This is using Excel 2013 and VBA. The goal of the project is to take data from sheet A and find matches on either sheet B or sheet C and build sheet D or sheet E based on matches between A+B or A+C. The use of match and looping are taking care of the data, but I need to combine the headers.
Essentially, I find a match on sheet B from sheet A and build sheet D with the headers of sheet A and the headers of sheet B. I am attempting to use application.union to combine the two ranges of headers onto sheet D. I am getting an error with the union (1003).
Here is the sample code:
I can add the variable definitions if needed. Note that dest130Range, sourceAllRange, and sourceFAR130Range are all declared as ranges.
Essentially, I find a match on sheet B from sheet A and build sheet D with the headers of sheet A and the headers of sheet B. I am attempting to use application.union to combine the two ranges of headers onto sheet D. I am getting an error with the union (1003).
Here is the sample code:
Set wkbk = Workbooks.Open(filePath)
With wkbk
Set sourceSheet = .Sheets(srcSheet)
Set targSheet1 = .Sheets(trgSheet1)
Set targSheet2 = .Sheets(trgSheet2)
' Get size of rows to be copied to set destination range
Set sourceAllRange = sourceSheet.Range(allBegin & 1, allEnd & 1)
Set sourceFAR130Range = targSheet1.Range(far130Begin & 1, far130End & 1)
Set sourceFAR130ORange = targSheet2.Range(far130OBegin & 1, far130OEnd & 1)
' Get number of columns of each sheet
colAllCount = sourceAllRange.Columns.Count
col130Count = sourceFAR130Range.Columns.Count
col130OCount = sourceFAR130ORange.Columns.Count
' Add a sheet for matched FAR130 values
.Worksheets.Add After:=.Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
Set tabFAR130 = .Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
tabFAR130.Name = moveSheet1
' Copy All and FAR130 headers to new sheet
With tabFAR130
Set dest130Range = .Cells(1, colAllCount + col130Count)
[COLOR=#ff0000] Set dest130Range = Application.Union(sourceAllRange, sourceFAR130Range)[/COLOR]
End With
I can add the variable definitions if needed. Note that dest130Range, sourceAllRange, and sourceFAR130Range are all declared as ranges.