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Hello friends, Hope all is well!
Please help me with the bug below. the code converts Arabic numbers to text.
When I apply the code I get: Compile Error: compile error constant expression required.
The highlight is on: .Value
of the line: Private Const MyBegTx As String = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A1").Value
Please help me make the code work.
Thank you so much in advance!
Please help me with the bug below. the code converts Arabic numbers to text.
When I apply the code I get: Compile Error: compile error constant expression required.
The highlight is on: .Value
of the line: Private Const MyBegTx As String = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A1").Value
Please help me make the code work.
Thank you so much in advance!
Option Explicit
Private Const MyBegTx As String = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A1").Value
Private Const MyTNum As String = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A2").Value
'x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Function kh_TextNum(Num As String, Optional sex As Boolean = False, Optional sNameCurr As String = "", Optional pNameCurr As String = "", Optional NameCurrDec As String = "", Optional Decimal_Count As Byte = 2) As String
Dim Spp, zt
Dim i%, ii%, pr%
Dim MyMid$, nCurr$, Txt$, Txt1$, Txt2$
If Not IsNumeric(Num) Then GoTo kh_Exit
Spp = Split("/" & MyTNum, "/")
ii = UBound(Spp)
If Num < 0 Then Num = Abs(Num)
If Val(Num) > Val(String((ii + 1) * 3, "9") & ".999") Then GoTo kh_Exit
nCurr = sNameCurr & "-" & IIf(pNameCurr = "", sNameCurr, IIf(sNameCurr = "", "", pNameCurr))
Txt1 = Format(Num, String((ii + 1) * 3, "0") & ".000")
For i = 0 To ii
MyMid = Mid(Txt1, (i * 3) + 1, 3)
If MyMid Then
zt = Mid(Txt1, (i * 3) + 4, Len(Txt1))
zt = IIf(ii - i, Int(zt), zt)
Txt2 = IIf(ii - i, Trim(Spp(ii - i)), nCurr)
pr = 1 + IIf(ii - i, 1, CInt(sex))
Txt = Txt & IIf(Len(Txt), Sheets("ARDB").Range("A21").Value, "") & kh_nText(MyMid, Txt2, pr, zt, CBool(sNameCurr <> ""))
End If
If i = ii Then If MyMid = 0 Then Txt = Txt & IIf(Len(Txt), " ", Sheets("ARDB").Range("A3").Value) & sNameCurr
Txt = MyBegTx & Txt & kh_dText(Num, sNameCurr, NameCurrDec, Decimal_Count)
kh_TextNum = Trim(Txt)
End Function
Private Function kh_nText(ByVal iNum As String, ByVal oMm As String, ByVal ibs As Integer, ByVal z As Boolean, ByVal tCu As Boolean) As String
Dim Sp
Dim Num1%, Num2%, Num3%
Dim oM$, S$, S1$, nT$, nT0$, nT1$, nT2$
Sp = Split(Sheets("ARDB").Range("A4").Value, ",")
If ibs Then S = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A5").Value: Sp(1) = Sp(0): Sp(2) = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A8").Value: Sp(11) = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A7").Value: Sp(12) = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A6").Value Else S1 = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A5").Value
oM = Trim(Split(oMm, "-")(0))
Num1 = Left(iNum, 1)
Num2 = Right(iNum, 2)
Select Case Num1
Case 1: nT0 = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A10").Value
Case 2: nT0 = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A12").Value & IIf(ibs = 2, IIf(Num2 < 3, "", Sheets("ARDB").Range("A11").Value), IIf(Num2 = 0 And oM <> "", "", Sheets("ARDB").Range("A11").Value))
Case 3 To 9: nT0 = Sp(Num1) & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A10").Value
End Select
Num1 = Right(iNum, 2)
Select Case Num1
Case 1, 2: If nT0 <> "" Then If ibs = 2 Then nT0 = nT0 & " " & oM
Case 11 To 99: If oM <> "" Then If ibs Then If z Then oM = oM & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A13").Value
End Select
Select Case Num1
Case 1
nT = IIf(oM = "", Sp(0) & S1, oM)
oM = IIf(ibs <> 2 And oM <> "", Sp(0) & S1, "")
Case 2
nT = IIf(oM = "", Sp(Num1), Replace(oM, Sheets("ARDB").Range("A16").Value, Sheets("ARDB").Range("A15").Value) & IIf(z = 0 And ibs = 2 And tCu, Sheets("ARDB").Range("A22").Value, Sheets("ARDB").Range("A14").Value))
oM = IIf(ibs <> 2 And oM <> "", Sp(Num1), "")
Case 3 To 10
oM = Trim(Split(oMm, "-")(1))
nT = Sp(Num1) & S
Case 11, 12
nT = Sp(Num1) & Sp(10) & S1
Case 13 To 19
nT = Sp(Num1 - 10) & S & " " & Sp(10) & S1
Case 20 To 99
Num2 = Right(Num1, 1)
Num3 = Left(Num1, 1)
If Num3 = 2 Then nT1 = Sheets("ARDB").Range("A18").Value Else nT1 = Sp(Num3) & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A17").Value
nT2 = Sp(Num2) & IIf(Num2 > 2, S, "") & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A19").Value & nT1
If Num2 = 0 Then nT2 = nT1
nT = nT2
End Select
S = IIf(nT = "" Or iNum < 100, "", Sheets("ARDB").Range("A21").Value)
nT = Replace(nT, Sp(8) & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A9").Value, Sp(8) & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A20").Value)
kh_nText = Trim(nT0 & S & nT & " " & oM)
End Function
Private Function kh_dText(ByVal dNum As String, ByVal NCur As String, ByVal Ndec As String, ByVal co As Byte) As String
Dim Td$, Td1$
On Error GoTo 1
If NCur = "" Then Ndec = ""
Td = Format(Round(CCur(dNum - Int(dNum)), co), "0." & String(co, "0"))
If Td = 0 Or Td = 1 Then Td1 = "": GoTo 1
If Len(Ndec) Then Ndec = " " & Ndec: Td1 = Td * CVar("1" & String(co, "0")) Else Ndec = " " & NCur: Td1 = Td
Td1 = " " & Sheets("ARDB").Range("A21").Value & Chr(40) & Td1 & Chr(41) & Ndec
1: kh_dText = Td1
End Function