Is it possible to combine a stacked bar chart with a line chart in a pivot chart? I'm having trouble figuring out how to format the data if it is possible. My raw data is generated from an Access database. My pivot table has Months in the row labels and Solution in the column labels. I have a nice chart with the Solutions stacked. I also have a chart with the Months in the row labels and Total Opportunities (the combined quantity of all Solutions) and Total $$ in the column label. The total $$ is a single unit equal to the combined Solutions in the other chart. I would ideally like to combine these so that the line chart of total opportunities - which is on a secondary axis - and the stacked bar chart showing all the Solutions are in the same chart.
Is this possible? I'm not good at VBA, so be gentle with your answer. Sorry for the long winded description.
Is this possible? I'm not good at VBA, so be gentle with your answer. Sorry for the long winded description.