I am using Excel 2003 and Windows XP. My issue is that I can't rename a group within a Pivot Table I'm using. Other groups within the level can be renamed, but the one I am having trouble with just goes back to it's original name (e.g., Group6) or something like that. If I enter a leading apostrpohe, it will take the new name, but the apostrope shows.
I've tried un-grouping and re-grouping everything, checking to make sure the data was all the same format and a variety of other things, but nothing works. This has happened to me intermittently in different spreadsheets. Why can't this one group be re-named when other groups within the sub-group can be re-named?
I've tried un-grouping and re-grouping everything, checking to make sure the data was all the same format and a variety of other things, but nothing works. This has happened to me intermittently in different spreadsheets. Why can't this one group be re-named when other groups within the sub-group can be re-named?