Hi magicians,
Pretty simple answer I am sure, but can't seem to work it out!
I have the below snippet of code where I am trying to paste info to the current sheet. The pasting I'm trying to happen is at the end of the sheet plus 2 rows (hence the offset).
For some reason when it pastes, it is always pasting to row 8 even if A6 isn't the last row. E.g. before pasting, the last tow of the sheet is row 40, but will still paste over rows 7 & 8 instead of pasting in row 42.
Believe it is to do with this, but cannot seem to work it out:
Any help is greatly appreciated!
FYI there is no data in cells A1:A5 and from A6 there will be data with no spaces.
Pretty simple answer I am sure, but can't seem to work it out!
I have the below snippet of code where I am trying to paste info to the current sheet. The pasting I'm trying to happen is at the end of the sheet plus 2 rows (hence the offset).
For some reason when it pastes, it is always pasting to row 8 even if A6 isn't the last row. E.g. before pasting, the last tow of the sheet is row 40, but will still paste over rows 7 & 8 instead of pasting in row 42.
Believe it is to do with this, but cannot seem to work it out:
VBA Code:
Offset(0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 0, 13).SpecialCells(12).Copy Sheets(MyCell.Value).Range("A6:A" & lrow2).Offset(2, 0)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
FYI there is no data in cells A1:A5 and from A6 there will be data with no spaces.
VBA Code:
lrow = Sheets("Special Commission - With No CH").Range("A1").End(xlUp).Row
lrow2 = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
With Sheets("Special Commission - With No CH").Range("A1:A" & Sheets("Special Commission - With No CH").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
.AutoFilter 1, MyCell.Value
On Error Resume Next
.Offset(0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 0, 13).SpecialCells(12).Copy Sheets(MyCell.Value).Range("A6:A" & lrow2).Offset(2, 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End With