I have created a spreadsheet in excel. It will contain the following columns:
Date Performed
Employee #
Last Name
First Name
Temp Y/N
Dept #
Dept Name
I would like to eventually convert this spreadsheet to a table, but for now it is just a simple spreadsheet. It will eventually be the only record of these ongoing updates. It does have a header row that I will hide when coding my Active X Combo Box for infinite rows.
I would like to create a drop down menu of Employee #'s and have it automatically suggest names that meet all of your typed criteria as you are typing them.
For example:
1 = Anderson
11 = Andrews
111 = Atkins
1111 = Boland
As I am typing 1111, it is automatically bringing up all employees whose Employee # begins with
the number 1 until there is only one match for the completely typed # 1111, that being Boland.
Then once the # is selected, I would like the rest of the cells to auto fill from the table I created in spreadsheet # 2 of the same Workbook.
This table already has a table range created that does not include the header row.
If I am correct, the table should also automatically update the drop down menu whenever the table is updated.
One last issue I also will need this auto fill to address. If the person opts to change the "Employee #" they have selected, then I will need the other data to also automatically update based on the change to the first column selection (Employee #).
For example:
If I select Employee # 1; it then auto populates the following:
Emp # LN FN Temp D# DN Position
1 Anderson Kevin N 1 Sales Sales Rep
Oops, suddenly I realize I meant to hit # 2, not # 1; so I go back and change the #1 to #2,
everything else must also change to match that of employee # 2's data.
I know that by using a table in Excel rather than a simple spreadsheet creates an automatic Dynamic Name Range vs. a simple Name Range. Thus, meaning I should have a fewer steps to take to accomplish my end results since this should make the table auto update to any changes made to it (if I'm correctly understanding how it works).
I really like the idea of using an Active X Combo Box; but I'm not sure how this would be accomplished with multiple columns of information being returned and also how to make it auto update as needed as well.
Do I need to make my spreadsheet that will be recording all of this inputted data into a table before coding the columns with the Active X Combo Box?
I am interested in avoiding having to use VBA Coding if at all possible. I would like accomplish this with minimal steps and complexities.
Please let me know how best to accomplish my end results.
Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you are able to provide regarding this matter.
I have created a spreadsheet in excel. It will contain the following columns:
Date Performed
Employee #
Last Name
First Name
Temp Y/N
Dept #
Dept Name
I would like to eventually convert this spreadsheet to a table, but for now it is just a simple spreadsheet. It will eventually be the only record of these ongoing updates. It does have a header row that I will hide when coding my Active X Combo Box for infinite rows.
I would like to create a drop down menu of Employee #'s and have it automatically suggest names that meet all of your typed criteria as you are typing them.
For example:
1 = Anderson
11 = Andrews
111 = Atkins
1111 = Boland
As I am typing 1111, it is automatically bringing up all employees whose Employee # begins with
the number 1 until there is only one match for the completely typed # 1111, that being Boland.
Then once the # is selected, I would like the rest of the cells to auto fill from the table I created in spreadsheet # 2 of the same Workbook.
This table already has a table range created that does not include the header row.
If I am correct, the table should also automatically update the drop down menu whenever the table is updated.
One last issue I also will need this auto fill to address. If the person opts to change the "Employee #" they have selected, then I will need the other data to also automatically update based on the change to the first column selection (Employee #).
For example:
If I select Employee # 1; it then auto populates the following:
Emp # LN FN Temp D# DN Position
1 Anderson Kevin N 1 Sales Sales Rep
Oops, suddenly I realize I meant to hit # 2, not # 1; so I go back and change the #1 to #2,
everything else must also change to match that of employee # 2's data.
I know that by using a table in Excel rather than a simple spreadsheet creates an automatic Dynamic Name Range vs. a simple Name Range. Thus, meaning I should have a fewer steps to take to accomplish my end results since this should make the table auto update to any changes made to it (if I'm correctly understanding how it works).
I really like the idea of using an Active X Combo Box; but I'm not sure how this would be accomplished with multiple columns of information being returned and also how to make it auto update as needed as well.
Do I need to make my spreadsheet that will be recording all of this inputted data into a table before coding the columns with the Active X Combo Box?
I am interested in avoiding having to use VBA Coding if at all possible. I would like accomplish this with minimal steps and complexities.
Please let me know how best to accomplish my end results.
Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you are able to provide regarding this matter.