Hello All,
I have a blank user form. I have added two labels (Holiday & Holiday Description) which are heading of the columns and then two rows of text box underneath. These text boxes will accept input from user. Please refer the picture User form A below. The multi page, 4 text boxes are assigned to a collection and then a class is created to handle the event when they are clicked.
Code in initialization user form:
While entering data, user may need to add more rows than available. This is handled through tab key. As user press tab from last text box, two more rows will be added. During user form initialize, the bottom margin of the text box is calculated and stored in a public variable. While adding new text boxes, top margin of the third row is calculated by adding gap to the bottom margin of last text box. However the new text box is not set at the position expected. Please refer the picture User form B below.
Your advice on this will be really helpful.
I have a blank user form. I have added two labels (Holiday & Holiday Description) which are heading of the columns and then two rows of text box underneath. These text boxes will accept input from user. Please refer the picture User form A below. The multi page, 4 text boxes are assigned to a collection and then a class is created to handle the event when they are clicked.
Code in initialization user form:
For pageIndex = 0 To HolCalMulPg.Count - 1
LblLeftMrgn = LeftMrgn
For i = 1 To LblCount
Set LblCtrl = HolCalMulPg.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Page" & pageIndex & "Label" & i)
If ClmnNum = 0 Then
LblText = "Holiday"
Lblwdth = 60
TxbWdth = 90
LblText = "Holiday Description"
Lblwdth = 80
TxbWdth = 120
End If
With LblCtrl
.Caption = LblText
.Font = "Arial"
.Font.Bold = True
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.Top = LblTpMrgn
.Left = LblLeftMrgn + 5
.Width = Lblwdth
.Height = LblHght
.WordWrap = False
.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
End With
RowNum = RowNum + 1
TxbTpMrgn = LblTpMrgn + LblHght + GapBtRows
For k = 1 To TxbCount
If ClmnNum = 0 Then
TxbText = "Enter/Select A Date"
If TbxIdx = 0 Then
TbxIdx = 1
End If
TxbText = "Enter Holiday Description"
If TbxIdx = 0 Then
TbxIdx = 2
End If
End If
Set TxbCtrl = HolCalMulPg.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & pageIndex & "TextBox" & TbxIdx)
With TxbCtrl
.Text = TxbText
.Font = "Arial"
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
.Top = TxbTpMrgn
.Left = LblLeftMrgn
.Height = TxbHght
.Width = TxbWdth
.TabIndex = TbxIdx
.Enabled = True
End With
RowNum = RowNum + 1
TbxIdx = TbxIdx + 2
TxbTpMrgn = TxbTpMrgn + GapBtRows + TxbHght
Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
Set clsHolidayObject.tbxCal = TxbCtrl
colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
TxbBtmMrgn = TxbTpMrgn + TxbHght
LblLeftMrgn = LeftMrgn + TxbWdth + GapBtColms
RowNum = 0
TbxIdx = 0
ClmnNum = ClmnNum + 1
RowNum = 0
ClmnNum = 0
' This variable is used to hold the position of the top margin of next tab when added by pressing tab key.
NextTbxTopMrgn = TxbBtmMrgn + GapBtRows
While entering data, user may need to add more rows than available. This is handled through tab key. As user press tab from last text box, two more rows will be added. During user form initialize, the bottom margin of the text box is calculated and stored in a public variable. While adding new text boxes, top margin of the third row is calculated by adding gap to the bottom margin of last text box. However the new text box is not set at the position expected. Please refer the picture User form B below.
'Following is the code to add new text box
Private Sub AddNewTextBox(ctrl As MSForms.MultiPage)
Dim TbxIdx As Long
Dim TxbCtrl As MSForms.TextBox
Dim MulPgCtrl As MSForms.MultiPage
Dim k As Long
Dim TxbText As String
k = 1
For k = 1 To TxbCount
If ColumnNum = 0 Then
TxbText = "Enter/Select A Date"
TbxIdx = NextTbIndex
TxbWdth = 90
TxbText = "Enter Holiday Description"
TbxIdx = NextTbIndex
TxbWdth = 120
End If
Set TxbCtrl = ctrl.Pages(PageNum).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & PageNum & "TextBox" & TbxIdx)
With TxbCtrl
.Text = TxbText
.Font = "Arial"
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
'.Top = ctrl.Top + TxbTpMrgn
.Top = TxbTpMrgn
.Left = LeftMrgn
.Height = TxbHght
.Width = TxbWdth
.TabIndex = TbxIdx
.Enabled = True
End With
'RowNum = RowNum + 1
TbxIdx = TbxIdx + 2
TxbTpMrgn = TxbTpMrgn + GapBtRows + TxbHght
'Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
'Set clsHolidayObject.tbxCal = TxbCtrl
'colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
End Sub
Public Sub reset_values()
LeftMrgn = 20
RghtMrgn = 20
BtmMrgn = 10
LblHght = 10
TxbCount = 2
TxbHght = 20
TxbTpMrgn = NextTbxTopMrgn <----- Assigning the text box position here
CmdBtnHght = 18
CmdBtnWdth = 54
CmdBtnCount = 3
GapBtColms = 25
GapBtRows = 10
GapBtBtmRows = 8
End Sub
Your advice on this will be really helpful.
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