I'm quite new to VBA coding and have got some code working to copy and paste data from all my workbooks in a folder to a master sheet. However I can't figure out how to adjust the range that is selects to be only the visible filled cells rather than whole "C3:R13" range in each workbook which is a table.
Do I need to define the range as a combination of xlEnd and and xLRight from C3 first?
Any help would be much appreciated
I'm quite new to VBA coding and have got some code working to copy and paste data from all my workbooks in a folder to a master sheet. However I can't figure out how to adjust the range that is selects to be only the visible filled cells rather than whole "C3:R13" range in each workbook which is a table.
Do I need to define the range as a combination of xlEnd and and xLRight from C3 first?
Any help would be much appreciated

Set SummarySheet = Workbooks("Master Template").Worksheets(1)
' Modify this folder path to point to the files you want to use.
FolderPath = "C:\\My Documents\"
' NRow keeps track of where to insert new rows in the destination workbook.
NRow = 3
' Call Dir the first time, pointing it to all Excel files in the folder path.
FileName = Dir(FolderPath & "*.xl*")
' Loop until Dir returns an empty string.
Do While FileName <> ""
' Open a workbook in the folder
Set WorkBk = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & FileName)
' Set the cell in column A to be the file name.
SummarySheet.Range("A" & NRow).Value = FileName
Set SourceRange = WorkBk.Worksheets("Pricing Summary").Range("C3:R13")
Set DestRange = SummarySheet.Range("A" & NRow)
Set DestRange = DestRange.Resize(SourceRange.Rows.Count, _
DestRange.Value = SourceRange.Value
DestRange.Offset(0, DestRange.Columns.Count).Resize(, 1).Value = WorkBk.Name
NRow = NRow + DestRange.Rows.Count
WorkBk.Close savechanges:=False
' Use Dir to get the next file name.
FileName = Dir()
End Sub