I am trying to clean a file with phone numbers that have put in incorrect. I have fixed many issues, text after the phone number, missing parentheses, etc. I am trying to use regex to look for a missing space after the closing parentheses ex. (978)882
What I need the code to do is add a space after the closing parentheses so the result would be (978) 882. I am not getting any errors but the phone number is not being changed.
Any help is appreciated.
What I need the code to do is add a space after the closing parentheses so the result would be (978) 882. I am not getting any errors but the phone number is not being changed.
Any help is appreciated.
Public Sub CleanPhoneNumbers()
Dim rgxRegExp As Object
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim rngRange As Range
Dim wrkbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim wrkSh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim llastRow As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim sName As String
Dim sCol As String
Set wrkbk = ActiveWorkbook
Set wrkSh = wrkbk.Worksheets("Data")
llastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For x = 1 To 3
If x = 1 Then sName = "HomePhone"
If x = 2 Then sName = "WorkPhone"
If x = 3 Then sName = "MobilePhone"
Call FindColumnName(sName, sCol)
Set rngRange = wrkSh.Range(sCol & "2:" & sCol & llastRow)
Set rgxRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
rgxRegExp.Global = True
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
For Each rngCell In rngRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'Remove all letters from the phone Number
rgxRegExp.Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]"
rngCell.Value = rgxRegExp.Replace(rngCell.Value, vbNullString)
' If rngCell.Value = "(978) 682-9758" Then Stop
If Left(rngCell.Value, 4) = "978-" Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "978-", "(978) ")
If Left(rngCell.Value, 4) = "978 " Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "978 ", "(978) ")
' If Left(rngCell.Value, 6) = "(978)8" Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "(978)8 ", "(978) 8")
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 10, 1) = " " Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, " ", "-")
If Left(rngCell.Value, 5) = "(000)" Then rngCell.ClearContents
If Left(rngCell.Value, 4) = "-603" Then rngCell.ClearContents
If Left(rngCell.Value, 7) = "(978) -" Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "(978) -", "(978) ")
If Left(rngCell.Value, 6) = "(978)-" Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "(978)-", "(978) ")
If Left(rngCell.Value, 7) = "(978) " Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "(978) ", "(978) ")
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 7, 3) = "000" Then rngCell.ClearContents
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 10, 2) = "- " Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "- ", "-")
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 1, 4) = "603-" Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "603-", "(603) ")
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 10, 2) = "--" Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "--", "-")
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 4, 1) = "- " Then rngCell.Value = Replace(rngCell.Value, "- ", "-")
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 6, 1) <> " " Then rngCell.Value = Format(rngCell.Value, "(000) 000-0000")
'Check for no space after )
If rngCell.Value = "(978) 973-6026" Then Stop
If Mid(rngCell.Value, 6, 1) <> " " Then
rgxRegExp.Pattern = "\)0-9 "
rngCell.Value = rgxRegExp.Replace(rngCell.Value, ") ")
End If
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAuto
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Next x
End Sub