I have the below code that takes two worksheets in an xlsm workbook and it saves them as an xlsx workbook. The problem is that when the two sheets are saved into an new xlsx workbook the conditional formatting colors change. Is there a way to keep the formatting from XLSM to XLSX?
VBA Code:
Sub SaveCopyAs_Without_MacrosStore()
ThisFile = Sheets("Summary").Range("d11:d11").Value
Sheets(Array("LW-MTD-YTD", "By Week")).Copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="S:\Merch Analysis\ALL REPORTS\Monday Reporting\SenSource\Archive\" & ThisFile & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=51
Set Wkb = Workbooks.Open("S:\Merch Analysis\ALL REPORTS\Monday Reporting\SenSource\Archive\" & ThisFile & ".xlsx")
Wkb.Close Savechanges:=True
End Sub