Hello...I am using this code that produces reports in tabular that I would like to modify so that I produces a Column style any ideas. Thanks for your help.
I would like to report it like this:
ActNo Year1 Year2 Year3
Function CreateDynamicReport(strSQL As String)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' database object
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset ' recordset object
Dim fld As DAO.Field ' recordset field
Dim txtNew As Access.TextBox ' textbox control
Dim lblNew As Access.Label ' label control
Dim rpt As Report ' hold report object
Dim lngTop As Long ' holds top value of control position
Dim lngLeft As Long ' holds left value of controls position
Dim title As String 'holds title of report
'set the title
title = "Title for the Report"
' initialise position variables
lngLeft = 0
lngTop = 0
'Create the report
Set rpt = CreateReport
' set properties of the Report
With rpt
.Width = 8500
.RecordSource = strSQL
.Caption = title
End With
' Open SQL query as a recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
' Create Label Title
Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, _
acPageHeader, , "Title", 0, 0)
lblNew.FontBold = True
lblNew.FontSize = 8
' Create corresponding label and text box controls for each field.
For Each fld In rs.Fields
' Create new text box control and size to fit data.
Set txtNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acTextBox, _
acDetail, , fld.Name, lngLeft + 1500, lngTop)
' Create new label control and size to fit data.
Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, _
txtNew.Name, fld.Name, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
' Increment top value for next control
lngTop = lngTop + txtNew.Height + 25
' Create datestamp in Footer
Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, _
acPageFooter, , Now(), 0, 0)
' Create page numbering on footer
Set txtNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acTextBox, _
acPageFooter, , "='Page ' & [Page] & ' of ' & [Pages]", rpt.Width - 1000, 0)
' Open new report.
DoCmd.OpenReport rpt.Name, acViewPreview
'reset all objects
Set rs = Nothing
Set rpt = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function
I would like to report it like this:
ActNo Year1 Year2 Year3
Function CreateDynamicReport(strSQL As String)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' database object
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset ' recordset object
Dim fld As DAO.Field ' recordset field
Dim txtNew As Access.TextBox ' textbox control
Dim lblNew As Access.Label ' label control
Dim rpt As Report ' hold report object
Dim lngTop As Long ' holds top value of control position
Dim lngLeft As Long ' holds left value of controls position
Dim title As String 'holds title of report
'set the title
title = "Title for the Report"
' initialise position variables
lngLeft = 0
lngTop = 0
'Create the report
Set rpt = CreateReport
' set properties of the Report
With rpt
.Width = 8500
.RecordSource = strSQL
.Caption = title
End With
' Open SQL query as a recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
' Create Label Title
Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, _
acPageHeader, , "Title", 0, 0)
lblNew.FontBold = True
lblNew.FontSize = 8
' Create corresponding label and text box controls for each field.
For Each fld In rs.Fields
' Create new text box control and size to fit data.
Set txtNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acTextBox, _
acDetail, , fld.Name, lngLeft + 1500, lngTop)
' Create new label control and size to fit data.
Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, acDetail, _
txtNew.Name, fld.Name, lngLeft, lngTop, 1400, txtNew.Height)
' Increment top value for next control
lngTop = lngTop + txtNew.Height + 25
' Create datestamp in Footer
Set lblNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acLabel, _
acPageFooter, , Now(), 0, 0)
' Create page numbering on footer
Set txtNew = CreateReportControl(rpt.Name, acTextBox, _
acPageFooter, , "='Page ' & [Page] & ' of ' & [Pages]", rpt.Width - 1000, 0)
' Open new report.
DoCmd.OpenReport rpt.Name, acViewPreview
'reset all objects
Set rs = Nothing
Set rpt = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function