I'm trying to use conditional formatting to format the columns (see below)
I used the following formulas... (just using row Q for sake of example)
Applies to: =$Q$4:$Q$24,$Z$4:$Z$24,$AI$4:$AI$24,$AR$4:$AR$24,$BA$4:$BA$24
Formula 1: =OR($Q4>$G$3,$Q4<$G$4,$AI4>$Z4)
Formula 2: =$BA4>$C$22
As you can see, Q21 is greater than G3, but it will not format properly. Any thoughts on why this could be?

I used the following formulas... (just using row Q for sake of example)
Applies to: =$Q$4:$Q$24,$Z$4:$Z$24,$AI$4:$AI$24,$AR$4:$AR$24,$BA$4:$BA$24
Formula 1: =OR($Q4>$G$3,$Q4<$G$4,$AI4>$Z4)
Formula 2: =$BA4>$C$22
As you can see, Q21 is greater than G3, but it will not format properly. Any thoughts on why this could be?