HELLO, Looking for some help!
I am attempting to set up an excell spread sheet to calculate my team members work loads. I am runniing into some issues. what i need to do is if a cell is given a value of an interger to return the full load value and if it is a "S" (shared value, 50% of the full value needs to be given to 2 team members that are next to each otherr) to give a 50% value. but the shared value has to show a error if there is not 2 team memberrs next to each other. example is team member 1 has to be on one side of the shared set and tam member 2 on the other side of the shared set. It needs to error if it get put inside one teammembers set ie. team member 1 on both sides of the shared set. And need this half value if 2 team member are next to each other to only calculate in the 2 Team members cells. I can get everything except fot it calculates the half value to all team members.
I have my current equation set as :
(c73=) =IF(AND(G17<>"S",$G17<>$C$63),0,(IF($G17=$C$63,$E17,IF(AND($G17="S",$G16=$G18-1),$F17,ERROR))))
But this brings back 1/2 values for all team members
Run down of example:
compute to cell c73
Here are the list of known constraints:
if g16<>c63 then 0 unless g16=S and g15 or g 17 =c63, otherwise =0
if g17 cell =1 then E17
if g17 = E then 0
(if g17= S then =f17) only if g16=(g18-1), othrwise =error
S=Share (each teeam member takes 50%, has to be between 2 team memberrs ie (TM 1) (share) (TM 2),CAN NOT BE (TM 1) (SHARE) (TM 1))
E= Empty space = 0
Maybe thinking making something in VBS
I am attempting to set up an excell spread sheet to calculate my team members work loads. I am runniing into some issues. what i need to do is if a cell is given a value of an interger to return the full load value and if it is a "S" (shared value, 50% of the full value needs to be given to 2 team members that are next to each otherr) to give a 50% value. but the shared value has to show a error if there is not 2 team memberrs next to each other. example is team member 1 has to be on one side of the shared set and tam member 2 on the other side of the shared set. It needs to error if it get put inside one teammembers set ie. team member 1 on both sides of the shared set. And need this half value if 2 team member are next to each other to only calculate in the 2 Team members cells. I can get everything except fot it calculates the half value to all team members.
I have my current equation set as :
(c73=) =IF(AND(G17<>"S",$G17<>$C$63),0,(IF($G17=$C$63,$E17,IF(AND($G17="S",$G16=$G18-1),$F17,ERROR))))
But this brings back 1/2 values for all team members
Run down of example:
compute to cell c73
Here are the list of known constraints:
if g16<>c63 then 0 unless g16=S and g15 or g 17 =c63, otherwise =0
if g17 cell =1 then E17
if g17 = E then 0
(if g17= S then =f17) only if g16=(g18-1), othrwise =error
S=Share (each teeam member takes 50%, has to be between 2 team memberrs ie (TM 1) (share) (TM 2),CAN NOT BE (TM 1) (SHARE) (TM 1))
E= Empty space = 0
Maybe thinking making something in VBS