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Conditional formatting for the highest value per each column
I have a work sheet with numeric values in cells I2:V20.
I would like to conditional format so that the cell with highest values is highlighted in each column.
I am currently using the formula: =AND(I2<>"", I2=MAX(I2:I20)) and I have also tried =I2=MAX($I$2:$I$20) but this doesn't work since there are multiple cells highlighted per column.
Would appreciate help with this.
Would also like to highlight the cell with the second and third highest value per each column as well.
Book1.xlsx I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 $78,700.00 $3,333.00 $ 6,175.00 $1,476.00 $ 2,493.00 $ 7,183.00 $7,253.00 $ 5,465.00 $11,299.00 $ 1,883.00 $ 834.00 $ 2,857.00 $ 234.00 $ 33,217.00 3 $78,722.00 $3,319.00 $ 6,267.00 $1,489.00 $ 2,489.00 $ 7,244.00 $7,277.00 $ 5,646.00 $10,847.00 $ 1,908.00 $ 810.00 $ 2,879.00 $ 234.00 $ 33,063.00 4 $78,262.00 $3,317.00 $ 6,258.00 $1,520.00 $ 2,496.00 $ 7,238.00 $7,264.00 $ 5,633.00 $10,791.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 803.00 $ 2,886.00 $ 233.00 $ 32,662.00 5 $79,069.00 $3,296.00 $ 6,316.00 $1,500.00 $ 2,489.00 $ 7,413.00 $7,195.00 $ 5,632.00 $11,346.00 $ 1,948.00 $ 794.00 $ 2,885.00 $ 234.00 $ 32,662.00 6 $77,600.00 $3,341.00 $ 6,096.00 $1,497.00 $ 2,499.00 $ 7,379.00 $7,154.00 $ 5,717.00 $11,193.00 $ 1,990.00 $ 786.00 $ 2,888.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,721.00 7 $76,339.00 $3,329.00 $ 5,910.00 $1,455.00 $ 2,469.00 $ 7,350.00 $6,708.00 $ 5,702.00 $11,218.00 $ 1,992.00 $ 778.00 $ 2,890.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,420.00 8 $75,238.00 $3,269.00 $ 5,948.00 $1,451.00 $ 2,439.00 $ 7,439.00 $6,398.00 $ 5,622.00 $11,060.00 $ 1,971.00 $ 770.00 $ 2,855.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,178.00 9 $76,342.00 $3,282.00 $ 5,975.00 $1,444.00 $ 2,470.00 $ 7,488.00 $6,533.00 $ 5,664.00 $12,124.00 $ 1,981.00 $ 788.00 $ 2,841.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,016.00 10 $76,126.00 $3,278.00 $ 5,873.00 $1,401.00 $ 2,443.00 $ 7,364.00 $6,489.00 $ 5,690.00 $11,878.00 $ 2,013.00 $ 800.00 $ 2,874.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,354.00 11 $76,425.00 $3,207.00 $ 5,833.00 $1,396.00 $ 2,447.00 $ 7,481.00 $6,721.00 $ 5,643.00 $12,080.00 $ 2,046.00 $ 816.00 $ 2,873.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,155.00 12 $77,252.00 $3,240.00 $ 5,905.00 $1,412.00 $ 2,494.00 $ 7,592.00 $6,714.00 $ 5,819.00 $12,334.00 $ 2,097.00 $ 820.00 $ 2,855.00 $ 234.00 $ 31,383.00 13 $78,069.00 $3,262.00 $ 5,871.00 $1,413.00 $ 2,550.00 $ 7,386.00 $6,278.00 $ 5,821.00 $12,274.00 $ 2,116.00 $ 829.00 $ 2,912.00 $ 234.00 $ 32,213.00 14 $78,879.00 $3,289.00 $ 5,996.00 $1,417.00 $ 2,552.00 $ 7,310.00 $6,127.00 $ 5,812.00 $11,964.00 $ 2,104.00 $ 812.00 $ 2,912.00 $ 234.00 $ 33,086.00 15 $78,593.00 $3,242.00 $ 5,952.00 $1,369.00 $ 2,550.00 $ 7,267.00 $6,316.00 $ 5,779.00 $11,773.00 $ 2,171.00 $ 820.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 233.00 $ 32,935.00 16 $78,466.00 $3,253.00 $ 5,883.00 $1,403.00 $ 2,575.00 $ 7,194.00 $6,533.00 $ 5,677.00 $11,974.00 $ 2,114.00 $ 879.00 $ 2,907.00 $ 233.00 $ 32,935.00 17 $77,104.00 $3,235.00 $ 5,868.00 $1,405.00 $ 2,674.00 $ 7,182.00 $6,478.00 $ 5,560.00 $11,566.00 $ 2,082.00 $ 886.00 $ 2,939.00 $ 233.00 $ 32,165.00 18 $75,137.00 $3,171.00 $ 5,849.00 $1,394.00 $ 2,518.00 $ 7,064.00 $6,473.00 $ 5,508.00 $11,107.00 $ 2,088.00 $ 870.00 $ 2,925.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,326.00 19 $76,849.00 $3,153.00 $ 5,850.00 $1,369.00 $ 2,527.00 $ 6,985.00 $6,151.00 $ 5,523.00 $10,864.00 $ 2,041.00 $ 865.00 $ 2,899.00 $ 233.00 $ 31,161.00 20 $76,024.00 $3,098.00 $ 7,632.00 $1,340.00 $ 2,533.00 $ 6,867.00 $5,725.00 $ 5,396.00 $10,794.00 $ 1,997.00 $ 884.00 $ 2,878.00 $ 233.00 $ 30,652.00
Waterfall charts in Excel?
Office 365 customers have access to Waterfall charts since late 2016. They were added to Excel 2019.
the $ will then check all the column
otherwise it checks I3 against I3:I21
and $I$2:$I$20 - means it only checks the values against that column as its fixed with the $I
for the 2nd question
Would also like to highlight the cell with the second and third highest value per each column as well.
what version of excel are you using ??
Book8 I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 78700 3333 6175 1476 2493 7183 7253 5465 11299 1883 834 2857 234 33217 3 78722 3319 6267 1489 2489 7244 7277 5646 10847 1908 810 2879 234 33063 4 78262 3317 6258 1520 2496 7238 7264 5633 10791 1900 803 2886 233 32662 5 79069 3296 6316 1500 2489 7413 7195 5632 11346 1948 794 2885 234 32662 6 77600 3341 6096 1497 2499 7379 7154 5717 11193 1990 786 2888 233 31721 7 76339 3329 5910 1455 2469 7350 6708 5702 11218 1992 778 2890 233 31420 8 75238 3269 5948 1451 2439 7439 6398 5622 11060 1971 770 2855 233 31178 9 76342 3282 5975 1444 2470 7488 6533 5664 12124 1981 788 2841 233 31016 10 76126 3278 5873 1401 2443 7364 6489 5690 11878 2013 800 2874 233 31354 11 76425 3207 5833 1396 2447 7481 6721 5643 12080 2046 816 2873 233 31155 12 77252 3240 5905 1412 2494 7592 6714 5819 12334 2097 820 2855 234 31383 13 78069 3262 5871 1413 2550 7386 6278 5821 12274 2116 829 2912 234 32213 14 78879 3289 5996 1417 2552 7310 6127 5812 11964 2104 812 2912 234 33086 15 78593 3242 5952 1369 2550 7267 6316 5779 11773 2171 820 2900 233 32935 16 78466 3253 5883 1403 2575 7194 6533 5677 11974 2114 879 2907 233 32935 17 77104 3235 5868 1405 2674 7182 6478 5560 11566 2082 886 2939 233 32165 18 75137 3171 5849 1394 2518 7064 6473 5508 11107 2088 870 2925 233 31326 19 76849 3153 5850 1369 2527 6985 6151 5523 10864 2041 865 2899 233 31161 20 76024 3098 7632 1340 2533 6867 5725 5396 10794 1997 884 2878 233 30652
What about if you add a couple of "$" signs like this?
23 10 17.xlsm I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 78700.00 3333.00 6175.00 1476.00 2493.00 7183.00 7253.00 5465.00 11299.00 1883.00 834.00 2857.00 234.00 33217.00 3 78722.00 3319.00 6267.00 1489.00 2489.00 7244.00 7277.00 5646.00 10847.00 1908.00 810.00 2879.00 234.00 33063.00 4 78262.00 3317.00 6258.00 1520.00 2496.00 7238.00 7264.00 5633.00 10791.00 1900.00 803.00 2886.00 233.00 32662.00 5 79069.00 3296.00 6316.00 1500.00 2489.00 7413.00 7195.00 5632.00 11346.00 1948.00 794.00 2885.00 234.00 32662.00 6 77600.00 3341.00 6096.00 1497.00 2499.00 7379.00 7154.00 5717.00 11193.00 1990.00 786.00 2888.00 233.00 31721.00 7 76339.00 3329.00 5910.00 1455.00 2469.00 7350.00 6708.00 5702.00 11218.00 1992.00 778.00 2890.00 233.00 31420.00 8 75238.00 3269.00 5948.00 1451.00 2439.00 7439.00 6398.00 5622.00 11060.00 1971.00 770.00 2855.00 233.00 31178.00 9 76342.00 3282.00 5975.00 1444.00 2470.00 7488.00 6533.00 5664.00 12124.00 1981.00 788.00 2841.00 233.00 31016.00 10 76126.00 3278.00 5873.00 1401.00 2443.00 7364.00 6489.00 5690.00 11878.00 2013.00 800.00 2874.00 233.00 31354.00 11 76425.00 3207.00 5833.00 1396.00 2447.00 7481.00 6721.00 5643.00 12080.00 2046.00 816.00 2873.00 233.00 31155.00 12 77252.00 3240.00 5905.00 1412.00 2494.00 7592.00 6714.00 5819.00 12334.00 2097.00 820.00 2855.00 234.00 31383.00 13 78069.00 3262.00 5871.00 1413.00 2550.00 7386.00 6278.00 5821.00 12274.00 2116.00 829.00 2912.00 234.00 32213.00 14 78879.00 3289.00 5996.00 1417.00 2552.00 7310.00 6127.00 5812.00 11964.00 2104.00 812.00 2912.00 234.00 33086.00 15 78593.00 3242.00 5952.00 1369.00 2550.00 7267.00 6316.00 5779.00 11773.00 2171.00 820.00 2900.00 233.00 32935.00 16 78466.00 3253.00 5883.00 1403.00 2575.00 7194.00 6533.00 5677.00 11974.00 2114.00 879.00 2907.00 233.00 32935.00 17 77104.00 3235.00 5868.00 1405.00 2674.00 7182.00 6478.00 5560.00 11566.00 2082.00 886.00 2939.00 233.00 32165.00 18 75137.00 3171.00 5849.00 1394.00 2518.00 7064.00 6473.00 5508.00 11107.00 2088.00 870.00 2925.00 233.00 31326.00 19 76849.00 3153.00 5850.00 1369.00 2527.00 6985.00 6151.00 5523.00 10864.00 2041.00 865.00 2899.00 233.00 31161.00 20 76024.00 3098.00 7632.00 1340.00 2533.00 6867.00 5725.00 5396.00 10794.00 1997.00 884.00 2878.00 233.00 30652.00
Would also like to highlight the cell with the second and third highest value per each column as well.
Like this?
23 10 17.xlsm I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 78,700.00 3,333.00 6,175.00 1,476.00 2,493.00 7,183.00 7,253.00 5,465.00 11,299.00 1,883.00 834.00 2,857.00 234.00 33,217.00 3 78,722.00 3,319.00 6,267.00 1,489.00 2,489.00 7,244.00 7,277.00 5,646.00 10,847.00 1,908.00 810.00 2,879.00 234.00 33,063.00 4 78,262.00 3,317.00 6,258.00 1,520.00 2,496.00 7,238.00 7,264.00 5,633.00 10,791.00 1,900.00 803.00 2,886.00 233.00 32,662.00 5 79,069.00 3,296.00 6,316.00 1,500.00 2,489.00 7,413.00 7,195.00 5,632.00 11,346.00 1,948.00 794.00 2,885.00 234.00 32,662.00 6 77,600.00 3,341.00 6,096.00 1,497.00 2,499.00 7,379.00 7,154.00 5,717.00 11,193.00 1,990.00 786.00 2,888.00 233.00 31,721.00 7 76,339.00 3,329.00 5,910.00 1,455.00 2,469.00 7,350.00 6,708.00 5,702.00 11,218.00 1,992.00 778.00 2,890.00 233.00 31,420.00 8 75,238.00 3,269.00 5,948.00 1,451.00 2,439.00 7,439.00 6,398.00 5,622.00 11,060.00 1,971.00 770.00 2,855.00 233.00 31,178.00 9 76,342.00 3,282.00 5,975.00 1,444.00 2,470.00 7,488.00 6,533.00 5,664.00 12,124.00 1,981.00 788.00 2,841.00 233.00 31,016.00 10 76,126.00 3,278.00 5,873.00 1,401.00 2,443.00 7,364.00 6,489.00 5,690.00 11,878.00 2,013.00 800.00 2,874.00 233.00 31,354.00 11 76,425.00 3,207.00 5,833.00 1,396.00 2,447.00 7,481.00 6,721.00 5,643.00 12,080.00 2,046.00 816.00 2,873.00 233.00 31,155.00 12 77,252.00 3,240.00 5,905.00 1,412.00 2,494.00 7,592.00 6,714.00 5,819.00 12,334.00 2,097.00 820.00 2,855.00 234.00 31,383.00 13 78,069.00 3,262.00 5,871.00 1,413.00 2,550.00 7,386.00 6,278.00 5,821.00 12,274.00 2,116.00 829.00 2,912.00 234.00 32,213.00 14 78,879.00 3,289.00 5,996.00 1,417.00 2,552.00 7,310.00 6,127.00 5,812.00 11,964.00 2,104.00 812.00 2,912.00 234.00 33,086.00 15 78,593.00 3,242.00 5,952.00 1,369.00 2,550.00 7,267.00 6,316.00 5,779.00 11,773.00 2,171.00 820.00 2,900.00 233.00 32,935.00 16 78,466.00 3,253.00 5,883.00 1,403.00 2,575.00 7,194.00 6,533.00 5,677.00 11,974.00 2,114.00 879.00 2,907.00 233.00 32,935.00 17 77,104.00 3,235.00 5,868.00 1,405.00 2,674.00 7,182.00 6,478.00 5,560.00 11,566.00 2,082.00 886.00 2,939.00 233.00 32,165.00 18 75,137.00 3,171.00 5,849.00 1,394.00 2,518.00 7,064.00 6,473.00 5,508.00 11,107.00 2,088.00 870.00 2,925.00 233.00 31,326.00 19 76,849.00 3,153.00 5,850.00 1,369.00 2,527.00 6,985.00 6,151.00 5,523.00 10,864.00 2,041.00 865.00 2,899.00 233.00 31,161.00 20 76,024.00 3,098.00 7,632.00 1,340.00 2,533.00 6,867.00 5,725.00 5,396.00 10,794.00 1,997.00 884.00 2,878.00 233.00 30,652.00
Book2 I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 78,700 3,333 6,175 1,476 2,493 7,183 7,253 5,465 11,299 1,883 834 2,857 234 33,217 3 78,722 3,319 6,267 1,489 2,489 7,244 7,277 5,646 10,847 1,908 810 2,879 234 33,063 4 78,262 3,317 6,258 1,520 2,496 7,238 7,264 5,633 10,791 1,900 803 2,886 233 32,662 5 79,069 3,296 6,316 1,500 2,489 7,413 7,195 5,632 11,346 1,948 794 2,885 234 32,662 6 77,600 3,341 6,096 1,497 2,499 7,379 7,154 5,717 11,193 1,990 786 2,888 233 31,721 7 76,339 3,329 5,910 1,455 2,469 7,350 6,708 5,702 11,218 1,992 778 2,890 233 31,420 8 75,238 3,269 5,948 1,451 2,439 7,439 6,398 5,622 11,060 1,971 770 2,855 233 31,178 9 76,342 3,282 5,975 1,444 2,470 7,488 6,533 5,664 12,124 1,981 788 2,841 233 31,016 10 76,126 3,278 5,873 1,401 2,443 7,364 6,489 5,690 11,878 2,013 800 2,874 233 31,354 11 76,425 3,207 5,833 1,396 2,447 7,481 6,721 5,643 12,080 2,046 816 2,873 233 31,155 12 77,252 3,240 5,905 1,412 2,494 7,592 6,714 5,819 12,334 2,097 820 2,855 234 31,383 13 78,069 3,262 5,871 1,413 2,550 7,386 6,278 5,821 12,274 2,116 829 2,912 234 32,213 14 78,879 3,289 5,996 1,417 2,552 7,310 6,127 5,812 11,964 2,104 812 2,912 234 33,086 15 78,593 3,242 5,952 1,369 2,550 7,267 6,316 5,779 11,773 2,171 820 2,900 233 32,935 16 78,466 3,253 5,883 1,403 2,575 7,194 6,533 5,677 11,974 2,114 879 2,907 233 32,935 17 77,104 3,235 5,868 1,405 2,674 7,182 6,478 5,560 11,566 2,082 886 2,939 233 32,165 18 75,137 3,171 5,849 1,394 2,518 7,064 6,473 5,508 11,107 2,088 870 2,925 233 31,326 19 76,849 3,153 5,850 1,369 2,527 6,985 6,151 5,523 10,864 2,041 865 2,899 233 31,161 20 76,024 3,098 7,632 1,340 2,533 6,867 5,725 5,396 10,794 1,997 884 2,878 233 30,652
It is unclear what would be required in column U with the sample data. Perhaps a re-ordering of the CF rules is required and/or further explanation from the OP as to what they want in that column.
23 10 17.xlsm I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 78,700.00 3,333.00 6,175.00 1,476.00 2,493.00 7,183.00 7,253.00 5,465.00 11,299.00 1,883.00 834.00 2,857.00 234.00 33,217.00 3 78,722.00 3,319.00 6,267.00 1,489.00 2,489.00 7,244.00 7,277.00 5,646.00 10,847.00 1,908.00 810.00 2,879.00 234.00 33,063.00 4 78,262.00 3,317.00 6,258.00 1,520.00 2,496.00 7,238.00 7,264.00 5,633.00 10,791.00 1,900.00 803.00 2,886.00 233.00 32,662.00 5 79,069.00 3,296.00 6,316.00 1,500.00 2,489.00 7,413.00 7,195.00 5,632.00 11,346.00 1,948.00 794.00 2,885.00 234.00 32,662.00 6 77,600.00 3,341.00 6,096.00 1,497.00 2,499.00 7,379.00 7,154.00 5,717.00 11,193.00 1,990.00 786.00 2,888.00 233.00 31,721.00 7 76,339.00 3,329.00 5,910.00 1,455.00 2,469.00 7,350.00 6,708.00 5,702.00 11,218.00 1,992.00 778.00 2,890.00 233.00 31,420.00 8 75,238.00 3,269.00 5,948.00 1,451.00 2,439.00 7,439.00 6,398.00 5,622.00 11,060.00 1,971.00 770.00 2,855.00 233.00 31,178.00 9 76,342.00 3,282.00 5,975.00 1,444.00 2,470.00 7,488.00 6,533.00 5,664.00 12,124.00 1,981.00 788.00 2,841.00 233.00 31,016.00 10 76,126.00 3,278.00 5,873.00 1,401.00 2,443.00 7,364.00 6,489.00 5,690.00 11,878.00 2,013.00 800.00 2,874.00 233.00 31,354.00 11 76,425.00 3,207.00 5,833.00 1,396.00 2,447.00 7,481.00 6,721.00 5,643.00 12,080.00 2,046.00 816.00 2,873.00 233.00 31,155.00 12 77,252.00 3,240.00 5,905.00 1,412.00 2,494.00 7,592.00 6,714.00 5,819.00 12,334.00 2,097.00 820.00 2,855.00 234.00 31,383.00 13 78,069.00 3,262.00 5,871.00 1,413.00 2,550.00 7,386.00 6,278.00 5,821.00 12,274.00 2,116.00 829.00 2,912.00 234.00 32,213.00 14 78,879.00 3,289.00 5,996.00 1,417.00 2,552.00 7,310.00 6,127.00 5,812.00 11,964.00 2,104.00 812.00 2,912.00 234.00 33,086.00 15 78,593.00 3,242.00 5,952.00 1,369.00 2,550.00 7,267.00 6,316.00 5,779.00 11,773.00 2,171.00 820.00 2,900.00 233.00 32,935.00 16 78,466.00 3,253.00 5,883.00 1,403.00 2,575.00 7,194.00 6,533.00 5,677.00 11,974.00 2,114.00 879.00 2,907.00 233.00 32,935.00 17 77,104.00 3,235.00 5,868.00 1,405.00 2,674.00 7,182.00 6,478.00 5,560.00 11,566.00 2,082.00 886.00 2,939.00 233.00 32,165.00 18 75,137.00 3,171.00 5,849.00 1,394.00 2,518.00 7,064.00 6,473.00 5,508.00 11,107.00 2,088.00 870.00 2,925.00 233.00 31,326.00 19 76,849.00 3,153.00 5,850.00 1,369.00 2,527.00 6,985.00 6,151.00 5,523.00 10,864.00 2,041.00 865.00 2,899.00 233.00 31,161.00 20 76,024.00 3,098.00 7,632.00 1,340.00 2,533.00 6,867.00 5,725.00 5,396.00 10,794.00 1,997.00 884.00 2,878.00 233.00 30,652.00
Here is yet another interpretation of what may be required (& depends on the Excel version)
I suggest that you update your Account details (click your user name at the top right of the forum) so helpers always know what Excel version(s) & platform(s) you are using as
the best solution often varies by version . (Don’t forget to scroll down & ‘Save’)
23 10 17.xlsm I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 aba defe gdg gdf hgh jyu tyut tyu ty tyu2 tu gfj jjgggh jghgh 2 78,700.00 3,333.00 6,175.00 1,476.00 2,493.00 7,183.00 7,253.00 5,465.00 11,299.00 1,883.00 834.00 2,857.00 234.00 33,217.00 3 78,722.00 3,319.00 6,267.00 1,489.00 2,489.00 7,244.00 7,277.00 5,646.00 10,847.00 1,908.00 810.00 2,879.00 234.00 33,063.00 4 78,262.00 3,317.00 6,258.00 1,520.00 2,496.00 7,238.00 7,264.00 5,633.00 10,791.00 1,900.00 803.00 2,886.00 233.00 32,662.00 5 79,069.00 3,296.00 6,316.00 1,500.00 2,489.00 7,413.00 7,195.00 5,632.00 11,346.00 1,948.00 794.00 2,885.00 234.00 32,662.00 6 77,600.00 3,341.00 6,096.00 1,497.00 2,499.00 7,379.00 7,154.00 5,717.00 11,193.00 1,990.00 786.00 2,888.00 233.00 31,721.00 7 76,339.00 3,329.00 5,910.00 1,455.00 2,469.00 7,350.00 6,708.00 5,702.00 11,218.00 1,992.00 778.00 2,890.00 233.00 31,420.00 8 75,238.00 3,269.00 5,948.00 1,451.00 2,439.00 7,439.00 6,398.00 5,622.00 11,060.00 1,971.00 770.00 2,855.00 233.00 31,178.00 9 76,342.00 3,282.00 5,975.00 1,444.00 2,470.00 7,488.00 6,533.00 5,664.00 12,124.00 1,981.00 788.00 2,841.00 233.00 31,016.00 10 76,126.00 3,278.00 5,873.00 1,401.00 2,443.00 7,364.00 6,489.00 5,690.00 11,878.00 2,013.00 800.00 2,874.00 233.00 31,354.00 11 76,425.00 3,207.00 5,833.00 1,396.00 2,447.00 7,481.00 6,721.00 5,643.00 12,080.00 2,046.00 816.00 2,873.00 233.00 31,155.00 12 77,252.00 3,240.00 5,905.00 1,412.00 2,494.00 7,592.00 6,714.00 5,819.00 12,334.00 2,097.00 820.00 2,855.00 234.00 31,383.00 13 78,069.00 3,262.00 5,871.00 1,413.00 2,550.00 7,386.00 6,278.00 5,821.00 12,274.00 2,116.00 829.00 2,912.00 234.00 32,213.00 14 78,879.00 3,289.00 5,996.00 1,417.00 2,552.00 7,310.00 6,127.00 5,812.00 11,964.00 2,104.00 812.00 2,912.00 234.00 33,086.00 15 78,593.00 3,242.00 5,952.00 1,369.00 2,550.00 7,267.00 6,316.00 5,779.00 11,773.00 2,171.00 820.00 2,900.00 233.00 32,935.00 16 78,466.00 3,253.00 5,883.00 1,403.00 2,575.00 7,194.00 6,533.00 5,677.00 11,974.00 2,114.00 879.00 2,907.00 233.00 32,935.00 17 77,104.00 3,235.00 5,868.00 1,405.00 2,674.00 7,182.00 6,478.00 5,560.00 11,566.00 2,082.00 886.00 2,939.00 233.00 32,165.00 18 75,137.00 3,171.00 5,849.00 1,394.00 2,518.00 7,064.00 6,473.00 5,508.00 11,107.00 2,088.00 870.00 2,925.00 233.00 31,326.00 19 76,849.00 3,153.00 5,850.00 1,369.00 2,527.00 6,985.00 6,151.00 5,523.00 10,864.00 2,041.00 865.00 2,899.00 233.00 31,161.00 20 76,024.00 3,098.00 7,632.00 1,340.00 2,533.00 6,867.00 5,725.00 5,396.00 10,794.00 1,997.00 884.00 2,878.00 233.00 30,652.00
Hi all,
Thanks for the help. This works great on my Excel 2019
This works great on my Excel 2019
As Peter has already suggested,please update your
Account details (or click your user name at the top right of the forum) so helpers always know what Excel version(s) & platform(s) you are using as the best solution often varies by version. (Don’t forget to scroll down & ‘Save’)
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