I have a particular problem with some code I'm hoping someone more familiar with Range and/or Offsets can help me with. I have a multi-sheet workbook with named ranges defined on most of the sheets. What I want to do is search the first column of each named range and if a matching code is read, then reset the .Interior.Pattern to xlPatternNone. This snippet of code works fine as long as I'm on the sheet that contains the Named Range. However, the code I want to work needs to scan all the workbook's named ranges to reset them all. I don't want to do a select on each sheet as there should be a better way. Here's the code I have issues with
and presently this generates a 1004 Application-defined error when it hits the code to reset the pattern.
The object is to locate and reset only the row of cells that are contained in the named range. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sheets(Tab_Name).Range(Cells(xloop, 1), Cells(xloop, ColumnstoProcess)).Interior.Pattern = xlPatternNone
For Each Name_Entry In ListofNames
If InStr(1, Name_Entry.Value, "#REF") = 0 Then
Tab_Name = Replace(Mid(Name_Entry.Value, 2, InStr(2, Name_Entry.Value, "!") - 2), "'", "")
Name_Entry_Range = Mid(Name_Entry.Value, InStr(1, Name_Entry.Value, "!") + 1)
If InStr(1, Name_Entry.Name, "_Print_Area") > 0 Then
RowstoProcess = Sheets(Tab_Name).Range(Name_Entry).Rows.Count
' determine the number of colunms in the named range
ColumnstoProcess = Sheets(Tab_Name).Range(Name_Entry).Columns.Count
If RowstoProcess > 0 Then
With Sheets(Tab_Name).Range(Name_Entry_Range)
For xloop = 1 To RowstoProcess
Tag_Type = ""
If InStr(1, LCase(.Cells(xloop, 1).Formula), "hide_row:") > 0 Then
If InStr(1, LCase(.Cells(xloop, 1).Formula), "true") > 0 Then Tag_Type = "True"
End If
If InStr(1, LCase(.Cells(xloop, 1).Value), "hide_row:") > 0 Then
If InStr(1, LCase(.Cells(xloop, 1).Value), "true") > 0 Then Tag_Type = "True"
End If
If Tag_Type = "True" Then
' this section will restore the cells in the row, but since restoring wipes out the background
' we need to save it so we can restore it as well
ReDim Cells_BG(ColumnstoProcess)
For iloop = 1 To ColumnstoProcess
Cells_BG(iloop) = .Cells(xloop, iloop).Interior.ColorIndex
Next iloop
Sheets(Tab_Name).Range(Cells(xloop, 1), Cells(xloop, ColumnstoProcess)).Interior.Pattern = xlPatternNone
' restore the background colors we saved
For iloop = 1 To ColumnstoProcess
If Cells_BG(iloop) = xlColorIndexAutomatic Then
.Cells(xloop, iloop).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Cells(xloop, iloop).Interior.ColorIndex = Cells_BG(iloop)
End If
Next iloop
End If
Next xloop
End With
End If
End If
End If 'End of Handling Print Area code
Next Name_Entry