need code that's smart enough to: Start w/ Col "B", locate first empty cell, then copy downward --- whatever is present in the cell above it... (through Col "AM").
Columns: B, C, D,...F, G, I, K, L, M, N, S, U, Y, O are simple codes, etc
Columns: H, J, T and X through AM are formulas that need to be drug downward
The copying downward can look to Column "O"... if Col "O" is empty then stop copying downward...
SKIP columns: E, O, P, Q as data is already present..
In This Visual Example: (B3 would be the first empty cell that would trigger the code to copy B2 and copy it down through B6)
(Columns C, D, F and so on -- would also look to what is present in row 2 (in this case) and copy it downward since it is the last row that held data to copy downward)
Col...... A......B.......C........D........E......F..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..
Row 7 and below has no data at all in column "O" so, it will stop copying downward based on that trigger..
Columns: B, C, D,...F, G, I, K, L, M, N, S, U, Y, O are simple codes, etc
Columns: H, J, T and X through AM are formulas that need to be drug downward
The copying downward can look to Column "O"... if Col "O" is empty then stop copying downward...
SKIP columns: E, O, P, Q as data is already present..
In This Visual Example: (B3 would be the first empty cell that would trigger the code to copy B2 and copy it down through B6)
(Columns C, D, F and so on -- would also look to what is present in row 2 (in this case) and copy it downward since it is the last row that held data to copy downward)
Col...... A......B.......C........D........E......F..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..[...]...[...]....[...][...]..
Row 7 and below has no data at all in column "O" so, it will stop copying downward based on that trigger..