Hey Everyone,
I'm trying to make a combo box that lists only unique entries in 2 columns but also has a count in brackets beside the entry. For example:
Apples (8)
Bananas (13)
Grapes (2)
The code I have to populate the box is:
What can I add to count how many times an entry is listed in my range? Also, the filter works off text from the combo box, how can I remove the counts prior to filtering? Here's what I'm using now to filter:
Please help a newb!
I'm trying to make a combo box that lists only unique entries in 2 columns but also has a count in brackets beside the entry. For example:
Apples (8)
Bananas (13)
Grapes (2)
The code I have to populate the box is:
Sub RemoveDuplicates()
Dim AllCells As Range, Cell As Range
Dim NoDupes As New Collection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim Swap1, Swap2, Item
Set AllCells = Range("e3:f370")
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In AllCells
NoDupes.Add Cell.Value, CStr(Cell.Value)
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
For i = 1 To NoDupes.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To NoDupes.Count
If NoDupes(i) > NoDupes(j) Then
Swap1 = NoDupes(i)
Swap2 = NoDupes(j)
NoDupes.Add Swap1, before:=j
NoDupes.Add Swap2, before:=i
NoDupes.Remove i + 1
NoDupes.Remove j + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
For Each Item In NoDupes
UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem Item
Next Item
End Sub
What can I add to count how many times an entry is listed in my range? Also, the filter works off text from the combo box, how can I remove the counts prior to filtering? Here's what I'm using now to filter:
Private Sub SrchBtn_Click()
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("b1") = ComboBox1.Value
Range("A2:J1000").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:= _
Range("L1:M3"), Unique:=False
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-5
Unload Me
End Sub
Please help a newb!