I need help building a macro that gathers information from 1 workbook with a variable name and consolidating it into a tab on a different workbook.
For the source file the data I need is in cells (O11, O13, O17:O20, P11, P13, P17:20) on the first sheet titled "Valuation Detail". As for the workbook name, however, I will be creating new workbooks on a monthly basis, so I would preferably need the macro to work without me having to go in every month and change the file path. The file will always be named first by the date (formatted yymmdd) followed by " HC896 Template Output".
This data needs to be copied to a workbook titled Destination.xls within the same file folder to the sheet titled "HC896" in the same order to cells (D8, D10, D14:17, E8, E10, E14:E17) Ex. O11 -> D8, O13 -> D10, O17:O20 -> D14:D17.
I am hoping to be able to input the date desired for the data pull into cell J2 within the Destination.xls workboo "HC896" tab and have the macro find the proper file.
The file path where the files are located is: "F:\Desktop\BONDS" where I will place the new data each month and update the date before the file name " HC896 Template Output" (yymmdd)
I hope this is enough hypothetical information to enable you all to help me with the code.
Thank you all very much in advance.
I need help building a macro that gathers information from 1 workbook with a variable name and consolidating it into a tab on a different workbook.
For the source file the data I need is in cells (O11, O13, O17:O20, P11, P13, P17:20) on the first sheet titled "Valuation Detail". As for the workbook name, however, I will be creating new workbooks on a monthly basis, so I would preferably need the macro to work without me having to go in every month and change the file path. The file will always be named first by the date (formatted yymmdd) followed by " HC896 Template Output".
This data needs to be copied to a workbook titled Destination.xls within the same file folder to the sheet titled "HC896" in the same order to cells (D8, D10, D14:17, E8, E10, E14:E17) Ex. O11 -> D8, O13 -> D10, O17:O20 -> D14:D17.
I am hoping to be able to input the date desired for the data pull into cell J2 within the Destination.xls workboo "HC896" tab and have the macro find the proper file.
The file path where the files are located is: "F:\Desktop\BONDS" where I will place the new data each month and update the date before the file name " HC896 Template Output" (yymmdd)
I hope this is enough hypothetical information to enable you all to help me with the code.
Thank you all very much in advance.