Please help me creating a formula for the following requirement.
I have prepared an excel sheet with over 150 parameter taking input from phd uniformance (historian) and compared them with their respective set alarm &trip values.
I have shown four such parameters (Steam Turbine Radial Vibrations)
Accordingly I have the traffic colour codes (Green-Normal, Yellow-Alert, Red-Danger) using conditional formatting AND also return text in Column M
Next I want to compare the four outputs in column M and return back with following in column O:
1) NORMAL: if all four are "Normal"
2) ALERT: if any one of the four is "Alert", rest are "Normal"
3) DANGER: if any one of the four is "Danger" and rest are "Normal" or "Alert"
I've tried the following but it does not work
=IF(OR(M5="Danger", M6="Danger",M7="Danger",M8="Danger")="Danger", "DANGER", IF(OR(M5="Alert", M6="Alert",M7="Alert",M8="Alert")="Alert","ALERT","NORMAL"))
Please help me creating a formula for the following requirement.

I have prepared an excel sheet with over 150 parameter taking input from phd uniformance (historian) and compared them with their respective set alarm &trip values.
I have shown four such parameters (Steam Turbine Radial Vibrations)
Accordingly I have the traffic colour codes (Green-Normal, Yellow-Alert, Red-Danger) using conditional formatting AND also return text in Column M
Next I want to compare the four outputs in column M and return back with following in column O:
1) NORMAL: if all four are "Normal"
2) ALERT: if any one of the four is "Alert", rest are "Normal"
3) DANGER: if any one of the four is "Danger" and rest are "Normal" or "Alert"
I've tried the following but it does not work
=IF(OR(M5="Danger", M6="Danger",M7="Danger",M8="Danger")="Danger", "DANGER", IF(OR(M5="Alert", M6="Alert",M7="Alert",M8="Alert")="Alert","ALERT","NORMAL"))