I have a function from the web that generates combinations from a list. In this case, we have a price list on almost 2,000 items from 19 vendors giving their prices if they are one of 3 vendors. (We also have a price list if we go with 5 and 8 vendors - much bigger.) The fewer vendors we agree to do business with for certain products, the better the price on each product from the vendor. So I generate a list of combinations using the code at the end of the post.
and so on for all the combinations.
My question is whether I can tell if the function I use to generate the 3-vendor combinations is returning the same vendor (e.g. COMBIN vs. COMBINA in the Excel functions). For example, is combination 3V_00056 giving me Depuy, Depuy, Depuy? I would need to exclude any combination where the vendors are not unique. I'm not sure how to proceed.
I can generate a CONCATENATEX function to give me another column with all the names in the combination as below, but I'm not clear on how I could write a DAX function to confirm if the same vendor name shows up.
The best option would be to adapt the PQ function for generating a combination to ensure there are no duplicates (or to understand it well enough that I could parameterize it one way or the other <g>), but although it works it's way above my level of understanding. I use it to create all possible combinations and then filter to just give the rows with the number of combinations I want - there's probably a better way.
3V_00001 | Centinel Spine |
3V_00001 | Depuy Synthes |
3V_00001 | Globus Medical |
3V_00002 | Centinel Spine |
3V_00002 | Depuy Synthes |
3V_00002 | K2M |
My question is whether I can tell if the function I use to generate the 3-vendor combinations is returning the same vendor (e.g. COMBIN vs. COMBINA in the Excel functions). For example, is combination 3V_00056 giving me Depuy, Depuy, Depuy? I would need to exclude any combination where the vendors are not unique. I'm not sure how to proceed.
I can generate a CONCATENATEX function to give me another column with all the names in the combination as below, but I'm not clear on how I could write a DAX function to confirm if the same vendor name shows up.
3V_00001 | Centinel Spine | Centinel Spine,Depuy Synthes,Globus Medical |
3V_00001 | Depuy Synthes | Centinel Spine,Depuy Synthes,Globus Medical |
3V_00001 | Globus Medical | Centinel Spine,Depuy Synthes,Globus Medical |
3V_00002 | Centinel Spine | Centinel Spine,Depuy Synthes,K2M |
3V_00002 | Depuy Synthes | Centinel Spine,Depuy Synthes,K2M |
3V_00002 | K2M | Centinel Spine,Depuy Synthes,K2M |
The best option would be to adapt the PQ function for generating a combination to ensure there are no duplicates (or to understand it well enough that I could parameterize it one way or the other <g>), but although it works it's way above my level of understanding. I use it to create all possible combinations and then filter to just give the rows with the number of combinations I want - there's probably a better way.
VBA Code:
// From https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/72bbaf95-9228-4474-a59f-d3c573a75d5b/power-query-to-generating-all-combinations-from-single-column?forum=powerquery
// hardcoded column in List.Repeat {[Vendors]} where Vendors is the column name
(t as table, col as text, optional combo as number) as table =>
//Do not use for more then 19 values if you want to get ResultTable in excel sheet due to rows limit in excel
// it is over half a milion rows for 19 values
AddIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(t, "Index", 0, 1),
Max = Table.RowCount(t),
ComboLimit = if combo = null then null else combo,
ReverseIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(AddIndex, "RevIdx", Max, -1),
Lists = Table.AddColumn(ReverseIndex, "lists", each
List.Repeat({Record.Field(_, col)}, Number.Power(2,[RevIdx]-1))
,List.Repeat( {null}, Number.Power(2,[RevIdx]-1))
, Number.Power(2, [Index]))
ResultTable = Table.FromColumns(Lists[lists]),
// Check if a limit on combinations was requested
AddCountCol = Table.AddColumn(ResultTable, "Distinct Values", each List.NonNullCount(List.Distinct(Record.FieldValues(_))), Int64.Type),
FilterCombos = Table.SelectRows(AddCountCol, each ([Distinct Values] = ComboLimit)),
ZapColumn = Table.RemoveColumns(FilterCombos,{"Distinct Values"}),
CheckFilter = if ComboLimit is null then ResultTable
else ZapColumn