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Would anyone be able to help isolate the possible cause of a particular problem I am having populating a combobox control on my userform?
1. From userform test_mr, the user clicks on an entry in listbox miss_nr
2. This in turn opens up userform group_1
3. Since group_1 was referred to and opened from userform test_mr, a portion of group_1's fields are auto populated (textbox1). The user is then encouraged to press the "Process" commandbutton to proceed with additional data entry with group_1. (
4. Since pn_exist is false, procedure new_group (Blue code) is executed.
5. With group_1 showing, textbox1 populated, the user is to select a value from combobox ai_type. The rowsource is coded into the control properties LISTS!A2:A10 . LISTS is a worksheet in the master workbook Sports17.xlsm. It is declared as a public worksheet ws_lists, and set = workbooks("Sports17.xlsm").worksheets("LISTS"). The debug line relates to the proper worksheet.
The combobox will not populate with the values in LISTS!A2:A10. It's just blank. If I use userform group_1 independent of steps 1 through 4 to enter new information (pn_exists=false), I have no problem with ai_type populating.
At this point in my project, the master workbook (Sports17.xlsm) is open, a source workbook (schedule.csv) is open and hidden, and a target workbook (Aug 11 2017 Data.xlsx) is also open.
Thank you all in advance for taking time to sort through this mess in an effort to help me.
1. From userform test_mr, the user clicks on an entry in listbox miss_nr
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub miss_rn_Click()
Debug.Print Me.Name, ".miss_rn_Click() called"
With miss_rn
Debug.Print Me.Name, ".miss_rn_Click() ListIndex: " & .ListIndex & " (" & .List(.ListIndex) & ")"
End With
mbEvents = True
End Sub
2. This in turn opens up userform group_1
Rich (BB code):
Public Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim l_mr As Long
mbEvents = False
Debug.Print df1
l_mr = ws_vh.Range("B2") 'missing rental count in current schedule 'l_mr = 1
Debug.Print l_mr
Debug.Print agf
'parking location of userform on desktop
'group_1.Top = 300
'group_1.Left = 500
ws_vh.Range("A7:D7") = "" 'advanced filter criteria
With TextBox1
.Locked = False
.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.Value = Format(0, "000000") 'new rental
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
If l_mr <> 1 Then uf2_eliminate.Visible = False
If df1 < 4 Then uf2_eliminate.Visible = True
Label34.Caption = " Please enter valid permit number."
proceed1.Enabled = True
'uf2_eliminate.Visible = False
submit1.Enabled = False
delete1.Enabled = False
edit1.Enabled = False
amm_no.Value = 0
amm_no.Locked = True
date1.Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm")
date1.Locked = True
ai_type.Value = ""
ai_type.BackColor = RGB(0, 126, 167) 'celadon blue
ai_function.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
ai_function.Value = ""
ai_function.Enabled = False
ai_league.Value = ""
ai_league.Enabled = False
ai_calibre.Value = ""
ai_calibre.Enabled = False
ai_division.Value = ""
ai_division.Enabled = False
ai_event.Value = ""
ai_event.Enabled = False
MultiPage1.Value = 1
MultiPage1.Visible = False
MultiPage2.Value = 0
Frame8.Visible = False
group_1.Height = 124.5
With TextBox1
.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
If l_mr > 0 Then 'this has come in from module 21 reporting missing rentals prior to workorder prep
.Value = Format(test_mr.miss_rn.Value, "######")
.BackColor = RGB(0, 168, 232)
'ws_lists.Activate 'this made no difference
.Value = Format(0, "######") 'new rental
End If
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
mbEvents = True
End Sub
3. Since group_1 was referred to and opened from userform test_mr, a portion of group_1's fields are auto populated (textbox1). The user is then encouraged to press the "Process" commandbutton to proceed with additional data entry with group_1. (
Rich (BB code):
Private Sub proceed1_Click()
Dim ty As Boolean
Dim rng_pn As Range
Dim rnl As Long
Dim pn As Long
Dim pn_exist As Boolean
Dim lrow As Long
Set rng_pn = ws_rd.Range("A:A")
'check if numeric
ty = IsNumeric(TextBox1.Value)
If ty = False Then 'not a number
Me.Label34.Caption = " Permit numbers are 5 or 6 digit numeric values."
Me.Label34.BorderColor = vbRed
With TextBox1
.Value = Format(0, "000000")
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
Exit Sub
End If
'check length
rnl = Len(TextBox1.Value)
If rnl < 5 Or rnl > 6 Then
Me.Label34.Caption = " Permit numbers are 5 or 6 digit numeric values."
Me.Label34.BorderColor = vbRed
With TextBox1
.Value = Format(0, "000000")
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
Exit Sub
End If
'check value is valid
If TextBox1.Value < 68000 Then
Me.Label34.Caption = " Invalid permit range."
Me.Label34.BorderColor = vbRed
With TextBox1
.Value = Format(0, "000000")
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
Exit Sub
End If
'Valid permit number
pn = TextBox1.Value
Me.Label34.Caption = " Valid permit number."
Me.Label34.BorderColor = RGB(50, 205, 50)
Me.TextBox1.Locked = True
Me.proceed1.Enabled = False
Me.date1.Locked = False
'check if rental exists in database
pn_exist = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng_pn, pn) > 0
'rental not in database
If pn_exist = False Then
TextBox1.BackColor = RGB(0, 126, 167)
Me.Label34.Caption = " Entry does not exist in database."
Me.Label34.BorderColor = vbRed
new_group pn
'rental is in database
lrow = Application.Match(pn, rng_pn, 0)
mbEvents = False
With Me
.Caption = "USER GROUP [E" & lrow & "]"
.TextBox1.BackColor = RGB(50, 205, 50)
.TextBox1.Locked = True
.Label34.Caption = " Rental already exists in the database."
.Label34.BorderColor = RGB(50, 205, 50)
'If Not mbEvents Then Exit Sub
'mbEvents = False
.Frame8.Visible = True
.amm_no.Value = ws_rd.Range("B" & lrow).Value
.amm_no.Locked = False
'.amm_no.Locked = True
.date1.Value = Format(ws_rd.Range("AO" & lrow), "DD-MMM")
.date1.Locked = True
.ai_type.Value = ws_rd.Range("C" & lrow)
.ai_type.Locked = True
.Height = 745
.Top = 25
.edit1.Enabled = True
.delete1.Enabled = True
End With
End If
'mbEvents = True
End Sub
4. Since pn_exist is false, procedure new_group (Blue code) is executed.
Rich (BB code):
Sub new_group(ByRef pn As Long)
Dim lrow_rd As Long
Dim nrow_rd As Long
lrow_rd = ws_rd.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
nrow_rd = lrow_rd + 1
ws_vh.Range("E3") = 1
With group_1
.Top = 50
.Caption = "USER GROUP [N" & nrow_rd & "]"
.Height = 252
.ai_type.Locked = False
Debug.Print ws_lists.Name
End With
End Sub
5. With group_1 showing, textbox1 populated, the user is to select a value from combobox ai_type. The rowsource is coded into the control properties LISTS!A2:A10 . LISTS is a worksheet in the master workbook Sports17.xlsm. It is declared as a public worksheet ws_lists, and set = workbooks("Sports17.xlsm").worksheets("LISTS"). The debug line relates to the proper worksheet.
The combobox will not populate with the values in LISTS!A2:A10. It's just blank. If I use userform group_1 independent of steps 1 through 4 to enter new information (pn_exists=false), I have no problem with ai_type populating.
At this point in my project, the master workbook (Sports17.xlsm) is open, a source workbook (schedule.csv) is open and hidden, and a target workbook (Aug 11 2017 Data.xlsx) is also open.
Thank you all in advance for taking time to sort through this mess in an effort to help me.