Hi all, could someone please let me know where I'm going wrong with the code below?
What I'm trying to achieve is the textbox 'textboxDay1Miles' should only accept number values, if the user enters any text then the msgbox triggers, the box is cleared and the focus is set back to it for them to enter only a number. Once a number has been entered then another msgbox should trigger to ask them if they want to enter the mileage for another day 'textboxDay2Miles' if they say yes, then 'textboxDay2Miles' is enabled and the process starts over again. (I have 5 days on the form but only need this routine to apply to 4 days)
Added into this I have a 'Total Mileage' textbox which updates the total mileage dependant on how many days a value has been entered in. this is coded with a sub called 'TextboxesSum'
I can get the text value check routine working if I comment out the ''TextboxesSum' sub but otherwise it errors out - initially on the first line but all the others subsquently.
I've tried everything to get this to work but to be honest I have very basic knowledge of VBA and whilst I try to resolve any problems myself through searching out answers on the net this one is beyond me, so I would be really grateful for any help offered.
Many thanks Paul
Code below:
What I'm trying to achieve is the textbox 'textboxDay1Miles' should only accept number values, if the user enters any text then the msgbox triggers, the box is cleared and the focus is set back to it for them to enter only a number. Once a number has been entered then another msgbox should trigger to ask them if they want to enter the mileage for another day 'textboxDay2Miles' if they say yes, then 'textboxDay2Miles' is enabled and the process starts over again. (I have 5 days on the form but only need this routine to apply to 4 days)
Added into this I have a 'Total Mileage' textbox which updates the total mileage dependant on how many days a value has been entered in. this is coded with a sub called 'TextboxesSum'
I can get the text value check routine working if I comment out the ''TextboxesSum' sub but otherwise it errors out - initially on the first line but all the others subsquently.
I've tried everything to get this to work but to be honest I have very basic knowledge of VBA and whilst I try to resolve any problems myself through searching out answers on the net this one is beyond me, so I would be really grateful for any help offered.
Many thanks Paul
Code below:
VBA Code:
Private Sub textboxDay1Miles_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Not IsNumeric(textboxDay1Miles.Text) Or Trim(textboxDay1Miles.Value) = " " Then
MsgBox "It looks like you entered a text value." & vbNewLine & _
"Please enter only a numeric value.", vbExclamation, "Text Value Entered"
formMileCalc.textboxDay1Miles.Value = ""
End If
End Sub
VBA Code:
Private Sub TextBoxesSum()
Dim Total As Double
Total = 0
If Len(textboxDay1Miles.Value) > 0 Then Total = Total + CDbl(textboxDay1Miles.Value)
If Len(textboxDay2Miles.Value) > 0 Then Total = Total + CDbl(textboxDay2Miles.Value)
If Len(textboxDay3Miles.Value) > 0 Then Total = Total + CDbl(textboxDay3Miles.Value)
If Len(textboxDay4Miles.Value) > 0 Then Total = Total + CDbl(textboxDay4Miles.Value)
If Len(textboxDay5Miles.Value) > 0 Then Total = Total + CDbl(textboxDay5Miles.Value)
textboxTotalMiles.Value = Total
End Sub
Private Sub textboxDay1Miles_Change()
End Sub
VBA Code:
Private Sub textboxDay1Miles_Change()
End Sub