Dim OpeningBalance As Double
Dim ObservedBalance As Double
Dim CalculatedBalance As Double
Dim TotalImbalance As Double
Dim TotalCalculatedBalance As Double
Dim DateInFlows As Double
Dim DatelOutFlows As Double
Dim DateDebtors As Double
Dim DateCreditors As Double
Dim SmallestDate As Date
Dim BiggestDate As Date
Dim DateToWorkOn As Date
Dim lastRowInIncomesColumn As Long
Dim lastRowInExpensesColumn As Long
Dim ReferenceBook As String
Dim EnteredValue As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1")
Sheet1BalancingMethod = ""
'get user's desire to balance off the book
Response = MsgBox("You have initiated balancing off of this work-sheet. Do you want to continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirmation")
If Response = vbYes Then
'get biggest date
If ws.Cells(1, "BE").Value > ws.Cells(1, "BG").Value Then
BiggestDate = CDate(ws.Cells(1, "BE").Value)
BiggestDate = CDate(ws.Cells(1, "BG").Value)
End If
'get smallest date
If ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value <= ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value And ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value <> 0 Then
SmallestDate = CDate(ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value)
ElseIf ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value <= ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value And ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value <> 0 Then
SmallestDate = CDate(ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value)
ElseIf ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value >= ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value And ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value = 0 Then
SmallestDate = CDate(ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value)
ElseIf ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value >= ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value And ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value = 0 Then
SmallestDate = CDate(ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value)
End If
If ws.Cells(1, "BD").Value = 0 And ws.Cells(1, "BF").Value = 0 Then
SmallestDate = BiggestDate
End If
If RemoveRepeatingSpaces(ws.Cells(3, "P").Value) = "" Then
ReferenceBook = InputBox("Enter the reference book U want to balance.")
ReferenceBook = RemoveRepeatingSpaces(ws.Cells(3, "P").Value)
End If
'Check for presence of multiple reference books
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook) + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook) <> Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576")) + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576")) Then
ReferenceBook = RemoveRepeatingSpaces(InputBox("Multiple reference books found. Please confirm the reference book which you are balancing off."))
End If
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook) + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("The reference book provided has no entries made under it.")
Exit Sub
End If
If RemoveRepeatingSpaces(ReferenceBook) = "" Then
MsgBox ("Reference book is null.")
Exit Sub
End If
'Initialise values to paste at the end of procedure
TotalImbalance = 0
TotalCalculatedBalance = 0
'Check user desired balancing method
If SmallestDate <> BiggestDate Then
'In case date is only one
DateToWorkOn = BiggestDate
GoTo GeneralisedBalancing
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Invalid value.")
ws.Cells(3, "X").Calculate
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Update date ranges
If Sheet1BalancingMethod = "DATE-RANGE-ONE-BY-ONE" Or Sheet1BalancingMethod = "DATE-RANGE-ALL-AT-ONCE" Then
On Error GoTo InvalidEntryHandlingPoint
SmallestDate = DateValue(InputBox("Enter desired start date"))
BiggestDate = DateValue(InputBox("Enter desired end date"))
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If Sheet1BalancingMethod = "ALL-DATES-ONE-BY-ONE" Or Sheet1BalancingMethod = "DATE-RANGE-ONE-BY-ONE" Then
For DateToWorkOn = SmallestDate To BiggestDate
'In case the date has desired data
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook, ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), DateToWorkOn) + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook, ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), DateToWorkOn) > 0 Then
On Error GoTo InvalidEntryHandlingPoint
OpeningBalance = Evaluate(InputBox("Enter the Opening balance for " & DateToWorkOn))
ObservedBalance = Evaluate(InputBox("Enter the observed closing balance for " & DateToWorkOn))
On Error GoTo 0
DateInFlows = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("H6:H1048576"), ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), DateToWorkOn, ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook)
DateOutFlows = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("T6:T1048576"), ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), DateToWorkOn, ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook)
DateDebtors = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("J6:J1048576"), ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), DateToWorkOn, ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook)
DateCreditors = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("V6:V1048576"), ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), DateToWorkOn, ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook)
CalculatedBalance = OpeningBalance + DateInFlows - DateDebtors - DateOutFlows + DateCreditors
If CalculatedBalance < ObservedBalance Then
'get the last row
lastRowInIncomesColumn = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
If lastRowInIncomesColumn < 5 Then
lastRowInIncomesColumn = 5
End If
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "A").Value = DateToWorkOn
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "C").Value = "Unexplained income"
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "D").Value = 1
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "H").Value = ObservedBalance - CalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "N").Value = "Bal-b/f=" & OpeningBalance & " " & "Obs.Bal=" & ObservedBalance & " " & "Calc.Bal=" & CalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "O").Value = 0
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "DA").Value = ReferenceBook
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "A").EntireRow.Calculate
ElseIf CalculatedBalance > ObservedBalance Then
'get the last row
lastRowInExpensesColumn = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.count, "R").End(xlUp).Row
If lastRowInExpensesColumn < 5 Then
lastRowInExpensesColumn = 5
End If
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "P").Value = DateToWorkOn
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "R").Value = "Unexplained deficit"
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "S").Value = 1
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "T").Value = CalculatedBalance - ObservedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "Z").Value = "Bal-b/f=" & OpeningBalance & " " & "Obs.Bal=" & ObservedBalance & " " & "Calc.Bal=" & CalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "AA").Value = 0
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "DK").Value = ReferenceBook
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "A").EntireRow.Calculate
End If
TotalImbalance = TotalImbalance + (ObservedBalance - CalculatedBalance)
TotalCalculatedBalance = TotalCalculatedBalance + CalculatedBalance
End If
Next DateToWorkOn
ElseIf Sheet1BalancingMethod = "ALL-DATES-ONE-BY-ONCE" Or Sheet1BalancingMethod = "DATE-RANGE-ALL-AT-ONCE" Then
On Error GoTo InvalidEntryHandlingPoint
OpeningBalance = Evaluate(InputBox("Enter the total Opening balance"))
ObservedBalance = Evaluate(InputBox("Enter the total Observed closing balance"))
On Error GoTo 0
DateInFlows = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("H6:H1048576"), ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), ">=SmallestDate", ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), "<=BiggestDate", ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook)
DateOutFlows = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("T6:T1048576"), ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), ">=SmallestDate", ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), "<=BiggestDate", ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook)
DateDebtors = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("J6:J1048576"), ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), ">=SmallestDate", ws.Range("A6:A1048576"), "<=BiggestDate", ws.Range("DA6:DA1048576"), ReferenceBook)
DateCreditors = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("V6:V1048576"), ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), ">=SmallestDate", ws.Range("P6:P1048576"), "<=BiggestDate", ws.Range("DK6:DK1048576"), ReferenceBook)
CalculatedBalance = OpeningBalance + DateInFlows - DateDebtors - DateOutFlows + DateCreditors
If CalculatedBalance < ObservedBalance Then
'get the last row
lastRowInIncomesColumn = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
If lastRowInIncomesColumn < 5 Then
lastRowInIncomesColumn = 5
End If
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "A").Value = BiggestDate
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "C").Value = "Unexplained income"
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "D").Value = 1
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "H").Value = ObservedBalance - CalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "N").Value = "Bal-b/f=" & OpeningBalance & " " & "Obs.Bal=" & ObservedBalance & " " & "Calc.Bal=" & CalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "O").Value = 0
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "DA").Value = ReferenceBook
ws.Cells(lastRowInIncomesColumn + 1, "A").EntireRow.Calculate
ElseIf CalculatedBalance > ObservedBalance Then
'get the last row
lastRowInExpensesColumn = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.count, "R").End(xlUp).Row
If lastRowInExpensesColumn < 5 Then
lastRowInExpensesColumn = 5
End If
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "P").Value = BiggestDate
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "R").Value = "Unexplained deficit"
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "S").Value = 1
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "T").Value = CalculatedBalance - ObservedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "Z").Value = "Bal-b/f=" & OpeningBalance & " " & "Obs.Bal=" & ObservedBalance & " " & "Calc.Bal=" & CalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "AA").Value = 0
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "DK").Value = ReferenceBook
ws.Cells(lastRowInExpensesColumn + 1, "A").EntireRow.Calculate
End If
TotalImbalance = TotalImbalance + (ObservedBalance - CalculatedBalance)
TotalCalculatedBalance = TotalCalculatedBalance + CalculatedBalance
ElseIf Sheet1BalancingMethod = "CANCEL" Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Reset balancing method
Sheet1BalancingMethod = ""
ws.Cells(3, "S").Value = TotalCalculatedBalance
ws.Cells(3, "X").Calculate
MsgBox ("Total Calculated cash balance is " & TotalCalculatedBalance)
If TotalImbalance >= 0 Then
MsgBox ("Net unexplained surplus is " & TotalImbalance)
MsgBox ("Net unexplained deficit is " & Right(TotalImbalance, Len(TotalImbalance) - 1))
End If
End If
End Sub