I have a VBA which pastes data into 4 different worksheets. Different data each time the VBA is used. Once pasted, an initial is inputted beside each line and the line is highlighted with certain color as determined by the conditional formatting.(=$AH1="KM") (=$1:$1048576) Ie. SM is purple, KM is pink etc. There are 15 initials matching with 15 different colors. The conditional formula for each sheet is the same, but I cannot copy each sheet 4 times as they are different and my VBA would corrupt. The difficult way would be type in the conditional formula in each work sheet 3x15 and try to match the same color for each initial. Matching the color is what is difficult, so that is why I am reaching out for help. Can anyone help me please?
Thank you Smilin
Thank you Smilin