I need help.
I have a file named ARCHIVE. It has only headers. I need a VBA script to copy contents of another workbooks to Archive ranged "B2" to Lastrow "Z" and it should be inserted to next free row in Archive.
Couple ppl will work on some files and at the end they should add their work to Archive. So i should expand. I would like to add this macro to a button and it should pop msgbox with YES/NO confirmation "Do you want to add your work to archive?". The copy should be made by exporting current work to archive not by importing files to archive.
Its beyond my knowledge.
Best Regards
I need help.
I have a file named ARCHIVE. It has only headers. I need a VBA script to copy contents of another workbooks to Archive ranged "B2" to Lastrow "Z" and it should be inserted to next free row in Archive.
Couple ppl will work on some files and at the end they should add their work to Archive. So i should expand. I would like to add this macro to a button and it should pop msgbox with YES/NO confirmation "Do you want to add your work to archive?". The copy should be made by exporting current work to archive not by importing files to archive.
Its beyond my knowledge.
Best Regards