Please help with this formula.
Year is in $AE$2
Month is in $A5, $A7, $A9... and is 3 characters text as JAN, FEB, MAR...
Day (1 - 31) is in B$4:AF$4
I want to conditionally format every cell (B5:AF27) if date (obtained using INDIRECTs) is Sat, Sun or invalid (April 31st). For example, X7 would be shaded because it is Feb 23, 2002 which is Saturday. Many thanks.
Year is in $AE$2
Month is in $A5, $A7, $A9... and is 3 characters text as JAN, FEB, MAR...
Day (1 - 31) is in B$4:AF$4
I want to conditionally format every cell (B5:AF27) if date (obtained using INDIRECTs) is Sat, Sun or invalid (April 31st). For example, X7 would be shaded because it is Feb 23, 2002 which is Saturday. Many thanks.