Code:Public Sub OogaBoogaSnort() With ActiveSheet With Intersect(.Columns("AB"), .UsedRange) .Value = Evaluate("if(row(),if(" & .Address & "=""NYA"",if(len(" & .Offset(1, 5).Address & ")," & .Offset(1, 5).Address & ",""NYA"")," & .Address & "))") End With End With End Sub
Intersect(.Columns("AB"), .UsedRange[B][COLOR="Red"].Offset(1)[/COLOR][/B])
Do as you were but change the Intersect statement to:
Code:Intersect(.Columns("AB"), .UsedRange[B][COLOR=red].Offset(1)[/COLOR][/B])
The error was because previously the range this referred to began in row #1, and you can't have -1 row from that row position.