Having learned that MSOffice 2003 really couldn't do this without a lot of hoops and hurdles, it was gratifying to learn that 2007 is able to have "choose your outbox" called from code. I think . . .
In any event, I have tried to see how this is done and cannot find it. I am truly fearful that it is not as easy as this:
Having learned that MSOffice 2003 really couldn't do this without a lot of hoops and hurdles, it was gratifying to learn that 2007 is able to have "choose your outbox" called from code. I think . . .
In any event, I have tried to see how this is done and cannot find it. I am truly fearful that it is not as easy as this:
With MyBook
.SaveAs ("P:\Huge\Large\Medium\Small\MyFile " + Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy") + ".xls")
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
[COLOR=red].From = "Me@MyChosenCompanyAccount"[/COLOR]
.To = "You@YourMailbox"
.CC = "He@HisMailbox"
.BCC = "She@HerMailbox"
.Subject = "Confirmation of transaction " & CStr(TrxNum) & " " & Format(CDate(Now), "d MMM yyyy")
.Body = "Thank you for your business."
.Attachments.Add ("P:\Huge\Large\Medium\Small\MyFile " + Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy") + ".xls")
End With
On Error GoTo 0
.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
That would be too easy.
What I wish to avoid is an "On Behalf Of" identifier. I do not wish my name to be attached to sends, as the documents are personal to the recipients and anything other than a corporate identity as a sender opens many unwanted doors.
Any takers?
Thanks in advance!
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