Hi All,
I want to concatenate the text from two separate columns, with a space between the text. The columns are dynamic ranges, but the number of rows will always be the same. The part of the code I'd hoped would do it this are:
I keep getting a "type mismatch" error on the last line.
...any suggestions? thanks in advance.
I want to concatenate the text from two separate columns, with a space between the text. The columns are dynamic ranges, but the number of rows will always be the same. The part of the code I'd hoped would do it this are:
[INDENT]Dim LR As Long
LR = Range("A:Q").Find(what:="*", LookIn:=xlValues, _
Range("Q2:Q" & LR) = Range("M2:M" & LR) & " " & Range("L2:L" & LR)
...any suggestions? thanks in advance.