Private Sub ComboBox1_Click()
j = ComboBox1.ListIndex
Cells(1, j + 1).Select
End Sub
Sub ProcessData()
Dim Cl08 As Integer
Dim Msb As Integer
Dim Month As Variant
Month = Cells(26, 3)
Cl08 = 87 'Starting column number for Year 2008
Select Case Month
'Starts from Jul 09 to Jun 10 ONLY !!!
Case "Jul 09"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 2)
Case Is = "Aug 09"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 4)
Case "Sep 09"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 6)
Case "Oct 09"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 8)
Case "Nov 09"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 10)
Case "Dec 09"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 12)
Case "Jan 10"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 14)
Case "Feb 10"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 16)
Case "Mar 10"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 18)
Case "Apr 10"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 20)
Case "May 10"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 22)
Case "Jun 10"
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (Cl08 + 24)
End Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(30, 1).Select
Msb = MsgBox("LR audits have been successfully processed !", vbOKOnly)
End Sub
Sub ProcessData_New()
Dim Msb As Integer
Dim Month As Variant
Month = Cells(26, 3)
Dim j As Integer
Dim ColumnCount As Integer
j = 1
ColumnCount = Cells(1, j).Value
Do While Cells(2, j).Value <> ""
If Cells(2, j).Value = Month Then
CopyCalculationsToLRAudits (ColumnCount + 1)
Msb = MsgBox("failed !", vbOKOnly)
End If
j = j + 1
Msb = MsgBox("LR audits have been successfully processed !", vbOKOnly)
End Sub