workbooks into a new "master" workbook. Each workbook has the same template, thus each cell is in the same place in the different workbooks.
E.g. I want to copy cells nr. D39, L34 and C16 from worksheet "Detaljplan" and cells nr. F14, G14, I14, J14, M14 and N14 from worksheet "Dim PEX og HL"
These values should now be copied into a new row in the new workbook. The cells from the next original workbook should now be row nr. 2 and so on.
All of the original workbooks is in the same folder
I have found a thread i a different forum describing almost the same problem: http://en.allexperts.com/q/Excel-1059/2008/2/Copy-cells-worksheet-multiple.htm
Thank you in advance
E.g. I want to copy cells nr. D39, L34 and C16 from worksheet "Detaljplan" and cells nr. F14, G14, I14, J14, M14 and N14 from worksheet "Dim PEX og HL"
These values should now be copied into a new row in the new workbook. The cells from the next original workbook should now be row nr. 2 and so on.
All of the original workbooks is in the same folder
I have found a thread i a different forum describing almost the same problem: http://en.allexperts.com/q/Excel-1059/2008/2/Copy-cells-worksheet-multiple.htm
Thank you in advance