Excel, VBA 2010
I've been fiddling with this subroutine for a few days now and for a while it worked fine. I've finished the entire spreadsheet and this broke.... I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it.
I hacked this from wellsr.com and reformatted it to what I need.
This is fairly simple it's comparing two columns of names making sure they're both the same and if they aren't depending on other variables it pastes a message in that row. Let's see if we can get this in working order please!
Excel, VBA 2010
I've been fiddling with this subroutine for a few days now and for a while it worked fine. I've finished the entire spreadsheet and this broke.... I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it.
I hacked this from wellsr.com and reformatted it to what I need.
This is fairly simple it's comparing two columns of names making sure they're both the same and if they aren't depending on other variables it pastes a message in that row. Let's see if we can get this in working order please!
Sub CompareColumns_Test(ws2)
Dim MbrName_Console As String 'Member Names (Console)
Dim MbrName_Carrier As String 'Member Names (Carrier)
Dim DepName_Console_Check As String 'Dependent Names (Console)
Dim Console_NPortal As String 'In Console not Portal
Dim Portal_NConsole As String 'In Portal not Console
Dim iListStart As Integer 'Row where List Begins
Dim Console_NPortal_Msg As String, Portal_NConsole_Msg As String, ConsoleDep_NPortal_Msg As String 'Messages
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim iLastRow1 As Integer, iLastRow2 As Integer
Dim ConsoleDep_NPortal As String
Dim strtemp As String
'---Edit these variables---'
MbrName_Console = "S" 'Member Names (Console)
MbrName_Carrier = "Y" 'Member Names (Carrier)
DepName_Console_Check = "O" 'Dependent Names (Console)
Console_NPortal = "T" 'In Console not Portal
Portal_NConsole = "X" 'In Portal not Console
ConsoleDep_NPortal = "U" 'Dependent in Console not Portal
iListStart = 4 'Row start
iLastRow1 = ws2.Range(MbrName_Console & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
iLastRow2 = ws2.Range(MbrName_Carrier & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With ws2
Range(Console_NPortal & iListStart & ":" & Portal_NConsole & (iLastRow1 + iLastRow2)).ClearContents
Console_NPortal_Msg = "In Console Not in Portal"
ConsoleDep_NPortal_Msg = "Dependent in Console not Portal"
Portal_NConsole_Msg = "In Portal Not in Console"
'Identify in Console not Portal
For i = iListStart To WorksheetFunction.Max(iLastRow1, iLastRow2)
For j = iListStart To WorksheetFunction.Min(iLastRow1, iLastRow2)
If (Range(MbrName_Carrier & i)) = (Range(MbrName_Console & j)) Then
Exit For
ElseIf j = WorksheetFunction.Min(iLastRow1, iLastRow2) Then
If Not IsEmpty(Range(DepName_Console_Check & i)) Then
Range(Console_NPortal & i) = Console_NPortal_Msg
Range(ConsoleDep_NPortal & i) = ConsoleDep_NPortal_Msg
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
'Identify in Portal not Console
End If
For i = iListStart To WorksheetFunction.Min(iLastRow1, iLastRow2)
For j = iListStart To WorksheetFunction.Max(iLastRow1, iLastRow2)
If (Range(MbrName_Console & j)) = (Range(MbrName_Carrier & i)) Then
Exit For
ElseIf j = WorksheetFunction.Max(iLastRow1, iLastRow2) Then
Range(Portal_NConsole & i) = Portal_NConsole_Msg
End If
Next j
Next i
End With
End Sub