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Would it be possible to convert a VBA code into a function that i can insert into a cell? Struggling to get my head around VBA. In a nut shell this code should convert a grid reference in a Tetrad (2x2km). I have managed to create the formula to create a Hectad (10x10km) and also a Monad (1x1km) via string manipulation however a Tetrad ends in a letter instead of just knocking off x and y numbers so is a bit more complicated.
Here is the VBA code (Written by Graham French, NBN Trust September 2008), thanks in advance if anyone is able to offer an insight in how i do this.
Would it be possible to convert a VBA code into a function that i can insert into a cell? Struggling to get my head around VBA. In a nut shell this code should convert a grid reference in a Tetrad (2x2km). I have managed to create the formula to create a Hectad (10x10km) and also a Monad (1x1km) via string manipulation however a Tetrad ends in a letter instead of just knocking off x and y numbers so is a bit more complicated.
Here is the VBA code (Written by Graham French, NBN Trust September 2008), thanks in advance if anyone is able to offer an insight in how i do this.
VBA Code:
Public Function ConvertGRto2KM(GridRef As String)
Dim strGridref As String
strGridref = GridRef
Select Case Len(strGridref)
Case Is = 4
'British 10 km grid ref return blank
If InStr(1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Mid(strGridref, 2, 1), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
strGridref = ""
'Irish Tetrad
strGridref = strGridref
End If
Case Is = 6 '1km
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 3) & Mid(strGridref, 5, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 4, 1) & Right(GridRef, 1))
Case Is = 8 '100m
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 3) & Mid(strGridref, 6, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 4, 1) & Mid(GridRef, 7, 1))
Case Is = 10 '10m
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 3) & Mid(strGridref, 7, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 4, 1) & Mid(GridRef, 8, 1))
Case Is = 12 '1m
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 3) & Mid(strGridref, 8, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 4, 1) & Mid(GridRef, 9, 1))
Case Is = 3 '10 km
strGridref = ""
Case Is = 5
'British Tetrad
If InStr(1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Mid(strGridref, 2, 1), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
strGridref = strGridref
'Irish 1km
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 2) & Mid(strGridref, 4, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 3, 1) & Right(GridRef, 1))
End If
Case Is = 7 '100m
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 2) & Mid(strGridref, 5, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 3, 1) & Mid(GridRef, 6, 1))
Case Is = 9 '10m
Case Is = 10 '10m
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 2) & Mid(strGridref, 6, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 3, 1) & Mid(GridRef, 7, 1))
Case Is = 11 '1m
strGridref = Left(strGridref, 2) & Mid(strGridref, 7, 1) & _
Get_Letter(Mid(strGridref, 3, 1) & Mid(GridRef, 8, 1))
Case Else 'Do not convert
strGridref = ""
End Select
ConvertGRto2KM = strGridref
End Function
Public Function Get_Letter(Position As String) As String
Select Case Position
Case "00", "10", "01", "11"
Get_Letter = "A"
Case "20", "30", "21", "31"
Get_Letter = "F"
Case "40", "50", "41", "51"
Get_Letter = "K"
Case "60", "70", "61", "71"
Get_Letter = "Q"
Case "80", "90", "81", "91"
Get_Letter = "V"
Case "02", "12", "03", "13"
Get_Letter = "B"
Case "22", "32", "23", "33"
Get_Letter = "G"
Case "42", "52", "43", "53"
Get_Letter = "L"
Case "62", "72", "63", "73"
Get_Letter = "R"
Case "82", "92", "83", "93"
Get_Letter = "W"
Case "04", "14", "05", "15"
Get_Letter = "C"
Case "24", "34", "25", "35"
Get_Letter = "H"
Case "44", "54", "45", "55"
Get_Letter = "M"
Case "64", "74", "65", "75"
Get_Letter = "S"
Case "84", "94", "85", "95"
Get_Letter = "X"
Case "06", "16", "07", "17"
Get_Letter = "D"
Case "26", "36", "27", "37"
Get_Letter = "I"
Case "46", "56", "47", "57"
Get_Letter = "N"
Case "66", "76", "67", "77"
Get_Letter = "T"
Case "86", "96", "87", "97"
Get_Letter = "Y"
Case "08", "18", "09", "19"
Get_Letter = "E"
Case "28", "38", "29", "39"
Get_Letter = "J"
Case "48", "58", "49", "59"
Get_Letter = "P"
Case "68", "78", "69", "79"
Get_Letter = "U"
Case "88", "98", "89", "99"
Get_Letter = "Z"
End Select
End Function