I am using a centralized data base on an FTP server that I need to form a connection to from excel to write, update, and pull data. Thus far I can get this to work when the data base in on my local computer, but once it's on the server I can't open the connection with a macro.
The following is my existing code:
I have tried to reference the network drive directly
but still no luck, I'm sure it's something simple (as is usually the case for my projects).
Any help in this is greatly appreciated,
Thanks in advance
--It's only hard until you know it, then it's easy...
The following is my existing code:
Sub Button2_Click()
'''test button for adding a new line to access data base
'''this code should be pasted into UFinput/CBSubmit_click() sub when completed
'declare all dementions
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, rs As New ADODB.Recordset
'open connection and table in data base
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data " _
& "Source=NWdrive/Myfolder/Myfile.accdb;Persist " _
& "Security Info=False;"
rs.Open "TblMCIssues", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
'write data to access data base
With rs
.Fields("Date Reported") = Now()
.Fields("Location") = "User Defined"
.Fields("Description") = "User Defined"
.Fields("Equipment") = "User Defined"
End With
'close connection when all work is completed
'line to be deleted/altered when coding completed
MsgBox "This code has run successfully", vbOKOnly, "Testing"
End Sub
I have tried to reference the network drive directly
but still no luck, I'm sure it's something simple (as is usually the case for my projects).
Any help in this is greatly appreciated,
Thanks in advance
--It's only hard until you know it, then it's easy...