Using a sort macro on column(s) containing command buttons is resulting in stacked buttons and weird sorts.
25 rows
3 columns
each row is an account
1st column is hard coded worksheet name (not same as account name (i.e. Acct01 is worksheet name; account is "Branscome"))
2nd column is account name provided via hlookup
3rd column is service day (1, 5, 10, etc and includes "no svc" for dead accounts
I have inserted command buttons for each row. The button covers columns 1 & 2 and leaves the 3rd column visible.
The command button is "named", for example, by entering =$D$12 in the formula line when the button is initially selected.
Subsequently, a macro is then assigned to the command button that goes directly to that account's worksheet.
At the top of the account columns (col 1& 2) is a command button to sort by name
At the top of the service day info column is a command button to sort by day.
Without the command buttons on each row all works perfectly. But! When i create and place the command buttons, usually the account sort works ok. But when I do the service day sort, the command buttons are out of order - and with several being placed behind other command buttons.
FWIW - this exact same spreadsheet was created way back when with Excel 2003 - and everything has always worked just fine. That same spreadsheet in Excel 2023 still works just fine. And i am about to go blind trying to figure out what the heck is happening. I have deleted (cut) all of the command buttons on the rows, deleted the sort macros for the two sort buttons at the top of the columns - recreated all of it - and still I got command buttons playing hide n seek and out of order.
I am at a loss, and I need to get this working again. Any ideas?
25 rows
3 columns
each row is an account
1st column is hard coded worksheet name (not same as account name (i.e. Acct01 is worksheet name; account is "Branscome"))
2nd column is account name provided via hlookup
3rd column is service day (1, 5, 10, etc and includes "no svc" for dead accounts
I have inserted command buttons for each row. The button covers columns 1 & 2 and leaves the 3rd column visible.
The command button is "named", for example, by entering =$D$12 in the formula line when the button is initially selected.
Subsequently, a macro is then assigned to the command button that goes directly to that account's worksheet.
At the top of the account columns (col 1& 2) is a command button to sort by name
At the top of the service day info column is a command button to sort by day.
Without the command buttons on each row all works perfectly. But! When i create and place the command buttons, usually the account sort works ok. But when I do the service day sort, the command buttons are out of order - and with several being placed behind other command buttons.
FWIW - this exact same spreadsheet was created way back when with Excel 2003 - and everything has always worked just fine. That same spreadsheet in Excel 2023 still works just fine. And i am about to go blind trying to figure out what the heck is happening. I have deleted (cut) all of the command buttons on the rows, deleted the sort macros for the two sort buttons at the top of the columns - recreated all of it - and still I got command buttons playing hide n seek and out of order.
I am at a loss, and I need to get this working again. Any ideas?