I have a spreadsheet with about 10 linked pictures and trying to run
code in ANY spreadsheet while that one is open, is VERY slow.
I'm guessing that there might be a VBA option to take the pictures out of
the picture while running the code.
For example code that searches and writes the results of searches to cells is very slow. However, using formulas (VLOOKUP, INDEX etc..) works just fine. So far I'm getting around with just formulas on that spreadsheet but I'd prefer to run code.
code in ANY spreadsheet while that one is open, is VERY slow.
I'm guessing that there might be a VBA option to take the pictures out of
the picture while running the code.
For example code that searches and writes the results of searches to cells is very slow. However, using formulas (VLOOKUP, INDEX etc..) works just fine. So far I'm getting around with just formulas on that spreadsheet but I'd prefer to run code.