I am attempting to simplify some VBA code as it has gotten fairly long and is taking an extensive amount of time to run. I have multiple cubes that are updated weekly and I need to copy data from those cubes to a new sheet where I can manipulate and make edits. Rather than having three subs with identical code, I thought I could set up a separate sub that is called by each of the main subs. The problem is that I have variables to refer to the different sheets and need those to carry down from the primary sub to the secondary sub. The problem is that the variable I set in my primary sub is not being recognized by the secondary sub. I just get a runtime error 424 object required.
An example (condensed to show relevant sections):
An example (condensed to show relevant sections):
VBA Code:
Sub Update_Actuals_Expansion()
Dim WSCube As Worksheet
Dim WSHist As Worksheet
Set WSCube = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet3)
Set WSHist = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet6)
Call CopyActuals
End Sub
Sub CopyActuals()
'Clear the old historical data to avoid any contamination
'Copy new actuals from the cube and paste into the newly cleared historical data sheet
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub