My conditional formatting only works in the first cell of the series, or the entire series changes based on one cell change. I cannot figure out what is wrong! Below I describe how I set up the CF. Please help!
I use Excel 2010.
I want an empty cell in Row E to shade red if, from the drop down, someone selects "Not on aspirin: has a contraindication - described in comments below" (from column D).
1. I highlighted all the cells in Row E that I want changed.
2. I opened CF and selected "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
3. In the box I entered: $D$9="Not on aspirin: has a contraindication - described in comments column"
4. I selected the format I wanted (red box)
5. I clicked OK to get back to my screen
6. I tested the first cell: In D9 I selected from the drop down "Not on aspirin...."and all of the E cells I selected for CF turned Red.
Then, I tried another way:
1. I selected only the first cell in Row E -- $E$9
2. I opened CF and selected "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
3. In the box I entered: $D$9="Not on aspirin: has a contraindication - described in comments column"
4. I selected the format I wanted (red box)
5. I clicked OK to get back to my screen
6. I tested the first cell: In D9 I selected from the drop down "Not on aspirin...." and it worked!
7.Then I tested the next cell, D10 and the CF did not work.
I tried a few other things based on other forums:
- removing the quotations - received an error message
- highlighted the D cells instead of the E cells, nothing changed
- I removed the " : " and " - " from the drop down and in the formula when I removed the quotations - received the same error message
I can't figure this out
Please help!
My conditional formatting only works in the first cell of the series, or the entire series changes based on one cell change. I cannot figure out what is wrong! Below I describe how I set up the CF. Please help!
I use Excel 2010.
I want an empty cell in Row E to shade red if, from the drop down, someone selects "Not on aspirin: has a contraindication - described in comments below" (from column D).
1. I highlighted all the cells in Row E that I want changed.
2. I opened CF and selected "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
3. In the box I entered: $D$9="Not on aspirin: has a contraindication - described in comments column"
4. I selected the format I wanted (red box)
5. I clicked OK to get back to my screen
6. I tested the first cell: In D9 I selected from the drop down "Not on aspirin...."and all of the E cells I selected for CF turned Red.
Then, I tried another way:
1. I selected only the first cell in Row E -- $E$9
2. I opened CF and selected "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
3. In the box I entered: $D$9="Not on aspirin: has a contraindication - described in comments column"
4. I selected the format I wanted (red box)
5. I clicked OK to get back to my screen
6. I tested the first cell: In D9 I selected from the drop down "Not on aspirin...." and it worked!
7.Then I tested the next cell, D10 and the CF did not work.
I tried a few other things based on other forums:
- removing the quotations - received an error message
- highlighted the D cells instead of the E cells, nothing changed
- I removed the " : " and " - " from the drop down and in the formula when I removed the quotations - received the same error message
I can't figure this out