Hi All
I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how to accomplish the following:
In column A I have an ID# that sometimes repeats. In columns B-D there is corresponding data. For each time that the ID# in column a repeats I would like the data in Columns B-D to be cut to the first row that the ID number appears in the first blank column.
So for example:
ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF
123 abc def ghi jkl mno
234 PQR STU VWX YZa bcd
456 efg hij jkl mno pqr
456 stu vwx yz! @#$ %^&
456 &*( )_+ ABC DEF GHI
Would change to this
ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF ColG ColH ColI ColJ ColK ColL ColM ColN ColO ColP
123 ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO abc def ghi jkl mno
234 PQR STU VWX YZa bcd
456 efg hij jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! @#$ %^& &*( )_+ ABC DEF GHI
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how to accomplish the following:
In column A I have an ID# that sometimes repeats. In columns B-D there is corresponding data. For each time that the ID# in column a repeats I would like the data in Columns B-D to be cut to the first row that the ID number appears in the first blank column.
So for example:
ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF
123 abc def ghi jkl mno
234 PQR STU VWX YZa bcd
456 efg hij jkl mno pqr
456 stu vwx yz! @#$ %^&
456 &*( )_+ ABC DEF GHI
Would change to this
ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF ColG ColH ColI ColJ ColK ColL ColM ColN ColO ColP
123 ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO abc def ghi jkl mno
234 PQR STU VWX YZa bcd
456 efg hij jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! @#$ %^& &*( )_+ ABC DEF GHI
Any help would be greatly appreciated.