Hi all,
Excel 2007
I have created a macro to create charts. This macro decide creation of 3D or 2D charts based on parameters selected for X and Y axis. If parameters for both axis are selected is gives 3D chart. If parameter of single axis selected giving 2D charts. Every time it deletes the old chart and create a fresh chart.
The problem I am facing: switching from one chart type to another, lets consider 2D to 3D and again back to 2D causes chart to disappear. The same applies to 3D to 2D and back to 3D.
Macro is not showing any errors even the chart is disappeared.
Once the chart is disappeared, i am not able to add charts even manually, as the new chart is also not visible.
the only solution I have is to close the excel and reopen it.
Please help.
Excel 2007
I have created a macro to create charts. This macro decide creation of 3D or 2D charts based on parameters selected for X and Y axis. If parameters for both axis are selected is gives 3D chart. If parameter of single axis selected giving 2D charts. Every time it deletes the old chart and create a fresh chart.
The problem I am facing: switching from one chart type to another, lets consider 2D to 3D and again back to 2D causes chart to disappear. The same applies to 3D to 2D and back to 3D.
Macro is not showing any errors even the chart is disappeared.
Once the chart is disappeared, i am not able to add charts even manually, as the new chart is also not visible.
the only solution I have is to close the excel and reopen it.

Please help.