I have been writing some VBA code the past two weeks to automatically fill out a web ticket for work. The code I developed was done using a personal laptop that is running Windows 10 operating system.
I tried running this on my work machine (our organization runs Windows 8.1) and I discovered my code does not run correctly on this machine.
Both systems are running Excel 2016 and both utilize Internet Explorer 11 (which is a requirement). The Windows 10 x64 operating system's Internet Explorer is version 11.576.14393.0 while the Windows 8.1 x64 Internet Explorer version is 11.09600.17690. I've checked on my Windows 8.1 machines and there are no available IE updates available (the version I have under Windows 8.1 is the most recent version available). Our organization isn't ready to move to Windows 10 yet, so it is also not an option, at this time, to upgrade the operating system.
I wasn't aware when I was writing the code that there would be elements that might not run correctly using the slightly older version of Internet Explorer and I wasn't able to beta test on my work machine until today.
I've run the code multiple times on my personal laptop and the code itself is otherwise executing the way that it is supposed to (at least in the Windows 10 version of Internet Explorer).
When I step through the code I notice the IE.left/top/width/height don't execute correctly and also that the code seems to get stuck in an infinite loop at this portion of the code:
It's all together possible some of my other lines of code may not be compatible with the lower version of Internet Explorer either.
Could one of the resident Excel gurus here tell me what the difference in browser versions makes and if there are easy ways I can modify my code to work in the Internet Explorer version running under Windows 8.1? Especially at the sticky point mentioned above?
Thank you so much!
I tried running this on my work machine (our organization runs Windows 8.1) and I discovered my code does not run correctly on this machine.
Both systems are running Excel 2016 and both utilize Internet Explorer 11 (which is a requirement). The Windows 10 x64 operating system's Internet Explorer is version 11.576.14393.0 while the Windows 8.1 x64 Internet Explorer version is 11.09600.17690. I've checked on my Windows 8.1 machines and there are no available IE updates available (the version I have under Windows 8.1 is the most recent version available). Our organization isn't ready to move to Windows 10 yet, so it is also not an option, at this time, to upgrade the operating system.
I wasn't aware when I was writing the code that there would be elements that might not run correctly using the slightly older version of Internet Explorer and I wasn't able to beta test on my work machine until today.
I've run the code multiple times on my personal laptop and the code itself is otherwise executing the way that it is supposed to (at least in the Windows 10 version of Internet Explorer).
When I step through the code I notice the IE.left/top/width/height don't execute correctly and also that the code seems to get stuck in an infinite loop at this portion of the code:
It's all together possible some of my other lines of code may not be compatible with the lower version of Internet Explorer either.
Could one of the resident Excel gurus here tell me what the difference in browser versions makes and if there are easy ways I can modify my code to work in the Internet Explorer version running under Windows 8.1? Especially at the sticky point mentioned above?
Thank you so much!
'Automate The Creation Of The Web Help Desk Ticket
'Add reference to Microsoft Internet Controls (SHDocVw)
'Add reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library
Sub AutomateHelpDeskTicket()
Dim IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim doc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim div
Dim url As String
Dim hwnd As Long, IECaption As String
Dim Tags As Object
Dim Tagx As Object
Dim myElem As Object
Dim WaitOver
Dim LastName As Object
Dim Count
Dim l
Dim Path As String
Dim RequestID As String
Dim StrRecordNumber As String
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
On Error Resume Next
'URL For The Ticketing System
url = "https://help.psdschools.org/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa"
'Create InternetExplorer Object
Set IE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
'Make Internet Explorer Visible
IE.Visible = True
'Go to UR Specified Above
IE.Navigate url
'Set Internet Explorer Window to 1024x768 Resolution With Position Being In The Top-Left Corner
IE.Left = 0
IE.Top = 0
IE.Width = 1024
IE.Height = 768
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Look At Only Element Types Of Input
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
'If Webpage Contains Textbox Named userName Then Loop Until Webpage No Longer Contains That Textbox
For Each Tagx In Tags
If Tagx.getAttribute("id") = "userName" Then
Set myElem = IE.Document.getElementById("userName")
End If
If myElem Is Nothing Then
GoTo ClickClientInfoButton
Set myElem = Nothing
GoTo WaitForLogin
End If
Exit Sub
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'If The DIV Button Is Class Named squareButtonLeft, I.E., "New Ticket," Then Click It
For Each Tagx In Tags
If Tagx.getAttribute("class") = "squareButtonLeft" Then
GoTo EnterClientInfo
End If
Exit Sub
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Fill TextBox With Name lastNameField with Twogood
IE.Document.getElementsByName("lastNameField")(0).Value = "Twogood"
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'If The DIV Button Is The Third Class Named panelButton, I.E., Button Named "Search," Then Click It
Count = 0
For Each Tagx In Tags
If Tagx.getAttribute("class") = "panelButton" Then
Count = Count + 1
If Count = "3" Then
GoTo ClickAssetInfoButton
End If
End If
Exit Sub
'Click On Asset Info Button
Dim CurrentWindow As HTMLWindowProxy: Set CurrentWindow = IE.Document.parentWindow
Call CurrentWindow.execScript("*******_e_7_21_0_0_0_0_2_3_0_0_1_2_0_3_0_1_5_5_0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_0_3_1()")
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Wait Additional 1 Second
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
'Fill TextBox With Name lastNameField With Computer Name From Column B Of The Selected Row
IE.Document.getElementsByName("")(0).Value = "" & Range("B" & ActiveCell.Row).Value & ""
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'If The DIV Button Is The Third Class Named panelButton, I.E., The Button Named "Search," Then Click It
'Zero Out Counter
Count = 0
For Each Tagx In Tags
If Tagx.getAttribute("class") = "panelButton" Then
'Increment Counter By One Each Loop
Count = Count + 1
If Count = "3" Then
'Click On DIV Button
GoTo ClickAssetHypeerlink
End If
End If
Exit Sub
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'Click The Asset ID Hyperlink To Attach This To The Ticket
For Each Tagx In Tags
'Identify DIV Container By ID Attribute
If Tagx.getAttribute("id") = "AssetSearchResultsDiv" Then
'Get Path From upDateURL Attribute In DIV Container
Path = Tagx.getAttribute("updateURL")
'Use Srring Manipulation To Get Only The RequestID Number From Path
RequestID = Right(Path, Len(Path) - Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("ajax/", Path) - 4)
'Add RequestID To Below JavaScript Call To Click On Asset ID Hyperlink To Attach It To The Ticket
Call CurrentWindow.execScript("AUL.update('AssignedAssetsUpdateContainer', {}, '" & RequestID & ".');")
GoTo ClickTicketDetailsButton
End If
Exit Sub
'Click On Asset Info Button
Call CurrentWindow.execScript("*******_e_7_21_0_0_0_0_2_3_0_0_1_2_0_3_0_1_5_5_0_1_1_1_2_1_1_1_0_3_1()")
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Wait One Additional 1 Second
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Indentify Request Type Parent Select Tag By Count (This Select Drop-Down Is The Third Select Tag On The Page)
'I Couldn't Identify This Select Box By Name or ID Atrribute As These Values Change To Some Sudo-Random Value Each Refresh Of The Page
'Zero Out Counter
Count = 0
For Each l In IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
'Increment Counter By One Each Loop
Count = Count + 1
'If The Select Tag Is The Third Tag Of It's Kind On The Page
If Count = "3" Then
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Set The Value Of That Select Tag To The Value Above The One Needed, I.E., To "Classroom Technology" (Item 3)
l.selectedIndex = 3
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Send The Down Arrow Key To The Select Object In Order To Change It To "Computer" (Item 4)
'Because There Is A Yet Unidentified OnChange Event or JavaScript Code That Shows The Next Select Box When The Select Box Has Been Changed, I Couldn't Simply Assign The Value To This Select Box. Nor Have I Yet Identified The Script That Activates Showing The Next Select Tag, In Order To Cell It Directly. Thus, Using This Round About Method, Which Gets The Desired Result.
SendKeys "{down}"
GoTo SelectRequestTypeSub1
End If
Exit Sub
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Wait Additional 1 Second
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
'Indentify Request Type Sub Select Tag By Count (This Select Drop-Down Is The Third Select Tag On The Page)
'I Couldn't Identify This Select Box By Name or ID Atrribute As These Values Change To Some Sudo-Random Value Each Refresh Of The Page
'Zero Out Counter
Count = 0
For Each l In IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
'Increment Counter By One Each Loop
Count = Count + 1
'If The Select Tag Is The Fourth Tag Of It's Kind On The Page
If Count = "4" Then
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Set The Value Of That Select Tag To The Value Above The One Needed, I.E., To "Functionality Issue" (Item 1)
l.selectedIndex = 1
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Send The Down Arrow Key To The Select Object In Order To Change It To "Hardware/Repair Failure" (Item 2)
'Because There Is A Yet Unidentified OnChange Event or JavaScript Code That Shows The Next Select Box When The Select Box Has Been Changed, I Couldn't Simply Assign The Value To This Select Box. Nor Have I Yet Identified The Script That Activates Showing The Next Select Tag, In Order To Cell It Directly. Thus, Using This Round About Method, Which Gets The Desired Result.
SendKeys "{down}"
GoTo SelectRequestTypeSub2
End If
Exit Sub
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Wait Additional 1 Second
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
'Indentify Request Type Sub Select Tag By Count (This Select Drop-Down Is The Third Select Tag On The Page)
'I Couldn't Identify This Select Box By Name or ID Atrribute As These Values Change To Some Sudo-Random Value Each Refresh Of The Page
'Zero Out Counter
Count = 0
For Each l In IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
'Increment Counter By One Each Loop
Count = Count + 1
'If The Select Tag Is The Fifth Tag Of It's Kind On The Page
If Count = "5" Then
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Set The Value Of That Select Tag To The Value Above The One Needed, I.E., To "Desktop" (Item 1)
l.selectedIndex = 1
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Send The Down Arrow Key To The Select Object In Order To Change It To "Laptop" (Item 2)
'Because There Is A Yet Unidentified OnChange Event or JavaScript Code That Shows The Next Select Box When The Select Box Has Been Changed, I Couldn't Simply Assign The Value To This Select Box. Nor Have I Yet Identified The Script That Activates Showing The Next Select Tag, In Order To Cell It Directly. Thus, Using This Round About Method, Which Gets The Desired Result.
SendKeys "{down}"
GoTo FillSubjectLine
End If
Exit Sub
'Fill TextBox With ID Subject with Hardware Repair Item:
IE.Document.getElementsByName("")(0).Value = "Hardware Repair Item:"
'Add Clipboard Contents To Variable
Dim DataObj As MSForms.DataObject
Dim strPaste As String
Set DataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
strPaste = DataObj.GetText(1)
'Fill TextBox With Name lastNameField With The Contents Of The Clipboard
IE.Document.getElementsByName("")(0).Value = strPaste
'Wait Until Internet Explorer Is Not Busy
'Wait Additional 1 Second
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
'Indentify Request Type Sub Select Tag By Count (This Select Drop-Down Is The Third Select Tag On The Page)
'I Couldn't Identify This Select Box By Name or ID Atrribute As These Values Change To Some Sudo-Random Value Each Refresh Of The Page
'Zero Out Counter
Count = 0
For Each l In IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
'Increment Counter By One Each Loop
Count = Count + 1
'If The Select Tag Is The Fifth Tag Of It's Kind On The Page
If Count = "6" Then
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Set The Value Of That Select Tag To The Value Above The One Needed, I.E., To "Closed" (Item 2)
l.selectedIndex = 2
'Get Focus On That Select Tag
'Send The Down Arrow Key To The Select Object In Order To Change It To "Equipment to Repair" (Item 3)
'Because There Is A Yet Unidentified OnChange Event or JavaScript Code That Shows The Next Select Box When The Select Box Has Been Changed, I Couldn't Simply Assign The Value To This Select Box. Nor Have I Yet Identified The Script That Activates Showing The Next Select Tag, In Order To Cell It Directly. Thus, Using This Round About Method, Which Gets The Desired Result.
SendKeys "{down}"
GoTo SaveTicket
End If
Exit Sub
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'If The DIV Button Is The Second Class Named aquaMiddle, I.E., Button Named "Save," Then Click It
Count = 0
For Each Tagx In Tags
If Tagx.getAttribute("class") = "aquaMiddle" Then
Count = Count + 1
If Count = "2" Then
GoTo EscalateTicket
End If
End If
Exit Sub
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'Click The Escalate Button Twice To Escalate This Ticket To IT Electronic Repair Services Level 3
For Each Tagx In Tags
'Identify DIV Container By ID Attribute
If Tagx.getAttribute("id") = "DetailsPanelDiv" Then
'Get Path From upDateURL Attribute In DIV Container
Path = Tagx.getAttribute("updateURL")
'Use Srring Manipulation To Get Only The RequestID Number From Path
RequestID = Right(Path, Len(Path) - Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("ajax/", Path) - 4)
'Add RequestID To Below JavaScript Call To Click On Asset ID Hyperlink To Attach It To The Ticket
Call CurrentWindow.execScript("AUL.update('DetailsPanelDiv', {onComplete:function(e){ EmailRecipientsContainerUpdate();DialogMessageUpdateContainerUpdate() }}, '" & RequestID & ".');")
Call CurrentWindow.execScript("AUL.update('DetailsPanelDiv', {onComplete:function(e){ EmailRecipientsContainerUpdate();DialogMessageUpdateContainerUpdate() }}, '" & RequestID & ".');")
GoTo SaveAndEmailTicket
End If
Exit Sub
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("div")
'If The DIV Button Is The Second Class Named aquaMiddleSel, I.E., Button Named "Save," Then Click It
For Each Tagx In Tags
If Tagx.getAttribute("class") = "aquaMiddleSel" Then
GoTo PrintTicketPreview
End If
Exit Sub
'Look At Only Element Types Of DIV
Set Tags = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("form")
'Click The Escalate Button Twice To Escalate This Ticket To IT Electronic Repair Services Level 3
For Each Tagx In Tags
'Identify DIV Container By ID Attribute
If Tagx.getAttribute("name") = "ticketForm" Then
'Get Path From upDateURL Attribute In DIV Container
Path = Tagx.getAttribute("action")
'Use Srring Manipulation To Get Only The RequestID Number From Path
RequestID = Right(Path, Len(Path) - Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("wo/", Path) - 2)
'Add RequestID To Below JavaScript Call To Click On Asset ID Hyperlink To Attach It To The Ticket
Call CurrentWindow.execScript("javascript:************('/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa/wo/" & RequestID & ".','printView','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,top=50,left=50,width=700,height=700')")
GoTo PrintTicket
End If
Exit Sub
'Send Ticket To Default Printer
IE.ExecWB 6, 2
End Sub