Sub Step5()
Dim I As Long, J As Long, FI As Long, FMins As Double
Dim Dest0 As Range
Set Dest0 = Range("F1") '<<< Where the 5 minutes list will start from
FMins = TimeSerial(0, 5, 0)
On Error GoTo GErr
For I = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
If IsDate(Cells(I, "B")) Then
For J = 0 To 5
FI = FI + 1
Dest0.Cells(FI, 1).Value = Cells(I, "B").Value + J * FMins
Next J
Dest0.Cells(FI + 1, 1).Resize(6, 1).ClearContents
FI = FI + 6
End If
Next I
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Now
Debug.Print "A:", I, J, FI
Debug.Print "B:", Cells(I, 2).Value, TypeName(Cells(I, 2).Value)
MsgBox ("Error processing line " & I & vbCrLf & "Process aborted")
End Sub