We track our budget by exporting our bank statement to excel, where excel then distributes it to the proper Bill category using SUMIFS. Looking to try Pivot Table because all my SUMIFs data is base on multiple criteria in a row found on another worksheet titled Manage_Auto_transfer 24.
In Sheet_24, cell c13
-We created a list of Bills we like saving for. Each withdraw is a unique amount for criteria1 to search for. For Mortgages C13 & C14 see the following:
-sum_range and range_criteria ….are referenced to Statement_2024 D:D (amount debited from our checking)
-criteria1 à references Manage_Auto_Transfers_24 in row (O30:Y30), finds the amount in AS4, which is 312.50, and inserts it into C13 to C24 under the Mortgage Category
-criteria_range 2 à references Statement_2024 A:A to see if the Date falls between Jan 1-14 or
Criteria2 à must fall within the 1st and 14th of the given month …. I
Criteria_range 4 à refers to Statement_2024! B:B, Description… and looks for “USAA*”
Criteria 4 à must say USAA*
I just want a was simpler way to do this ???? Maybe a pivot table>>>