code not pasting into one cell


Well-known Member
Nov 14, 2005
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I have this code which almost works perfectly. In this one section its pasting from the one tab to the other but for some reason cell A3 is blank on the destination tab. On the source there is data. I dont know if that one cell is not being copied or A3 is being deleted after the data is pasted in

Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").ListObjects("Cost_Source_Details_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Cost Source Details").Range("A3"

Sub Execute()
'Run Report Button

On Error Resume Next

Sheet20.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Sheet21.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Sheet19.Visible = xlSheetVisible

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

UserForm1.Show vbModeless

UserForm1.LabelRetrieve.Width = 0
UserForm1.LabelTransform.Width = 0
UserForm1.LabelGenerate.Width = 0

            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 20
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "3%"

'Cost Sources

    With ThisWorkbook
         Sheets("DM Cost Sources").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 25
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "15%"

    With Sheets("DM Cost Sources")
         .Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 24
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "18%"
'Cost Source Details
    With ThisWorkbook
         Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 25
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "26%"
            UserForm1.LabelRetrieve.Width = 42
    With Sheets("DM Cost Source Details")
         .Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 42
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "30%"
'Associated Costs
    With ThisWorkbook
         Sheets("DM Associated Costs").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
     End With

            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 45
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "42%"
    With Sheets("DM Associated Costs")
         .Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 48
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "48%"

    With ThisWorkbook
         Sheets("DM ModelProPricer Vendors List").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 75
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "52%"

    With ThisWorkbook
         Sheets("DM Vendors").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
     End With

    With Sheets("DM Vendors")
         .Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
     End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 78
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "56%"

'Cost Sources

        Dim lr4 As Long
        'Clear existing data if any
            Sheets("Cost Sources").Select
                Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
        lr4 = Sheets("Cost Sources").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        If lr4 > 2 Then Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3:AG" & lr4).ClearContents

        Sheets("DM Cost Sources").ListObjects("Cost_Source_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3")

            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 84
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "61%"
            UserForm1.LabelTransform.Width = 48
        With Sheets("DM Cost Sources")
         .Range("B8").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
        End With
'Cost Source Details

        Dim lr5 As Long
        'Clear existing data if any
            Sheets("Cost Source Details").Select
         '       Range("A3").Select
         '       Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
         '       Selection.ClearContents
         '   Range("A3").Select
        lr5 = Sheets("Cost Source Details").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        If lr5 > 2 Then Sheets("Cost Source Details").Range("A3:I" & lr5).ClearContents

        Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").ListObjects("Cost_Source_Details_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Cost Source Details").Range("A3")
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 95
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "71%"
        With Sheets("DM Cost Source Details")
         .Range("J5").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
        End With
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 105
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "75%"
            UserForm1.LabelGenerate.Width = 42
'Associated Costs

        Dim lr6 As Long
        'Clear existing data if any
            Sheets("Associated Costs").Select
                Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
        lr6 = Sheets("Associated Costs").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        If lr6 > 2 Then Sheets("Associated Costs").Range("A3:K" & lr6).ClearContents
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 128
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "92%"

     '   Sheets("DM Associated Costs").ListObjects("Associated_Costs_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Associated Costs").Range("A3")
        With Sheets("DM Associated Costs")
         .Range("B8").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
        End With

        Dim lr7 As Long
        'Clear existing data if any
                Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
        lr7 = Sheets("Vendors").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        If lr7 > 2 Then Sheets("Vendors").Range("A3:U" & lr7).ClearContents
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 138
            UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "98%"

        Sheets("DM Vendors").ListObjects("Vednor_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Vendors").Range("A3")
        With Sheets("DM Vendors")
         .Range("B8").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
        End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Review the name of each item (sheets, table)

Remove this statement and run the macro.
VBA Code:
On Error Resume Next

Check if there is an error in the line:
VBA Code:
Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").ListObjects("Cost_Source_Details_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Cost Source Details").Range("A3")
Upvote 0
Why do you have 'On Error Resume Next' at the very top of the code? That will hide errors that could help you solve your problem.

Why do you have 'On Error GoTo 0' at the very bottom of the code? When you exit a sub, 'On Error GoTo 0' is automatically set, no need to manually set it.
Upvote 0
With that being said, see how the following shortened code performs:

VBA Code:
Sub Execute()
'   Run Report Button
    Dim lr4 As Long
    Dim lr5 As Long
    Dim lr6 As Long
    Dim lr7 As Long
    Sheet19.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    Sheet20.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    Sheet21.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    UserForm1.Show vbModeless
     UserForm1.LabelRetrieve.Width = 0
    UserForm1.LabelTransform.Width = 0
     UserForm1.LabelGenerate.Width = 0
         UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 20
       UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "3%"
'Cost Sources
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DM Cost Sources").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 25
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "15%"
    Sheets("DM Cost Sources").Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 24
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "18%"
'Cost Source Details
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
        UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 25
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "26%"
    UserForm1.LabelRetrieve.Width = 42
    Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 42
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "30%"
'Associated Costs
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DM Associated Costs").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 45
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "42%"
    Sheets("DM Associated Costs").Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 48
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "48%"
'   ModelProPricer_vluVendor
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DM ModelProPricer Vendors List").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 75
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "52%"
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DM Vendors").ListObjects(1).QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    Sheets("DM Vendors").Range("B7").Value = "Last refreshed on: " & Now
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 78
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "56%"
''    Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3").Select
''    Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
''    Selection.ClearContents
'Cost Sources
'   Clear existing data if any
    Range(Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3"), Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3").SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).ClearContents
''    Range("A3").Select
    lr4 = Sheets("Cost Sources").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lr4 > 2 Then Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3:AG" & lr4).ClearContents
    Sheets("DM Cost Sources").ListObjects("Cost_Source_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Cost Sources").Range("A3")
         UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 84
       UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "61%"
    UserForm1.LabelTransform.Width = 48
    Sheets("DM Cost Sources").Range("B8").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
''    Sheets("Cost Source Details").Select
         '       Range("A3").Select
         '       Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
         '       Selection.ClearContents
         '   Range("A3").Select
'Cost Source Details
'   Clear existing data if any
    lr5 = Sheets("Cost Source Details").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lr5 > 2 Then Sheets("Cost Source Details").Range("A3:I" & lr5).ClearContents
    Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").ListObjects("Cost_Source_Details_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Cost Source Details").Range("A3")
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 95
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "71%"
    Sheets("DM Cost Source Details").Range("J5").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
        UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 105
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "75%"
    UserForm1.LabelGenerate.Width = 42
''    Sheets("Associated Costs").Select
''    Range("A3").Select
''    Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
''    Selection.ClearContents
'Associated Costs
'   Clear existing data if any
    Range(Sheets("Associated Costs").Range("A3"), Sheets("Associated Costs").Range("A3").SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).ClearContents
''    Range("A3").Select
    lr6 = Sheets("Associated Costs").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lr6 > 2 Then Sheets("Associated Costs").Range("A3:K" & lr6).ClearContents
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 128
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "92%"
    Sheets("DM Associated Costs").Range("B8").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
''    Sheets("Vendors").Select
''    Range("A3").Select
''    Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
''    Selection.ClearContents
'   Clear existing data if any
    Range(Sheets("Vendors").Range("A3"), Sheets("Vendors").Range("A3").SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).ClearContents
''    Range("A3").Select
    lr7 = Sheets("Vendors").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lr7 > 2 Then Sheets("Vendors").Range("A3:U" & lr7).ClearContents
      UserForm1.LabelProg.Width = 138
    UserForm1.LabelProg.Caption = "98%"
    Sheets("DM Vendors").ListObjects("Vednor_Output").DataBodyRange.Copy Sheets("Vendors").Range("A3")
    Sheets("DM Vendors").Range("B8").Value = "Last transferred on: " & Now
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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