I need to copy the conditionally formatted cells and paste format to a new range. Currently I do:
Workbooks(EnvelopeFile).Worksheets("System Envelopes").Cells.Copy
Sheets(xlSheet.name).Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Sheets(xlSheet.name).Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
Which doesn't take conditional formats. I discovered how to grab just the true interior color, even when set from conditions:
Worksheets("System Envelopes").Range("O109").DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
...but I don't know how to generalize a copy/paste of a whole sheet to another sheet, as I do above, but with all the conditionally set formats. The most important formats really are interior color, font color, and bold. That would be good enough.
Could you help here?
I need to copy the conditionally formatted cells and paste format to a new range. Currently I do:
Workbooks(EnvelopeFile).Worksheets("System Envelopes").Cells.Copy
Sheets(xlSheet.name).Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Sheets(xlSheet.name).Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
Which doesn't take conditional formats. I discovered how to grab just the true interior color, even when set from conditions:
Worksheets("System Envelopes").Range("O109").DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
...but I don't know how to generalize a copy/paste of a whole sheet to another sheet, as I do above, but with all the conditionally set formats. The most important formats really are interior color, font color, and bold. That would be good enough.
Could you help here?