Hi All
I've found this code and it's working fine.
The function get the last recent (newest) file from a specified folder with a search string.
Everything is working fine, but:
if a folder contains special character (German, ä, ö, or ü) I get an exception "folder not found" while
setting > Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strSourceFolderName)
Any idea how i can set another character code to get work this code?
Function getFileName(strSourceFolderName As String, strSearchText As String) As String
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim iArray()
Dim sfil As String
Dim par As String
Dim bGotFile As Boolean
bGotFile = False
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strSourceFolderName)
sfil = Dir(strSourceFolderName & "\" & "*.xls*")
Do Until sfil = ""
If InStr(sfil, strSearchText) > 0 Then
dict.Add CDbl(SourceFolder.Files(sfil).DateCreated), sfil
bGotFile = True
End If
sfil = Dir$
If bGotFile Then
iArray() = dict.Keys
getFileName = CStr(dict.Item(WorksheetFunction.Max(iArray())))
getFileName = "NO-FILE"
End If
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
End Function
I've found this code and it's working fine.
The function get the last recent (newest) file from a specified folder with a search string.
Everything is working fine, but:
if a folder contains special character (German, ä, ö, or ü) I get an exception "folder not found" while
setting > Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strSourceFolderName)
Any idea how i can set another character code to get work this code?
Function getFileName(strSourceFolderName As String, strSearchText As String) As String
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim iArray()
Dim sfil As String
Dim par As String
Dim bGotFile As Boolean
bGotFile = False
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strSourceFolderName)
sfil = Dir(strSourceFolderName & "\" & "*.xls*")
Do Until sfil = ""
If InStr(sfil, strSearchText) > 0 Then
dict.Add CDbl(SourceFolder.Files(sfil).DateCreated), sfil
bGotFile = True
End If
sfil = Dir$
If bGotFile Then
iArray() = dict.Keys
getFileName = CStr(dict.Item(WorksheetFunction.Max(iArray())))
getFileName = "NO-FILE"
End If
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
End Function