Good afternoon,
I am using PowerPivot to pull data from a text report to show some figures but I have come across an issue calculating time difference as the milliseconds are counted if the format of [Call Length] is set as time.
What is the best way for the calculation to work to count the difference in seconds as a number than time as I will need to calculate the difference.
Thanks in advance
I am using PowerPivot to pull data from a text report to show some figures but I have come across an issue calculating time difference as the milliseconds are counted if the format of [Call Length] is set as time.
What is the best way for the calculation to work to count the difference in seconds as a number than time as I will need to calculate the difference.
Call Start Date
=if(Test[field2] =blank (),CONCATENATE(DATE(mid(Test[Field1],6,4),mid(Test[Field1],10,2),mid(Test[Field1],12,2))&" ",FORMAT(time(mid(Test[field1],14,2),mid(Test[field1],16,2),mid(Test[field1],18,2)),"HH:MM:SS")),
CONCATENATE(DATE(mid(Test[Field1],57,4),mid(Test[Field1],61,2),mid(Test[Field1],63,2))& " ",FORMAT(time(mid(Test[field1],65,2),mid(Test[field1],67,2),mid(Test[field1],69,2)),"HH:MM:SS")))
Call End Time
=Test[Call End Time] Test[CallStart Date]
Thanks in advance